Lucky replied to the topic What would you do in you woke up in the body of your partner in the board Chat forum one boards 15 years, 11 months ago
@tictax wrote:
i often wake up inside the body of my partner from fallin asleep there
sh*t shag Tic lol jk xx :lol:
ForumHostPB replied to the topic Time to bring our boys home ?? in the board Getting serious 15 years, 11 months ago
@tictax wrote:
it was a joke cas gawddddddd :(
They’re really sensitive these women about their baby talk tictax.
………… maenwhile – back on topic ………
Pete replied to the topic Jade Goody in the board Getting serious 16 years ago
@tictax wrote:
read what i put, and between the lines , thers thousands worse off was my point , and they get my symapathy more
I read what you put and it’s a msg board not a read between the lines boards. So you’re saying the poorer they are the more sympathy they’ll get off you if they’re gonna die, what about how they look or how tall they are…[Read more]
Pete replied to the topic british jobs for british workers in the board Getting serious 16 years ago