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active 7 years, 1 month ago
Banned again because of some megalomaniac chat guide on a power trip… there will be no one left soon , just a few coffin dodgers talking about going to the bingo and what their favourite colour is. View
clearly to many rude people on here in the chat rooms , we all have bad days , and I don’t come on here much , but from what iv seen on the chat , when iv come in , its like reading a very bad mannered chat , people who are rude , really shouldn’t be doing that right ? So MOD the chat and remove the rudeness .
What one person defines as “rudeness” isn’t the same as another … chatrooms reflect real life and you will always encounter people who you interpret as “rude” unless you lock yourself away in a cupboard somewhere. If you really need people to hold you hand in an online chatroom ” modding it” I suggest a backbone, a sense of perspective and some balls that clearly need to be grown.
All his posting is doing my nut in Martin,Pretty pretty please ?
All this coming from someone who posted a few days ago
” This Norfolk blokes a right twat. He goes on about people being in here 24/7 and its him. As soon as someone says something he’s got to open his gob in 2 secs. Pot kettle black in my book. Thinking he’s the four eyes knob trying to make himself look big. But reading this he’s Billy Bunter anyway fat cunt.”
Ban yourself kid or practice what you preach you whining little girl accusing others of things you’re an expert in.
With Labour in the lead by 6 points in the latest opinion polling (for what that’s worth), I don’t see another election as a way out of the mess that May has got her govt. and her country into. We’ve wasted months of essential brexit negotiating time in party manoeuvring and electioneering, and we’re about to waste more time in a crisis over who is to be PM. Hold another election, and you could end up in the same mess. Worse, from the Tory point of view, you could end up with a Labour government of some kind. great as far as I’m concerned, but if I were a Tory I would be very nervous about calling another election. Even if you were ahead in the polls when you called it (May had a twenty point lead!), you may well not be by the end. The sacking of those two aides is the writing on the wall. May relied exclusively on them for advice. The three of them were as thick as thieves. When Tory MPs called on may yesterday and told them that her leadership would be challenged next week unless she sacked the two of them, that was it. She’s not running anything now – she’s being run, and hot for long.
I think the validity of any poll has been long since shot down in flames.. the polls suggested a tory landslide a few weeks ago, a trump defeat, a remain vote in the EU- they haven’t a clue and are simply guessing pulling extrapolated figures from misleading data.
I’ve already posted links to mosques giving out extremist leaflets, you’re just too dull to read them bitch boy but keep trolling the forum… I’m not the one posting on it every day at 5 am in rage.
As I have said before and will no doubt say again, Wallyboy, JC’s self proclaimed keyboard Rambo, skulks behind his keyboard, tap tapping away words he will never utter outside of his bedroom. Online anonymity protects these keyboard warriors and without that “veil”, like all cowards and bullies, they shrink and wither when confronted in the real world.
You keep saying this but bottled it when an arranged fight was requested as you knew you would get smashed. You keep typing the same lines all day and night if it makes you feel braver but others saw the thread before it was deleted and your subsequent cowardice was there for all to see.