when i was about 18 i was provoked into a fight , the minute i reacted police swarmed on me , and i was lifted , a few weeks later i recognised the individual who baited me AND HE WAS IN UNIFORM ,set up
lol pete he hasnt answered my post , he stuck of up for that copper who was as bent as u can get , why ? work it out lol it aint rocket science , but when he,s the victim ? hmmmm , this argument has no credibility what so ever in my eyes
funny how gazlan defends the corrupt copper jailed for 4 years for being bent in a previous post eh , a lil bit more seriuos than what happened to u gaz eh
so what exactly do u do with ppl that refuse to pay fines then , and i think the laws changed has it not , when u serve ur time and get out ur fine awaits u