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active 7 years, 1 month ago
Banned again because of some megalomaniac chat guide on a power trip… there will be no one left soon , just a few coffin dodgers talking about going to the bingo and what their favourite colour is. View
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but when you’re dead, you’re dead. The notion that all living creatures have a soul and paradise awaits with worms, flies, rats and bats fluttering around as relatives peer through the haze saying welcome to heaven is too ridiculous to merit a discussion.
Again, I have to ask, Mr Norfolk. What you’re saying may well be true or maybe not. But how do you know?? You may feel you feel fairly certain, but some Muslims feel just as certain that they’re heading for a harem in paradise. maybe they’re right, too. Who knows? How do you know?
I don’t , I use the balance of probability with the limited information at my disposal. I would suggest my approximation of what happens after death bears a closer resemblance to truth than a book of fiction based on a middle aged paedophile and his 9 year old wife but who knows.
You need to think things through. You write an eminently sensible series of posts pointing to the changes in scientific thinking whihc began about 100 years ago with quantum mechanics, and with relativity theory before that. Those changes destroyed our conception of the universe of strict physical laws of gravity. Our notions of space and time, fixed for centuries as eternal truths by Euclid and Newton, were destroyed overnight as our ideas of space and time were extended into a multi-dimensional realm. In short, as you have pointed out, the whole notion of probability has been turned on its head. We really don’t know. Mystery has replaced strict mechanical laws, and has set scientific experiment and theory on a new course. During the last century, that mystery has deepened. Now apply it to death. We no longer know what death actually is; we don’t even know when it actually occurs. The doctors set the watch when breathing has stopped for a set length of time, and you’re pronounced to have kicked the final bucket. But we remain alive in the brain for a period of time. Nothing is actually certain. We know that when someone is buried their body is dead (unless they’ve had a dirty trick played on them, or the NHS has declined even further in efficiency), just as we know that when you drop a pencil on the table it’s going to fall down, not up. But there’s more to another type of life that that. Mystery surrounds death. Maybe one day we’ll break it. Until that happens, you can assert forcefully what you think will happen but you don’t really know any more than the next person.
I agree with most of this and as your last sentence states ” I don’t know ” which is why I have a view on the balance of probability that was stated. I can however, “assert forcibly ” my view of religions which have been completely discredited by scientific fact.
So – understand what and why someone has a different attitude to god and the universe. It’s a more adult approach; it’s also a more interesting approach.
Not really. Rather like the way you dismiss Dawkins, Grayling and the likes of Fry. Horses for courses. You’re entitled to your view, as is everyone else. Religion is black and white, there are no grey areas. Either God exists or he/she doesn’t and thus to date, there is no evidence he/she exists, or existed.
I don’t think religion is black and whit (anymore)…..lots of modern day believers adapt religion to their modern day life…..……personally if your religion is not hurting anyone then continue to take from it whatever it gives you
You have epitomized right there exactly why Islam is different to other religions- other religions have evolved with modern day life, Islam hasn’t and never will
Why is there a “fear” to discuss religion in public nowadays? I am proud to say I am Sikh and proud to say I follow….though I am not a baptised Sikh….some parts of my life involve my religion…. I am not a nutter (not when it comes to religion anyway) …very normal person lives a very normal life Its interesting to ask questions about religions….I don’t mean people should ask me…I mean I ask others questions if I am interested….I love going to different culture weddings….its cool to experience things in life…for me anyway
There is a ” fear ” to discuss religions like Islam, because if you state views which don’t align with the prophet muhammed you will be threatened with beheading .. who wouldn’t be fearful of that? Travel to a muslim country and discuss Islam coming from a sceptical stance and see how you get on with such a tolerant faith to non believers.
The Southern Bible Belt takes its Christianity seriously. It’s not a question of the text. It’s a question of how you read and interpret the text. Words are but counters, to be taken seriously by fools as Hobbes once said. The New Testament forbids vengeance killing, but that’s never stopped Christians from carrying it out. Most Protestants accept the Old Testament as equal with the New (I was once called Satan for saying that it wasn’t – and people have always found ways of getting around words by quoting different parts – An eye for an eye, the Lord Giveth and John Wayne Taketh Away. The Catholic Church presided over the Inquisition, but they never actually endorsed the burning of heretics. They merely tried to save the ehretic’s soul, and then handed the sinner over to the State for burning. Theoretically they remained innocent of killing – but it was a fiction. The act of burning was carried out by catholic rulers; the Church never tried to stop them. You’re obsessed with words, Norfolk, and you interpret them in a way whihc you want to interpret them. Again, look at Ms K’s eminently sensible posts for a different approach I am not attracted to Islam, and I oppose sharia law courts which operate outside UK law. The breaches should be investigated more efficiently. I have no idea how many moderates there are, but you have to work with them if you want to be efficient. The last way to work with them is to carry out vigilante “Christian patrols” and infringing religious worship.
I’ll ask you again as you failed to see or respond:
If there is nothing to fear from the religion of peace, why are countries steeped in Islam operating under sharia law full of carnage /murder/rape of women ?
Why do over half the UK muslims here want homosexuals thrown in prison?
Why do half the muslims here want sharia law in the UK replacing UK law if they are so “moderate”? The definition of moderate isn’t ripping up a countries law system replacing it with your own incompatible with civilised living.
If banning muslims is so “bad”, why do 16 muslim countries ban Israelies … because of their religion. If that’s not hypocrisy what is?
If Islam is culturally compatible with the west as you imply , why do 11 muslim countries still execute gay people?
If Islam is compatible with the west, why do muslim countries have taharrush called the rape game and where “bacha bazi ” is carried out involving old men having sex with young children… rotheram may ring some bells
Why do muslims not share the blame collectively for the values their dark age cult brings , but blame western people collectively for the actions of governments ?
Why do muslims state Islam is a religion of “peace” yet threaten to kill people who say it isn’t?
If Islam is a religion of peace, why does the Quran contain 109 passages calling for Muslims to wage war and kill non believers?
If terrorism is a backlash to foreign government policy , why are most victims from the religion of peace… other muslims?
Why do Muslims get hysterical about burka bans when if a foreigner visited a muslim country in a bikini they would be thrown in prison?
Why do muslims continue to scream racism when Islam isn’t a race?
If the west is so selfish not taking in enough Syrian refugees, why have the 5 wealthiest muslim countries not taken in a single one? How is that indicative of a loving peaceful religion?
If the west is so oppressive /Islamophobic , why do 50 millions of the bastards live here ?
Rather than quote dogma from hundreds of years go coming from the Christian church talking about Spanish inquisitions /ku klux klan members , why not live in the present and answer these questions.
You state you are against sharia law , so the 1.5 million muslims out of the 3 million here who want sharia law are fine then? Have you any actual answers to these questions other than rolling back the history books hundreds of years to answer problems in modern day society which involve muslims not Christians slaughtering people in the name of religion.. I suspect not.
If the majority of muslims are all “moderate ” as you infer, the best way to test this is to compare muslim countries operating under sharia law to reflect the respective values within these countries comparing them to “Christian countries” containing these klan members you refer to. A current list of these moderate countries wishing to send people to the Uk bringing their ” values ” include.. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Mauritania.
If there is no distinguishable difference between a “Christian” way of life and our muslim counterparts feel free to visit these charming destinations and send a postcard with your findings.. good luck, let us know how you get on.
The Klan’s crimes were done in the name of Christianity. It wasn’t a freak event. Southern Christians in the US interpreted the Bible in explicitly racist terms, while their opponents interpreted the Bible in strictly anti-racist terms. I have seen film of US Roman Catholic priests blessing with Holy Water the planes armed with napalm used to burn up huge numbers of ordinary Vietnamese; other Carthlic,s like the Berrigan brothers, US Catholic priests, leading the burning of draft cards by anti-war protestors. That’s the point, Norfolk, whihc your posts haven’t grasped. It comes down to interpretation. The Koran and the Bible have been and are interpreted differently by different groups. Some interpret them in savage, violent ways – the klan and ISIS, for example. Others interpret them in very gentle ways – the Sufis and many other among Moslems and many individual Christians. I’ve pointed out before that you interpret the Koran in a way that only the most hardline ISIS militants interpret it. There are other, gentler, more tolerant ways of practising Islam, as well as the harsh sharia code imposed with terror in many other places. Ms Kenty on this site has written excellent posts on this – she’s not a doctrinal follower of the Sikh religion, but she follows its guidelines of love pragmatically. Most people follow their religion like that. people read different things into their religion. The Klan professes Christiannty, as ISIS professes Islam. They can both be professed in different ways. The reason is that both the Bible and the Koran are capable of being Sorry, I feel very weakened by this flu. I won’t be able to answer you for a while.
It doesn’t matter what they did it in the name of, there is no text in the bible encouraging people with white hats to burn black people at stakes. There is however direct references in the Quran to killing infidels ( non muslims) wherever you find them. Why are you using the crimes of what you perceive from one religion to mitigate another religion anyway- two wrongs making a right and all that? Even if we accept that Christianity is an evil cult like Islam, what has that to do with half of the 3.5 million muslims on these shores wanting UK law ripped up replaced with sharia law which encourages abusing woman, molesting underage children and not integrating with western life. 52% of muslims want to see homosexuals arrested for eg, 32 % which is over 1 million people think that western life should be brought to an end with it being decadent /immoral. What the hell has that to do with the klan or any transgressions of Christians.. can you name any recent terrorist activity carried out with someone quoting the bible or anything to do with Christianity?
You’re attempting to defend a cult based on a middle aged man married to a 9 year old child preaching vitriol to all those who don’t subscribe to that cult using egs of other wrongs apparently mitigating this. Would you defend a criminal in court by saying, it’s ok your honour as the neighbour down the road is far worse so go easy on him.
How many Christians do you see on marches like this in the Uk and how else can that be ” interpreted ”
Then we have someone carrying a cross, hardly an offensive act from this evil right wing group you claim and this is the reaction… one group is allowed to march through the uk demanding we all burn in hell for not being muslims, the other group is arrested by police for offending the “religion of peace”
You keep implying that it’s a tiny minority of muslims but it isn’t .. HALF want uk laws replaced with sharia law. Is that a tiny minority to you , over 1.5 muslims living in the UK?
There is no link at all between the ku klux klan and Christianity, simple stating ” they are Christian ” doesn’t mean they represent christianity. The argument is that the muslims committing terrorist activities don’t represent Islam, yet they follow religious text stating any non believer should die .. where in any Christian teaching is there a passage of someone putting a white hood on and burning black people?
Even if there was, which there isn’t, the point isn’t relevant. How many people now in the 21st century kill in the name of Christianity following written text like the Quran to do so? If you are going to keep bringing up old transgressions of “christians” you may as well say the medical profession is evil as witch doctors used to cut peoples throats in the 1500s to cure a husky voice.
I listened to the full clip having spoken to that obese weasel Gaunt years ago on his radio show talk sport before being sacked for being the waste of space he is. She talked a great deal of sense and old gaunty had no answers other than trot out the generic rhetoric of right wing/ racist etc despite the fact Islam isn’t a race and never will be. The basic premise of her argument is that anyone with a mindset following an idealistic scenario of a ” religion” which wants non believers butchered is not ever likely to integrate in a civilised culture. People can’t have this moderate muslim bs both ways, either they follow the Quran and want sharia law with it’s barbaric nature or they don’t.. if they don’t they aren’t strictly muslim whatever they proclaim to be. You can’t have a cult which promotes such hatred and claim anyone is “racist” for wanting it banned.. simply because “not all muslims commit atrocities ” doesn’t get away from the fundamental principles of what this dark age cult entails and values it promotes. Around half of UK muslims want sharia law implemented, this means scrapping all known UK law and forcing their own laws in which doesn’t strike me as the definition of being particularly “moderate”
Dracs belief is the jazz musicians brain is already pre programmed with DNA allowing it to adjust with experiences in a pre destined manner … like a robot basically. Although it sounds ludicrous, there is an element of truth to it
I never mentioned DNA, it doesn’t play a real-time role in the function of the brain.
No, that is a strawman. It is nothing close to what I said. I said that the brain is purely a construct of biochemistry, if you can know the exact state of every atom in the brain, then you also predict with 100% certainty what the next state will be. In other words, what decision will be taken has already been fixed before it is made based on previous and current events.
She is talking about Religion, the merits of, and the non merits of, amongst other things, which is more or less what this thread is about.
Glad it’s relevant???? I don’t have 43 minutes to hear what the near-fascist nutjob says, though, and you don’t have the time or the inclination to put it in a nutshell, so I’m happy to leave her views unconsidered if you are.
She’s not a ” fascist nutjob ” at all, its a common trend for the so called liberals to throw the racist/ fascist labels out. She states that the scriptures encourage slaughter of anyone not muslim preaching violence/vitriol towards fellow man and Islam is completely incompatible with any civilised life which is spot on.
sharia law is the law of Islam, it follows the Quran and is requested to replace uk laws by around half of all British muslims Kill the infidels wherever you find them
Quran 9:5
“Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.”
The kafirs must either convert to Islam, who would keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate (zakat), or be murdered.. a command for unconditional slaying of humans taken seriously by many branches of sharia law.
Other examples of sharia law include
A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
A woman or girl who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
Testimonies of 4 male witnesses are required to prove rape of a female (Quran 24:13).
A woman or girl who alleges rape without producing 4 male witnesses is guilty of adultery.
A woman or girl found guilty of adultery is punishable by death .
A male convicted of rape can have his conviction dismissed by marrying his victim.
Muslim men have sexual rights to any woman/girl not wearing the Hijab
A woman can have 1 husband, who can have up to 4 wives;
A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old
â Girls’ clitoris should be cut (Muhammad‘s words, Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
A man can beat his wife for insubordination (see Quran 4:34 and Religion of Peace).
A man can unilaterally divorce his wife; a wife needs her husband’s consent to divorce.
A divorced wife loses custody of all children over 6 years of age or when they exceed it.
A woman’s testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man’s.
A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits (see Mathematics in Quran).
A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval).
A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
Meat to eat must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah – i.e., be “Halal.”
Muslims are to subjugate the world under Islam (see Quran 9:29 and Palestine Issue).
Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.
The list goes on..needless to say it’s not for me
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by TheNorfolkMafia.