active 7 years, 1 month agoForum Replies Created
9 July, 2017 at 7:39 pm #1059907
I view it totally differently. If there is any evidence that Muslims observing Ramadan are making poor decisions specifically due to dehydration, then why are employers not moving them to a separate, less risky role, until after. Why would they be sacked, the employer must have been aware they observe Ramadan. Employers are responsible for overall health and safety and employees are responsible for adhering to any such training.
Well of course you view it totally differently as your brain works in a similar way to arce defending all “minorities regardless of whether they are in the right or not . The bottom line is , he works as a crane operator and if he can’t do what he is employed to do for religious beliefs he shouldn’t be doing the job in the first place. Why should employers have to move him to a less risky role if he is selfish enough to continue operating cranes putting lives at risk because of his pagan rituals?
Rudeboy logic again. Apparently the Muslim world in far hotter and humid climates than the UK, completely shuts down during Ramadan and no one is employed in high risk jobs at all. Like pilots and firemen/police/nurses/doctors etc etc etc. In Rudeboys world it is just an excuse, any old excuse, to get very angry at individual Muslims and Islam, again.
so building companies should be forced to shut down during Ramadan should they in a non muslim country incase Mr muslim kills someone? Behave and talk sense.. you either adapt to a countries customs or leave. How many people from the uk would be able to move to a muslim country and not work over xmas as they were celebrating the birth of Jesus ?
9 July, 2017 at 7:35 pm #1059901Wrong choice, muslims (or any other religious group) should not be given special treatment.
Thank god you don’t run the world Drac !
Thank god you dont if you support people operating highly dangerous cranes close to passing out due to not being able to take on adequate nutrition.
I was referring the general intolerance & negativity Drac appears to have. It goes without saying that safety comes first & “special treatment” doesn’t come into question. Employers are legally obliged to take multi faith celebration into consideration so perhaps therefore he should of taken holiday over Ramadan & if that wasn’t possible moved to a job that was less dangerous. Many of my Muslim clinical colleagues work the night shift over Ramadan. We live in a multicultural society these day. Singling any one group out is called racism.
I wondered how long it would be before the old racism drum was banged again for stating no muslim should be working operating machinery that could kill people due to their beliefs of not drinking water / imbibing food. It’s normally an argument perpetuated by the braindead but carry on
Sticks & stones …. no perhaps I can see a situation from both angles. I am far from braindead too thank you very much. Pardon me for having a view ….. I will leave you to hurl your insults.
It’s no good playing victim , this type of behaviour accusing people of racism where it doesn’t exist is tiresome in society in general. You said yourself health and safety comes first , yet when someone says no muslim should be operating machinery that can kill affected by ramadam due to lack of food/water they are ” racist”. Make your mind up- which is it?
9 July, 2017 at 7:32 pm #1059899I never mentioned race ! “I said singling any one group out is called racism”. As I said too perhaps his employers should of allowed him to take leave or moved him to a less dangerous jobs. The employer obviously knew he was Muslim.
Racism requires race to be involved in the conversation. Regardless, Islam is not a race.
Oh fgs … look the word up in the dictionary eh.
I’m afraid it’s you that needs to look the word up in a dictionary and requires a basic education if you think Islam is a race.
9 July, 2017 at 7:31 pm #1059898It goes without saying that safety comes first & “special treatment” doesn’t come into question.
If the worker in question was not a muslim, and still behaved in the same way then they probably would have been reported. How can you describe this in any way except for special treatment?
We live in a multicultural society these day. Singling any one group out is called racism.
Nobody mentioned race, why are you so quick to bring it up?
Read the rest of my post & stop dragging the points out that you can twist. I never mentioned race ! “I said singling any one group out is called racism”. As I said too perhaps his employers should of allowed him to take leave or moved him to a less dangerous jobs. The employer obviously knew he was Muslim.
Singling out a group isn’t racism at all and you are clearly too ignorant to actually understand what racism means… Islam is not a race and no muslim should be in a job where he can kill people due to his beliefs. You carry on banging the race drum , just don’t come back here typing RIP if anyone gets killed due to this unprofessional set up of people in jobs they shouldn’t be in… maybe you can visit the families of anyone lost telling them they were racist for being upset over any potential tragedy.
9 July, 2017 at 7:28 pm #1059894I view it totally differently. If there is any evidence that Muslims observing Ramadan are making poor decisions specifically due to dehydration, then why are employers not moving them to a separate, less risky role, until after. Why would they be sacked, the employer must have been aware they observe Ramadan. Employers are responsible for overall health and safety and employees are responsible for adhering to any such training.
Well of course you view it totally differently as your brain works in a similar way to arce defending all “minorities regardless of whether they are in the right or not . The bottom line is , he works as a crane operator and if he can’t do what he is employed to do for religious beliefs he shouldn’t be doing the job in the first place. Why should employers have to move him to a less risky role if he is selfish enough to continue operating cranes putting lives at risk because of his pagan rituals?
9 July, 2017 at 7:25 pm #1059892Wrong choice, muslims (or any other religious group) should not be given special treatment.
Thank god you don’t run the world Drac !
Thank god you dont if you support people operating highly dangerous cranes close to passing out due to not being able to take on adequate nutrition.
I was referring the general intolerance & negativity Drac appears to have. It goes without saying that safety comes first & “special treatment” doesn’t come into question. Employers are legally obliged to take multi faith celebration into consideration so perhaps therefore he should of taken holiday over Ramadan & if that wasn’t possible moved to a job that was less dangerous. Many of my Muslim clinical colleagues work the night shift over Ramadan. We live in a multicultural society these day. Singling any one group out is called racism.
I wondered how long it would be before the old racism drum was banged again for stating no muslim should be working operating machinery that could kill people due to their beliefs of not drinking water / imbibing food. It’s normally an argument perpetuated by the braindead but carry on
9 July, 2017 at 6:50 pm #1059848Wrong choice, muslims (or any other religious group) should not be given special treatment.
Thank god you don’t run the world Drac !
Thank god you dont if you support people operating highly dangerous cranes close to passing out due to not being able to take on adequate nutrition.
9 July, 2017 at 6:36 pm #1059832I’d have sacked him on the spot
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9 July, 2017 at 6:33 pm #1059830I don’t agree that everyone who commits suicide is “mentally ill” as firstly how would one quantify what is mentally ill or not. For eg if someone was terminally ill and in pain would them taking their own life qualify as being mentally ill simply because it was contrary to what was regarded by society as “normal behaviour”. To me it would be a logical albeit unorthodox step to take.
I didn’t say that everyone who commits sucide is mentally ill, only suicides that are ’caused’ by bullying. Or to phase it differently, someone with mental health issues is much more likely to commit suicide if they are bullied than someone who does not have the same issues.
He was also of an age where he brain was still developing so not sure a mental illness tag would ever be appropriate in this instance.
I’m really sure I understand why you think that children can’t suffer from mental health problems. Just because their brain is still developing doesn’t mean that there can’t be anything wrong with it. Many conditions, autism for example are usually diagnosed during childhood, and have symptoms that lessen into adulthood.
I’m not sure anyone can quantify what would be classified as a mental illness though as we are all on the spectrum of mental illness to some degree. For eg , a doctor living in a leafy suburb could attend church on a sunday morning to imbibe “the body of christ ” by way of a wafer. No one would classify that as abnormal or mentally ill but it’s a true act of madness in my eyes. Many young girls etc are obsessed over their looks as emotions are accentuated with brains that haven’t fully matured for eg. Taking an extreme example if an adult burst into tears at a cartoon not being on they would be committed as being mentally ill but no one would think that over a young child. Comparing adults and kids brains is like comparing apples and oranges- there’s a very good chance had this lad not killed himself he may have grown into an adult with no mental health issues outside what is regarded as ” the normal spectrum ” of behaviour. I don’t believe in medical labels attempting to pigeon hole our consciousness, everyone is on a sliding scale of behaviour but medicine likes to classify things for its own convenience .
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9 July, 2017 at 6:07 pm #1059811Some observation regarding this thread :
I don’t agree that everyone who commits suicide is “mentally ill” as firstly how would one quantify what is mentally ill or not. For eg if someone was terminally ill and in pain would them taking their own life qualify as being mentally ill simply because it was contrary to what was regarded by society as “normal behaviour”. To me it would be a logical albeit unorthodox step to take.
Regarding this poor lad, he was bullied in person so blocking would have done very little to help his plight on social media / texts etc. He was also of an age where he brain was still developing so not sure a mental illness tag would ever be appropriate in this instance. That said, I have limited sympathy for people continually complaining about online trolling as adults like numerous celebrities do on twitter… the reality is there will always be a significant proportion of the population who will be continually critical of everything which is part and parcel of life. If someone is driven to tears as we have read on this thread by that and doesn’t have physical interaction with this person away from a computer then I would question their mental state in not being able to separate the cyber world from the real one . Linda I believe it was claimed she was driven to tears by jc chat trolls.. for someone working with vulnerable people in real life I find that not only bizarre but on the borderline of mental illness by its very definition in its own right.
The reality is law enforcement agencies have enough to cope with in the real world and this fad of celebrities reporting people to police for being called sluts etc whilst distasteful is completely avoidable by turning the bloody computer off. The argument is why should they have to, but the reality is we live in a world of unpleasant individuals and when booting up the computer, that individual is exercising free will to be exposed to it which isn’t the same as real life and it being foisted upon you with no action precipitating it. If someone is bored at home actively logging into social media being trolled , they need to be pro active themselves and stop doing it if it damages their fragile mindset to such an extent. This wasn’t the case in this poor lads suicide.
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