and to all my aquaintances and freinds of this great just chat ,
A friend of mine is also in great need of help, in fact several of them are, ill scribe a little background to this before getting to my point …
this former great place we use ( the boards )www, was once a thriving , attracting hundreds of posters from near and afar ,there was always always interesting posts , funny posts , serious posts and helpful posts , due to the variety and good humour shared by all , myself and others frequented the boards regular and enjoyed our time here .
Alas the numbers are deminishing from the boards , either finding pasures new , or just not not bothering at all.
The reason???
GAZLAN !!!!!!!! so as i said myself and my aquaintances need help , so if someone out there could find kindness in thier hearts and please PLEASEEEEEEE , de finger gazlan , yes , cut of all his fingers so i cannot type on just chat boards any longer
i hope some one out there hears my plee
take care fellow citizens and lets hope our boards can one day return to the glory days