tictax replied to the topic What’s on your walls? in the board Art, poetry, music and film 15 years, 3 months ago
my mother had a painting of a nude woman on our walls when i was kid , it was sooooooo embarrassing at the time
tictax replied to the topic the floods in the board Getting serious 15 years, 3 months ago
choose another thread
tictax replied to the topic Heey-elp! in the board Getting serious 15 years, 3 months ago
think sarah got it spot on with girl
tictax replied to the topic Heey-elp! in the board Getting serious 15 years, 3 months ago
kill to birds with one stone , get the girl something in a big box and give the boy the box , he,ll be happy as larry lol
tictax replied to the topic Poems are Rubbish (on the whole)! in the board Art, poetry, music and film 15 years, 3 months ago
@minim wrote:
OK then, what do you think of this… is a stanza from a poem called Don’t Look Back.
Inspite of and because of
All is in turmoil.
Green fields of irises
Hide bowel deep cankers
As the hunter stalks the prey.all is turmoil because every living thing is hunting and being hunted
tictax replied to the topic X Factor …… in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 3 months ago
oh please, i dnt particulally like olly , but he can sing a bit , n thats what its about , the young lad with cute smile has been out of depth from the beginning , he wouldnt win a kareoke comp down the red lion, u tellin me hes a good singer ? or u just stickin with him coz of his looks and nievety if ur saying he can sing then im not even giving…[Read more]
tictax replied to the topic X Factor …… in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 3 months ago
hahhaha at the brothers grim tonight , aweful as ever , bye bye and good ridence , Lloyd beating olly tho ?
tictax replied to the topic Poems are Rubbish (on the whole)! in the board Art, poetry, music and film 15 years, 3 months ago
@jen_jen wrote:
Surely all forms of communication are open to differing interpretation by different people?
Unless it’s a short sentence of unambiguous words of one syllable, but even then…today I heard a young girl telling a guy in no uncertain terms to “Feck off”, pretty clear you’d think, but he grinned goofily, looked at his mate and said… -
tictax replied to the topic xmas e cards in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 3 months ago
do u do pesonalised ones? i want to send will one that will make go BANG !!!! when he opens it
tictax replied to the topic Poems are Rubbish (on the whole)! in the board Art, poetry, music and film 15 years, 3 months ago
in the words of a robbie williams song , ” there selling razor blades and mirrors in the streets , cocaine , chopped up with a razor and snorted from a mirror , next day , on come down , look at ur self in mirror and feel suicidal , the razor .thats how i see the meaning of those words, he goes on to say hes scum in thats song, his feelings of…[Read more]
tictax replied to the topic Poems are Rubbish (on the whole)! in the board Art, poetry, music and film 15 years, 3 months ago
great poets can write a life time of philosophy in one verse so yes it is how we persieve it , thats how its meant to be i think
tictax replied to the topic Poems are Rubbish (on the whole)! in the board Art, poetry, music and film 15 years, 3 months ago
everyones different , take music for instance , i like music for the words in the songs , dylan couldnt sing but was a poet , weller too , i love them both , others like the tune , theres a poet called ted hughes i love his stuff , others would get it or understand
tictax replied to the topic Poems are Rubbish (on the whole)! in the board Art, poetry, music and film 15 years, 3 months ago
@SusieQ wrote:
personnaly speaking poetry isn’t always for others to appreciate but for a way to express oneself
absolutely spot on there
the greatest poets wrote thier stuff whilst going through some kind of trauma in life ,in hard times i can write poems , when happy i dnt know where to start,
i cant do happy poems lol -
tictax replied to the topic X Factor …… in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 3 months ago
Lloyd cant sing
tictax replied to the topic X Factor …… in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 3 months ago
so its ok 4 him too be bad but not the twins eh lol , he shud of walked ages ago , hes there coz of how he looks , end of
tictax replied to the topic X Factor …… in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 3 months ago
nah Lloyd mite go b4 them yet , hes bad too
tictax replied to the topic X Factor …… in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 3 months ago
hmmm and those twins are still going strong, so ur point is ?
tictax replied to the topic X Factor …… in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 3 months ago
still trying to get my head round the statement leon ur fav x factor winner ever tho lol wtf
tictax replied to the topic X Factor …… in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 3 months ago
have to admit i had a sneaky peak sarah but only coz daughter was watching , i agree joe was diff class tonight , my 2 from beginning still there stacey n joe
tictax replied to the topic the floods in the board Getting serious 15 years, 3 months ago
i knew him , not as a mate but knew who he was etc , lived 1 mile off me, my village is ok , but if u drive out of it its like a war zone , choppers , police , ambulances ,and the ppl out in their wellies mucking in , noone like us 4 that
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