tictax replied to the topic Protecting our Children in the board Getting serious 14 years, 7 months ago
@kent f OBE wrote:
@panda12 wrote:
Doesn’t Facebook have settings to stop complete strangers from accessing your details?
Yes Panda it does…and that’s what my eldest couldn’t understand.
I don’t use facebook either, infact I probably wouldn’t know how to use it even if I wanted to, that’s why my eldest keeps track on the youngest.you can…[Read more]
tictax replied to the topic Ian Huntley in the board Getting serious 14 years, 7 months ago
we all know this is morally wrong but we dont have courts of morals we have courts of law , and sick as it is in a court of law he was owed a duty of care and was failed .
he could easily win this case
if your in prison i believe you should loose all your human rightsdont shoot me down for this fact coz i , as much as anybody else would like to…[Read more]
tictax replied to the topic Hae you met the twins
in the board Getting serious 14 years, 7 months ago
tictax replied to the topic Hae you met the twins
in the board Getting serious 14 years, 7 months ago
@sarah_1 wrote:
@GAZLAN wrote:
Delayed response anyone? hahahahahah…. :lol: :lol:
Well Gaz …. perhaps unlike you Pete has a life outside point scoring on here. :roll:
sarah but he did put hes ar se on the net lol thats just asking for it
tictax replied to the topic Hae you met the twins
in the board Getting serious 14 years, 7 months ago
pete is that ur ar se and if it is why put it on the world web for all to see , not being funny like but that in itself is a bit wierd as well as gaz saving it .
but i do find it all a lil amusing :) -
tictax replied to the topic Hae you met the twins
in the board Getting serious 14 years, 7 months ago
hahahahaha , sorry but got to agree with ppl,s fav on this , why would u do that ?? lol
tictax replied to the topic The all new shining what you listening to thread in the board Art, poetry, music and film 14 years, 7 months ago
sarah i put a song up for ye back there , did u listen or what lyk lyk lyk
tictax replied to the topic Les Miserables. in the board Off topic chat 14 years, 7 months ago
@maybe wrote:
@will wrote:
i can dance like billy elliot.
light as a feather.. but i sting like a bee.
Will is that when your eating a chicken phall curry? lol..
And tics yes was very good, my daughter just ordered the cd online,and shes singing it 24/7 :roll:get the dvd les miserables 10 year edition , its called ” the dream cast ” absolutely…[Read more]
tictax replied to the topic Blooming government…. in the board Getting serious 14 years, 7 months ago
why is it foriegners know every scam in the book on benefits , im not gettin into a race war but a certain race in particular are scamming every fkin system going , and im not talkin a bit of fiddling ere n there like brits do , ie , workin on side , invalidity , and gettin a car n sky in .
these fkers are virtual millionaires -
tictax replied to the topic The all new shining what you listening to thread in the board Art, poetry, music and film 14 years, 7 months ago
@SusieQ wrote:
@tictax wrote:
i love this , sarah will lyk this one
was about to post this myself :lol: fab song
its the best song ive heard for a long time
tictax replied to the topic Les Miserables. in the board Off topic chat 14 years, 7 months ago
its absolutely fantastic , ive saw loads , les mis is my fav , and i dreamed a dream fav song from shows
tictax replied to the topic The all new shining what you listening to thread in the board Art, poetry, music and film 14 years, 7 months ago
i love this , sarah will lyk this one
tictax replied to the topic Raoul Moat in the board Getting serious 14 years, 7 months ago
@Bad Manners wrote:
Yeah, I actually feel for his family that have been left behind. In this case and the Derek Bird case. The family have been left behind having to deal with what happened, and it must be very hard for them.
In this case though his brother hadnt seem for 15 years or 20 years, so I really dont get his tears. Maybe he should have… -
tictax replied to the topic World Cup 2010 in the board The Locker Room 14 years, 7 months ago
the whole thing was a huge disapointment , in footbal terms that is, coz south africa put on a really good show ,the final itself was ruined by the dutch who couldnt get near spain so used thuggish tactics which were at times down right crude , i didnt care who won at the start but was right behind spain by half time, howard webb did ok in a…[Read more]
tictax replied to the topic heavy sighs and deeper thighs. in the board Getting serious 14 years, 7 months ago
some ppl have got to know each other over time quite well and are friends , obviously others arent gonna fit right in , to get on in chat or on boards u have to be, outgoing , funny , big in character or , simply honest and genuine if u are and u give it time , ull fit in , i dnt think there are cliques , just ppl that know each other well and are friends
tictax replied to the topic Well, we`ve had big brother…but now :-0 in the board Off topic chat 14 years, 8 months ago
jeez , do u go looking for old posts or do u save them as they are written just in case , either way i find it strange .
gaz theres no need to put up old posts , if ppl had out to hide by them they wouldnt of put them up in the first place man lollolol -
tictax replied to the topic Well, we`ve had big brother…but now :-0 in the board Off topic chat 14 years, 8 months ago
gaz u only see what u wana see and hear what u wanna hear , always the victim -
tictax replied to the topic World Cup 2010 in the board The Locker Room 14 years, 8 months ago
Pete wrote:
Could easily have been 1-1, Johnson is going to be taken apart by better strikers and wingers, Rooney simply isn’t firing. Better performance but it’s going to have to improve an awful lot more if were going to go any further.[/quocant really say that , if u take everyones chances into consideration could easily of been 4-1 england then
tictax replied to the topic World Cup 2010 in the board The Locker Room 14 years, 8 months ago
3 have tipped the argies in the poll , i was the only one before a ball was kicked , other 2 are glory hunters who have jumped on the argie band wagon lol
tictax replied to the topic World Cup 2010 in the board The Locker Room 14 years, 8 months ago
please dont say its gonna be terry and carrigher at centre back now ,both know they are to slow and both use underhand tactics to compensate for it , in this tournament they will be found out
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