Forum Replies Created
19 March, 2011 at 7:31 pm #460819
u say uve been out leafleting , i reckon thats as far as ur politics careeer goes , the bnp are now in the process of trying to convince they are a reputable party , surely they,d see u as a liability to the cause , would they not ???
7 March, 2011 at 10:18 pm #461356@panda12 wrote:
Perhaps the
West should just find an alternative to oil and leave the Arabs to get on with it.
Teapot it seems, is only expressing concern about oil not the Arab people – that’s human compassion for ya!
just leave the arabs to get on with it ? let gadaffi kill ppl who protest ? one could also say thats human compassion for ye with ur comment
6 March, 2011 at 8:41 pm #460812@wakeupdeadisgodlike wrote:
Now i may be being thick here, but to what benifit is it to wind people up into thinking your some kind of depraved sicko?
More likely you have realised your wrong doing and are now trying to back track.
Neither way paints you in good light, does it?
i totally agree , its the biggest kop out yet , doing sumet wrong and then pulling the “its only a wind up card ” bull , uve groomed a kid , end of
19 February, 2011 at 4:08 pm #460803yep “sordid ” u said it , i cant be diplomatic with sumet like that , i aint insulting , im just tellin it how it is. its vile.
19 February, 2011 at 8:53 am #461018i agree also , we need to look after our youngsters at work , they are sometimes overly keen to impress , they are oblivious to danger , we need to keep them safe form themselves as well as the bulllies
19 February, 2011 at 8:47 am #460801@mrs_teapot wrote:
@tom wrote:
@tictax wrote:
next year she,ll be old enough for u to be together ????? SHE.LL BE 15 YEARS OLD YOU DISGUSTING BA ST ARD
No she won’t. I think you’ll find my little lovey, she turned 15. This time next year, she’ll be 16, and we’ll be together. And there’ll be nothing you can do about it. I don’t care what you say or think. I fell inlove with her when I thought she was 20, meh, fair enough she lied, but she’s still very mature, intelligent, funny, and makes me happy. All I have to do is wait a year. I won’t do anything irresponsible, I can keep my wits about me. All I’m doing is waiting.
You’re just jealous.
Thing is Tom girls so young have not matured emotionally. She will possibly have quite a few puppy loves before she eventually finds a true love when she is older. I fear you are headed for a broken heart, she might seem older but she isn’t is she. Anyway you are quite right its none of my business but it is her parents business do they approve I wonder?
u fear for tom getting a broken heart , hes got a child waiting in the wings till she is 16 , anybody who cant see how disgusting and vile it all is , is as bad as he is
17 February, 2011 at 3:52 pm #460254no political party thats trying to win ppl over into believing it is a respectful political party these days , would have u stand for them tom , falling inlove with a 14 year old , and waiting a year so u can be together ???all over the net , common knowledge .
surely any party would see u as liability to the cause , u go on about articles in papers about u , yet ppl from ur area havnt heard of u , ur more famous for grooming young girls than u are for politics
14 February, 2011 at 6:31 pm #460791next year she,ll be old enough for u to be together ????? SHE.LL BE 15 YEARS OLD YOU DISGUSTING BA ST ARD
24 December, 2010 at 8:45 am #457552ok lets do it .
gaz u r ok , i like u , ur posts are interesting….
but thats just my xmas truce , on the 26th ur still the same old pri ck u always were and id like to dig u on the nose :)11 December, 2010 at 9:40 pm #455724divers can go in the water and be safe , its nearer the shore when theres a commotion that attracts the sharks , sharks are curious and feel with thier nose and nibble with thier teeth to explore . i dont believe sharks are man eaters