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  • #1059569

    Sport is a context of physical ability and skill, that is inherantly masquline.

    Except all the Olympic level (elite) sport that isn’t, like gymnastics, equestrian, ice dance etc. :good:

    You’ve already been told in gymnastics that men can do routines women can’t yet still keep using it as an example. Equestrian involves sitting on a horse ffs and ice dance ! Jesus wept … how many men take up “ice dancing” as a vocation? It’s like using the snooker analogy, you are comparing apples and oranges where there are not equal numbers competing yet you appear too thick to see it.

    I will give my opinion, when I like, whether you like it or not, whatever ID you are in today. For obvious reasons, your participation in particular, the debate can’t evolve and question the prevailing sexism in sport which leads to an unequal playing field, when it comes to both genders. Which then leads to unequal funding and prize money. :good:

    They should do a sponsor to how many times you keep repeating sexism over and over.. why do you keep banging the sexist drum without actually answering anything on the thread. Regulars in forum 3 have accused you of being a cross dresser, so is the bitterness at sexism actually from simply trolling a forum not using or understanding what sexism actually means when discussing biological facts in sport or are you speaking from your alter ego shirley I believe it is? The constant pandering and crawling is sickly to see.. you are being presented with facts and have no answers to them to revert back to your default status of sexism again as your arguments fall down around your ears. Ice dancing … dear oh dear. You have been asked to provide an eg of a sport where men and women compete in equal numbers not involving a machine or animal and you come up with equestrian and ice dancing. 😅


    Infact even in equestrian men outperform women.. here is the world ranking where the highest woman is nowhere to be seen in the top ten.



    Sport is a context of physical ability and skill, that is inherantly masquline.

    Except all the Olympic level (elite) sport that isn’t, like gymnastics, equestrian, ice dance etc. :good:

    You’ve already been told in gymnastics that men can do routines women can’t yet still keep using it as an example. Equestrian involves sitting on a horse ffs and ice dance ! Jesus wept … how many men take up “ice dancing” as a vocation? It’s like using the snooker analogy, you are comparing apples and oranges where there are not equal numbers competing yet you appear too thick to see it.


    Well Nemesis you make a point. KingS – The Williams sisters, vanity fair pic? One an alleged OAP killer, the other likes to copy Demi Moore on some chav pic. One is doing adverts for beds, etc. They would do anything for money!!! I get them mixed up just one is slightly less masculine than the other and whacks the ball about 2mph slower. In the scheme of things, that child will be proud of her mum for making Kim Kardibum look to have dignity. Women 1 Men 1.1

    This just about sums it up doesn’t it. The prevailing sexism in today’s modern society. When women are successful in sport they are then described as “masculine” and when they exploit advertisement opportunities, like men have for decades, they are negatively compared to talentless TV reality personalities who have never achieved anything other than being famous, just for being famous. :negative:

    You can’t make a post without using the same old rhetoric of sexism / racism nonsense.. it’s like a broken record continually playing the same song where you pad your posts out of regurgitated phrases you have found in your extremely limited dictionary without addressing any points raised…. just hot air as always.


    In addition to that all the teams play each other and are not kept apart in the latter stages due to ability differences


    Not really Draculina as it’s an even playing field or should be… For example in the Champions League let’s say a team from Romania progresses past the group stages, they get paid the same amount as say Barcelona for progressing. UEFA don’t start getting into politics about how Barcelona are superior and should get more. Wimbledon could do the exact same thing with the pot too, split it evenly between them all, sometimes the women’s game is much more exciting as more rallies go on.

    A silly analogy as all teams play the same 90 minutes but women play the equivalent of 54 minutes  in wimbledon.


    Incidentally your continual crawling up womens arses on this forum is particularly sickly. I suspect even the women you are evidently trying to impress defending an argument with no basis of fact find you fairly cringeworthy and creepy. Grow some balls and a spine instead of the racism, sexism cards trying to win cheap popularity points on an internet forum…. it’s pathetic to see you deny biological facts to appear as some kind of white knight coming to the rescue. Even women on the thread are disagreeing with what you are saying bar the odd lunatic talking about the knitting world champion.


    You need a crash course in human biology if you think women can match physical attributes of men in sport. You still can’t name a single sport where women outperform men and are simply embarrassing yourself with no logic to your posts other than the usual rantings of sexism displaying your ignorance in understanding what the word actually means.

    I am not ranting at all. Far from it. Why are you trying to dictate what I feel or don’t? Just like other people who also think your comments are sexist are also not “stupid” as you branded them. You didn’t mention “biology” until others quite rightly did. You pepper your language with aggressive sexist statements which is what I object to. Finally you keep including sport of your choice after originally stating men “dominate” women all ALL sport. They clearly don’t. The conversation could have evolved into whether women will ever close the 10% gap in some sport and why women compete equally in others. etc etc but unfortunately because you are so rigid in your views there is nowhere else for this topic to go. In my opinion. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    What other people think or don’t think is irrelevant and doesn’t detract from anything as I’m confident enough in facts without needing affirmation of it on an internet forum. You seem to think you are in a majority despite others on the thread laughing at your posts but if you honestly think women are physically equal to men in sporting circles why don’t they compete against one another? I object to your presence on this forum, you’re a bag of hot air that is full of waffle and when challenged come up short in every way. Despite being asked several times to provide examples to validate your points of these sports and other things discussed you keep reverting to the usual silly sexism rhetoric. There’s only so many times I can ask you to provide eg of sports women beat men at before realising you are talking to someone out of their depth and pissing in the wind.

    Name a single sport with evidence behind it showing women can compete and beat men for the fifth time


    and suggesting only his choice of sport applies, which changed when he realized men do not dominate women in all sport as he originally stated.  

    Nothing has changed , all sport that doesn’t involve animal or machine


    As far as male rule makers of wimbledon go , bearing in mind the patron is the duchess of cambridge and the director of the entire championship is female – it confirms what we already know… that you are as thick as pig sh1t sadly and havent a clue what you are talking about.

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