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  • #450920

    she shouldnt even be in the final never mind be a superstar ,i think she had ONE good preformance that made me think “maybe “but nar shes mediocre


    the loophole in this and everything else is “where reasonable practicable “


    you certainly know ur stuff pol cheers , it is when left alone


    its my gf,s dog she tried some spray stuff that worked at first , i dnt know wot the other stuff is mel lol , and gaz i know where ye coming from but guns n round ere , i think not


    ok whilst on this subject , stopping a 3 month old sheep dog barking ??? it never fkin stops


    @melody wrote:

    I just researched this and the average firefighter gets 21K a year and works a 42 hour pw shift, on this basis it works out that they are paid £9.60 per hour… I wouldn’t risk my life for that money. Who can blame them if they subsidise their income with other jobs. With average house prices at 7 or 8 times their salary it’s no wonder!

    they get more than that mels but still


    i certainly wouldnt call finding dead kids in burned out homes and risking ur life fighting fires cushty , sorry blunt but true

    and most firefighters that have other jobs are part time so why not


    @kent f OBE wrote:

    You changed your post Basin?
    I believe everyone has the right to strike for their rights. The emergency services get critised for obvious reasons if they rock the boat. But what are they to do?
    Like Tickers says…prob be different if it was one of yours.
    I’m a working class girl from a working class background and support the strikes. Lots of working class like myself have probably moved up a class in other peoples eyes due to a better living, ie I was bought up in a council house now own my own etc.
    But my roots and heart will never change. My dad was a die hard activist for workers rights and he died in the 70s. I will never forget.

    here here sister *apploads*


    oh yes typical british , roll over and get ur belly tickled , good luck firemen , , BA, postal workers , construction workers ,and everyone else who is falling victim to so called “mordernisation ” what it really is is less pay , worse conditions and reduncancies , no fker will back them , its british culture “im alright jack ” but what about when u urself are affected ????


    @bassingbourne55 wrote:

    Leona Lewis is very good, she deserved to win, I like her a lot – but she became a superstar after winning X Factor. Cher Lloyd has a quality of being something different from the usual, but still amazingly talented.

    OK, one could say that about Wagner too – until his performance tonight, which fell a long way short of anything he’d done before. But Cher was amazing, she sang a very emotional song brilliantly, and was in tears as she sang but didn’t waver or falter musically one tiny bit.

    yes she was very good last night , but like leona it will be x factor that makes her a superstar if she does become one

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