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active 7 years, 1 month ago
Banned again because of some megalomaniac chat guide on a power trip… there will be no one left soon , just a few coffin dodgers talking about going to the bingo and what their favourite colour is. View
By the way I would check your stats if your going to quote things try and at least get the order of magnitude half right!!!!
2. The cumulative number
Comparisons can help us to understand scale. Since 1968, when these figures were first collected, there have been 1,516,863 gun-related deaths on US territory. Since the founding of the United States, there have been 1,396,733 war deaths.
The UK has laws about guns but the wrong people can still get hold of them.I held a gun licence for 20yrs and lost a gun in 1988 after the gov made new laws after Michael Ryan went on his shoot up. The gov said no more 5 shot auto 12 bores but you could have a 3 shoot. We couldnt sell them and just had to wait for the knock on the door. I love my sport but the gov didnt like us.Do you think all these guns were just handed over? Not all gun owners will go on a shoot up. Its the army guns no one should have at home.
It’s still more difficult to obtain as gun in the Uk as you say meaning fewer fatalities. Trump mentions “mental health” but I doubt gun stores have qualified psychiatrists on standby ready to interview any prospective purchaser.It doesn’t take all gun owners to go on a shootup, ones enough.
Mr Smith likes to go a hunting. Maybe you can beat him to it Norfolk and they can fire water pistols or pillow fights. Perhaps that’s too inhumane and they can just shout!!! By the way I would check your stats if your going to quote things try and at least get the order of magnitude half right!!! The most lethal weapon in the word is fear!!!!
Try telling the most lethal weapon is fear to the 18 month olds parents who was shot dead at the church a few days ago.. maybe it will encourage you to stop spouting sh1te but I doubt it .
The uk is bringing in laws to make the carrying of corrosive substances illegal but regardless, you say it is everyones right to own a gun which is why gun crimes account for 1.5 million deaths and a 48 times higher fatality rate than the uk per head of population. Look at the state of some jc regs for eg, you would advocate they all have a right to end your life potentially on a whim just by pulling a trigger? It’s ridiculous, arm special branches of security/police who have training but I have yet to hear one compelling argument for “Mr Smith” owning a gun on a Wednesday morning in a bad mood at traffic lights.
Trump ” Guns aren’t a problem” .. well in a country where anyone can wander down the road with a machine gun on their way to walmart as it offends their ” constitutional right” not bearing arms, what do you expect when 26 are murdered in a church? Apparently “mental illness” is the problem.. how can anyone define or identify mental illness in someone popping in for a coffee and a mini gun on their way to work. Firearms should be restricted to a very small number of people, no one should ” have the right” to carry something which can end multiple lives so easily
Maffa when was the last time you walked down a street in the states and seen someone carrying a gun? In most states there it is illegal to carry a gun in public.And its there right just like we have the right to free speech. IM pro gun and always will be but NO ONE should be able to keep an SA80 or AR18 or anything like that cause they have the right to bare arms
so if I don’t see a gun it’s fine as long as they have it in a pocket or under a jacket.. makes perfect sense. It’s no ones ” right” to carry something that can kill so easily. Are you in favour of people carrying knives as well as their right and if not why not- what’s the difference? A gun is far more dangerous than any knife will ever be. I’m still waiting for someone to explain why the murder rates with guns is so high in the states and qualify that with reasons beyond poor gun control.
Guns are used for defence too and sport. Most bullets are not used to kill/maim people. Ever heard of agriculture? Cars, mainly transport but also collectable.
A gun is designed to fire a bullet which is designed to maim or cripple. The fact you believe guns were ever designed for anything else shows up a real lack of understanding basic facts. You state ” have I ever heard of agriculture” which I assume you mean culling animals etc so how is that not maiming or killing? Cars are an essential part of modern day life, no common layman needs to own a gun unless you are shaking in trepidation at walking to a local paper shop. Guns fuel violence, they don’t solve it. I am still waiting for an explanation why there are more gun related crimes in America than the UK per head of population but expect it will be a long wait.
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by TheNorfolkMafia.
I wonder if uncle fester / festus would be so liberal with gun laws if it was his relative slaughtered in the church by someone who basically popped in to his local store for a pint of milk and gun. The Uk has many problems, but the the reason we don’t see the number of incidents of gun crime compared to the states is due to stricter gun control laws. America will always have some degenerate like fester in a cowboy hat screaming yeeeeeehaaaaw as he shoots empty beer cans off fences demanding it’s his right for anyone to partake in the “fun”. How many times do these beer cans need to be replaced with human skulls before the country wakes up accepting there is a huge issue with people obtaining firearms who can barely control their own bladder, let alone a lethal weapon.
Are you for real. Can you imagine your kids or grand kidslive in a world where they don’t praise god or any other religion, just a man
What do you think Jesus is other than a man, the son of God ? Religion has caused more deaths than anything else in human history.
I was brought up Christian, went to church, have, Christian values and live my life in a Christian way. However I’m not religious. I chose to feel like that and live like that.I can do that you see.
You’re free to do as you choose, but someone not praising a God isn’t a bad thing. Im not sure what ” Christian values ” constitute when the church is saturated with corruption, paedophilia and hypocrisy so will assume you mean a respectable moral compass.. something the church has never or will ever possess despite proclamations to the contrary.
Howdy! I reckon you are one of the Euro disarmed folks who think guns are evil. “Machine Guns”? give me a break. “Mini Guns”? Do you even know what a mini-gun is? Fire arms should be available to every citizen of every Country.
Fire arms should be available to every citizen of every country shows what a tool you are .. give them to everyone and lets have a blood bath. Guns are normally for cowards too frightened to fight like men so cower behind fire arms.. you would advocate giving guns to convicted criminals and the mentally ill like yourself then?