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  • #438553

    i think this thread proves a few points , firstly gazlan aint all bad lol 2nd it proves everyone aint against u gaz as u seam to think , and last but not least gaz has got a friend in real life afterall lol jk


    @tatler wrote:

    There is no riight or wrong way to mourn , u cant be told / shown how to, as we all deal with it in so many different ways , no matter how weird it might seem to some. Its how we manage that counts . We all do it the best way that we know how , what others think really does not matter.

    exactly right


    maybe i dont want to ignore him though , i tried that , now i fancy a war :wink:


    @melody wrote:

    Ironically I suppose, it is the fact that Gazlan stirs you lot up so much and keeps you all posting that will keep him here no doubt….

    nah loads dont bother anymore coz of him


    good old gaz , the peoples favorite lol


    @sarah_1 wrote:

    Just a thought …….. if we had a whipround maybe we could send him back from whence he came. :wink: :lol:

    whip is round ar se


    be dancing to this sooooooooon at kelso rally


    and to all my aquaintances and freinds of this great just chat ,
    A friend of mine is also in great need of help, in fact several of them are, ill scribe a little background to this before getting to my point …

    this former great place we use ( the boards )www, was once a thriving , attracting hundreds of posters from near and afar ,there was always always interesting posts , funny posts , serious posts and helpful posts , due to the variety and good humour shared by all , myself and others frequented the boards regular and enjoyed our time here .

    Alas the numbers are deminishing from the boards , either finding pasures new , or just not not bothering at all.

    The reason???
    GAZLAN !!!!!!!! so as i said myself and my aquaintances need help , so if someone out there could find kindness in thier hearts and please PLEASEEEEEEE , de finger gazlan , yes , cut of all his fingers so i cannot type on just chat boards any longer

    i hope some one out there hears my plee

    take care fellow citizens and lets hope our boards can one day return to the glory days


    didnt go to skegness in the 70,s on bank hols but went in the 80,s 90,s 2000,s and going to another end of may at kelso

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