tico replied to the topic your thoughts please in the board Off Topic Chat 13 years, 2 months ago
Dont go in there if you dont like it
tico replied to the topic thought for the day in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 2 months ago
Walking on water is certainly miraculous, but walking peacefully on earth is an even greater miracle.
tico replied to the topic thought for the day in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 2 months ago
Are we not drawn onward, we few,drawn onward to new era.
tico replied to the topic JC Couples in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 2 months ago
@PennyJ wrote:
Ok this is purely for fun but i am sure we have all noticed that we have quite a few JC couples, so I thought i would start off with a few and I am hoping that everyone will join in and either name the ones that they see as a couple already or perhaps suggestions of any blossoming ones :)
Rob and Envy :)
Rosepetal and Yukon… -
tico replied to the topic // in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 2 months ago
Reprisals lol go and spend a couple of months in the real world then come back and delete this post Blossom.
tico replied to the topic Word of the day? in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 2 months ago
I fear Wills is in a no win situation.He openly posts pictures of himself and is called a fake, if he didnt he would join some of you other fraudsters in here.
tico replied to the topic STORY WARS in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 2 months ago
What about a 4th option please stop now.
tico replied to the topic Question? in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 3 months ago
@kent f OBE wrote:
Is it ever right to do the wrong thing? Is it ever wrong to do the right thing?
seek the little flower in the corner of the garden and let it tell you the opportunity it took.
tico replied to the topic Question? in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 3 months ago
you can do the right thing which might be wrong, but if it feels right its right not wrong, cos sometimes the wrong thing which should be right can be wrong so you right the wrong and its wrong, but it doesnt make it right to right that wrong if you see what i mean.
tico replied to the topic thought for the day in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 3 months ago
on the idle hill of summer
tico replied to the topic The Real World of JC the following day .. in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 3 months ago
Not my cup of tea, but fair play to you camel, a lot of people enjoy your stories so good luck to you.
tico replied to the topic THE BIG BIG QUESTION in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 3 months ago
Between them they have the iq of a baked potato, they both should be banned,along with a couple of other prats on here.