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  • #1059954

    and the employer if he knowingly turned a blind eye

    I don’t expect it’s something they even thought about, given my experience with construction workers.

    Then perhaps you can provide evidence, given your experience Dr Drac, when a serious accident has occurred on a building site that can be directly attributed to Ramadan and fasting. You can can’t you? B-)

    Another logical argument from the JC bird brain.. I suppose because no one can give an example of buildings with identical materials burning down in the manner grenfell tower did, that means in your world the government had no obligation to ensure safety by removing the potential hazard in the tower before it killed many people…. just wait till the tragedy occurs- great stuff. In this case, the hazard is the muslim operator so in your eyes because nothing has happened yet, it’s perfectly fine for someone disorientated with lack of nourishment to be in charge of huge cranes potentially causing carnage. Like I said , please don’t continue on your DNA line for the sake of all of us.

    Lol. Rudeboy logic (and abuse) You do realize Muslim pilots ferry thousands of passengers during Ramadan right? Muslim surgeons operate on thousands of patients right? The even allow Muslims in the British Army to handle automatic weapons during Ramadan and big shiny shells and missiles. :-)

    so according to you using your apparent facts , because muslims are conducting these activities during ramadan – again you provide no evidence, we should just turn a blind eye to someone disorientated on a crane and hope for the best as others are at it. Great stuff :good:   makes complete sense as always. Tiredness has been proven to be just as deadly as drink driving behind a wheel so if Mr Smith next door goes out p1ssed as a newt and comes back unscathed by your logic that means we can all have a tipple and take to the roads as others are doing it .


    and the employer if he knowingly turned a blind eye

    I don’t expect it’s something they even thought about, given my experience with construction workers.

    Then perhaps you can provide evidence, given your experience Dr Drac, when a serious accident has occurred on a building site that can be directly attributed to Ramadan and fasting. You can can’t you? B-)

    Another logical argument from the JC bird brain.. I suppose because no one can give an example of buildings with identical materials burning down in the manner grenfell tower did, that means in your world the government had no obligation to ensure safety by removing the potential hazard in the tower before it killed many people…. just wait till the tragedy occurs- great stuff. In this case, the hazard is the muslim operator so in your eyes because nothing has happened yet, it’s perfectly fine for someone disorientated with lack of nourishment to be in charge of huge cranes potentially causing carnage.

    Like I said , please don’t continue on your DNA line for the sake of all of us.


    I don’t expect it’s something they even thought about, given my experience with construction workers.

    It would be more accurate to say given what my bf has told me about his job. He’s an electrician / carpenter.

    I thought you were living with your gf lol


    Employers, I believe, cannot discriminate because of a persons faith but they do have a duty to ensure the safety of their employees. In this case, I agree the employee should be reassigned to a less high risk job.

    I think the employee should be fired in this case. He acted irrationally, and endangered people’s lives.

    and the employer if he knowingly turned a blind eye


    Why was he employed in the first place? Employers, I believe, cannot discriminate because of a persons faith but they do have a duty to ensure the safety of their employees. In this case, I agree the employee should be reassigned to a less high risk job.

    If someone is selfish enough to risk peoples lives and possible manslaughter charges why should they not be sacked? It’s gross negligence from both the employee and employer IMV


    Rudeboy logic again. Apparently the Muslim world in far hotter and humid climates than the UK, completely shuts down during Ramadan and no one is employed in high risk jobs at all. Like pilots and firemen/police/nurses/doctors etc etc etc. In Rudeboys world it is just an excuse, any old excuse, to get very angry at individual Muslims and Islam, again.

    Then personal abuse to other posters who disagree with him. :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

    Being called racist by someone not bright enough to understand what the word means is a far greater insult.

    & again …… I called NO ONE a racist I said picking on a single group is racism.

    but it isn’t


    Good evening Linda, can I ask you what your mother tongue is out of curiosity ( main language)? You mention you got an A in English, do you teach/work at an English speaking school and what area specifically?


    Rudeboy logic again. Apparently the Muslim world in far hotter and humid climates than the UK, completely shuts down during Ramadan and no one is employed in high risk jobs at all. Like pilots and firemen/police/nurses/doctors etc etc etc. In Rudeboys world it is just an excuse, any old excuse, to get very angry at individual Muslims and Islam, again.

    Then personal abuse to other posters who disagree with him. :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

    Being called racist by someone not bright enough to understand what the word means is a far greater insult.


    Going off at a tangent a little but it’s thoroughly disillusioning  to know there are people like Arce and Gee in society spreading their DNA to futures generations. In China they have a birth control programme where people are only allowed a certain number of kids but in order to keep population numbers down surely it’s time to advocate some kind of basic IQ test to enable people to reproduce legally.

    ” Men proposing to women is sexism” ” You chose to focus on him being muslim” on a thread discussing someone putting lives at danger due to ramadan lol. It gets me down knowing these people are going to continue their gene pool on creating more idiots ad infinitum . If any political party brought in enforced castration/sterilisation for the sub 90 IQ brigade I would not only vote for them but actively canvass door to door.


    It goes without saying that safety comes first & “special treatment” doesn’t come into question.

    If the worker in question was not a muslim, and still behaved in the same way then they probably would have been reported. How can you describe this in any way except for special treatment?

    We live in a multicultural society these day. Singling any one group out is called racism.

    Nobody mentioned race, why are you so quick to bring it up? :unsure:

    Read the rest of my post & stop dragging the points out that you can twist. I never mentioned race ! “I said singling any one group out is called racism”. As I said too perhaps his employers should of allowed him to take leave or moved him to a less dangerous jobs. The employer obviously knew he was Muslim.

    Singling out a group isn’t racism at all and you are clearly too ignorant to actually understand what racism means… Islam is not a race and no muslim should be in a job where he can kill people due to his beliefs. You carry on banging the race drum , just don’t come back here typing RIP if anyone gets killed due to this unprofessional set up of people in jobs they shouldn’t be in… maybe you can visit the families of anyone lost telling them they were racist for being upset over any potential tragedy.

    Oh so by that theory “no muslim should be in a job where he can kill people due to his beliefs”. Get it right NOBODY should be doing it yet you chose to focus on the fact he was Muslim !!!

    It’s hard to argue with someone so dim, but as alluded to by others I’ll try to educate you. I focused on the fact he was Muslim because that was the reason he was putting lives at risk lol.  You do realise ramadan is a muslim fasting process which was the whole point of the OPs post?

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