active 7 years, 1 month agoForum Replies Created
4 June, 2017 at 7:32 pm #1049498
I suggest Ge , you educate yourselves on exactly what muslims believe or don’t believe instead of continually portraying them as an oppressed group of people that are decent law abiding individuals with it only being a ” tiny minority”.
4 June, 2017 at 7:28 pm #1049496It doesn’t take “most mosques” to exhibit extremist behaviour or issue propaganda inciting hatred does it? Due to the sheer number of mosques in the UK which is estimated at nearly 2000, a small percentage would be enough to create carnage.
That isn’t what you said. You said “many”.
Islam has a hugely disproportional number of individuals that take the literal meaning from the Quran as they interpret it and enact their version of it.
No it doesn’t, again factually incorrect, there are around 2 billion Muslims, the vast percentage moderate, who live normal law abiding lives, including in the UK. Why do you write these posts, for what purpose? Because when you veer into an extremist, intolerant mode yourself, you don’t do yourself, or your cause any favours. You do realize right, who initially armed and trained ISIS, in secret training camps in Jordan etc, you like your google, google it. Google the Saudi regime. Google Afghanistan. Find the clues for yourself and don’t put 2 and 2 together and reach 5.
You can troll the thread all you like being overly pedantic over what constitutes “many”. If there are nearly 2000 mosques, even a few of those would constitute using the word “many” with such numbers. If there are so few of these people as you claim, why are there so many incidents of carnage from them which debunks your tiny minority argument as irrelevant .
There are approximately 1.7 billion muslims worldwide, most of whom live in countries ripped apart by conflict , crime and regimes that would be unrecognisable in the eyes of most people in western europe yet in your deluded view we can just welcome these people here and expect them to fully integrate coming from countries which stone non believers to death, castrate homosexuals and routinely rape women with no or little intervention from the law what little exists of it. Many of these people are savages, who will never integrate with western society. Maybe instead of coming online bitter at your cowardice which was prevalent for all to see on the other thread, you can tell us what your solution would be or are you just content to hide in your bedroom waiting for the next slaughter by people that should never be in the UK in the first place?
4 June, 2017 at 6:58 pm #1049490There are no blatant lies, I have seen some of these leaflets inciting hatred to western values with my own eyes
You stated “many of them”. Just because you claim, you have seen a leaflet or two. As I said a well written piece, getting into the intricacies of “multi multiculturalism” but the whole premise of your thesis was built upon a blatant lie. Quite clearly “most” Mosques in the UK would not tolerate extremism on their premises.
It doesn’t take “most mosques” to exhibit extremist behaviour or issue propaganda inciting hatred does it? Due to the sheer number of mosques in the UK which is estimated at nearly 2000, a small percentage would be enough to create carnage.
There needs to be complete vetting of all mosques due to the dangers they inherently pose, as the “religion” if you can call Islam that, is simply incompatible with most western countries no matter how many times people wear T shirts displaying unity messages and RIP threads. Any form of extreme religion is dangerous and Islam has a hugely disproportional number of individuals that take the literal meaning from the Quran as they interpret it and enact their version of it. Whether this is what was intended by the writer of this book of mythology is largely irrelevant , the fact so many people are brainwashed into a state of mind where creating carnage is a path ” to paradise ” is not discouraged and even promoted at many mosques. It’s no good simply stating ” most muslims are peace loving” when there is a huge problem of extremism” fostered in a country which seems to tolerate any behaviour incase someone is offended and continually promoting multi culturalism where some cultures incorporate marching with placards , poisoning the minds of naive intellectually challenged young people into following in the same footsteps as Abedi.
4 June, 2017 at 6:34 pm #1049483There are no blatant lies, I have seen some of these leaflets inciting hatred to western values with my own eyes so you keep burying your head in the sand incorporating the deluded presumption that a religion which centralises on non believers being an enemy of their core belief system are accepting a country which is predominantly non Islam.
4 June, 2017 at 6:12 pm #1049471i didnt take it down and you know nothing about what i do or don’t do in my community to tackle the issue so maybe you shouldn’t prejudge people
You edited it, whilst the original post criticising the OP has disappeared into the sunset. I don’t “pre judge”, I take as I find. By the way ” you don’t know nothing ” implies I know something as it’s a double negative but carry on.
4 June, 2017 at 6:00 pm #1049463I think you’re also on the wrong thread Norfolk.
Nope , responding to Angels post about ” we need to show respect ” which she has taken down. I think as I have said before we are all respectful over the dead , but time for action to prevent or at least minimise the risk of these events becoming a regular occurrence rather than the proverbial wailing wall of Jerusalem online and from public figures. Why are we still living in a country with 1750 mosques , many of them handing leaflets out promoting radicalism for eg? Why are terror suspects with links to extreme groups beyond any reasonable doubt not either deported or incarcerated .. or do the “human rights ” of these individuals prevail over the right to protect life? I’m sick of reading tiresome rhetoric from politicians dancing round these issues incase some is offended rather than actually dealing with points and actually delivering on measures to protect us all.
As a general pretext, people are generally fed up in the UK of having the rest of the world foisted on them – in London an extremely ill integrated city once you get out of Zones 1 & 2, white British is now the minority majority at 44% of the population.
I have property on the margins of London (the part the Guardian readers never see) . I’m the only native English speaker of maybe 100 people. I often hear Turkish, Eritrean, Nigerian kids telling me they’ll never be British and have no interest in being so. I often sit there wondering about what the tangible benefit of all this is to the ordinary pre 1997 British person, do I feel like an alien in my own home countrys capital city? Absolutely. Is it wrong that this concerns me?
Whether you agree that there is such a thing as British values or not, as someone who’s spent the majority of my adult life visiting both democratic and authoritarian, muslim, atheist, buddhist and hindu countries, I can absolutely assure you that there is such a thing as British values and now I’m back in the UK I can visibly see these being washed away by a defiant patchwork of other peoples histories and cultures – a great apolitical book to read on this is ‘This is London’ by Ben Judah, an eye opening account where he lives, Orwell style, with immigrants arriving in London and blows apart common conception that the second immigrants arrive in Britain they somehow become ‘British’ or have any desire to become British.
This is where being a liberal causes me problems, borders were not only built to keep people out, they were built to protect values. We’re told as liberals that we should celebrate ethnic diversity and push for a multicultural society – I ask you why? How would you feel if you went to, say Japan, and Toyko was 54% ‘other’, every high street had a Peri Peri chicken shop and a ‘Dubai Mart’, would you see that as a celebration of diversity and vibrancy still – or a dilution of culture and beliefs? No one’s telling Japan it needs an infusion of people from Pakistan or Turkey to make it ‘more diverse’ or ‘more cultural’, no one accuses the Japanese of being ‘small minded’ because they don’t welcome immigrants.
The more people we allow in from countries with crackpot ideologies, or that follow religions emanating from countries with crackpot ideologies which are having increasing influence overseas (see the rapid spread of Wahhabism in Indonesia), in simple and real terms, the greater the chance of attacks like this happening again and again. We’re currently living in a time where integration rates are at their lowest ever, we need to slow immigration down, not stop it, slow it down.
We’re sweeping the main issue under the rug – can Europe be the home to to everyone and anyone in the world that wants to come and live here – is this even desirable and who for? We’ve lost in the ability to argue our own case, we’re so guilty about about ourselves, self doubting, guilty about our past, and so forgiving of others and willing to champion their needs over ours, that we’ve completely lost sight of what makes our country so attractive to people overseas in the first place.
Finally, Andy Burnham is only out for one thing, votes. Not being able (or brave enough) to connect the actions of the son of a Libyan asylum seeker who was involved in militant islamist groups in North Africa to Islam, is borderline insanity. Stop virtue signalling and pull your head out the sand.
4 June, 2017 at 5:23 pm #1049426Showing respect by typing RIP sitting at home in a cosy arm chair- what will that accomplish exactly other than a selfish ” look at me, I care ” gesture which in many cases is done for the persons own ego, rather than expressing genuine empathy. This country needs to be pro active tackling extremism by dealing with all faith schools, mosques which are breeding grounds inciting hated for many regarding western life and challenging radical behaviour, not typing RIP all day lighting candles which serves no purpose for anyone. The genuine trend in this country is continual groundhog day, politicians repeatedly stating how terrible it all is , lit candles, poems and songs in tribute and some woman in islamic attire being wheeled out infront of the cameras saying it’s unrepresentative of Islam. Same old shite without any progress .. just empty platitudes / gestures leading nowhere instead of real progress being made approaching the Islamic community and weeding out these animals.
31 May, 2017 at 10:50 am #1047876Sounds like drac is being paranoid in her quest for blood
30 May, 2017 at 10:22 pm #1047718what happened drac?
25 May, 2017 at 1:48 pm #1045529I’d also imagine drac many of these taxi companies are keen to have national media announce they are prepared to give people free rides.. its effectively free advertisement for their company generating potentially numerous new clients in future. It’s like these makeover shows on tv, as soon as someone with a camera goes to a store asking for free material they are all too ready to help out of “the goodness of their heart” but send in a homeless guy with no media the police will be called to be carted off asap.
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