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active 7 years, 2 months ago
Banned again because of some megalomaniac chat guide on a power trip… there will be no one left soon , just a few coffin dodgers talking about going to the bingo and what their favourite colour is. View
It’s all very well receiving pms from one of his friends saying he is an old man with heart failure suffering alcohol addiction
Apparently the rules and guidelines on personal attacks don’t apply to you. As to “finishing it”. The warning from Martin finished it Daniel. Not anything you typed.
That was the message given to me , you have my condolences. I have no wish to bully an old man with alcohol addiction issues fitted with a pace maker. ” “
Let me explain something really slowly to you Daniel, really really slowly. Ge/Ges/Gez/Gezza/Ger is short for “Gerry”, my name. ButchPaul is a parody of a site owner on another site. Paul Daniel, is not my name. Do you get it? Secondly , lastly and not least Daniel, you do not know anybody on this site who knows me, you do not know anyone despite your best efforts. JC gossip Daniel is what it is, just that, nothing more and nothing less.
Paul I don’t know why you are getting so wound up. I have been pmed by one of your erm good friends mentioning the fact you have had a heart attack, subsequently fitted with a pacemaker and as such have had to ease up on the hours you put in at the printers just outside Bolton. I don’t know anything about any ” butchpaul” character you have assumed on another site, but each to their own I suppose- as my old gran used to say , it takes all sorts! ” “
It’s all very well receiving pms from one of his friends saying he is an old man with heart failure suffering alcohol addiction
Apparently the rules and guidelines on personal attacks don’t apply to you. As to “finishing it”. The warning from Martin finished it Daniel. Not anything you typed.
That was the message given to me , you have my condolences. I have no wish to bully an old man with alcohol addiction issues fitted with a pace maker. ” “
Seems to me Norfolkmafia is just wanting an argument at any opportunity, you wont get that from me. I posted the thread therefore it was my thread, I was the author of it. It is indeed on a public forum, why post something like that on a non community? It was an informative post as I have stated many times but you just cant seem to grasp that fact it was put in place to help anyone who wished to read it, if you didn’t like what you started to read then you should’ve moved on, but no, you had to try and belittle me for doing a good thing. I shall carry on posting my own points and views on what I think is right, and you sir if you dont like it can kiss my backside .
Someone disagreeing with your sad post including a link to solicitors for a chatroom is “looking for an argument “lol. I think you’ll find the majority saw your post as utterly ridiculous and entirely disproportional to what most people see as a form of escapism from the stresses of real life but you go ahead and contact the offence brigade for racism, sexism , “transphobia” , ageism or whatever silly drum of offence you are banging today… the rest of us will just laugh. Why should I “move on” incidentally? When you post in a public arena you will get people that disagree with you and may ( cue the shock / horror) cause you offence by not lapping up this sickly mantra of nonsense seeing it for what it is.
I call a spade a spade and if you put a thread up entitled ” light reading” linking a chatroom forum to a lengthy article describing how offended everyone can be at anything , expect it to be treated with the disdain it deserves. You tell someone that you have a right to air your own views but if “anyone doesn’t like those views they can kiss your backside ” after preaching from a pulpit about tolerance and respect … what a tool.
All posts should try to relate to the title of the thread, if they descent into arguments then at least the arguments should be relevant to the thread . Paul aka Ge simply came on the thread to launch a personal attacks which is the definition of trolling as it was his only purpose in posting on the thread in the first place. It’s all very well receiving pms from one of his friends saying he is an old man with heart failure suffering alcohol addiction so make allowances but there’s only so many personal attacks even by drunks anyone can put up with .
The initial thread was you posting a war and peace length attachment about words on a screen which was ridiculed by a few posters and rightly so IMO. Simply because you spend your day looking to phone authorities over something that offends you doesn’t mean the rest of us are.. getting some semblance of a life may be in order away from the computer?
And I didn’t agree with you and Ge taking over my thread with your fight for who’s the manliest man on here, as I said on the OP neither of you won that, you both looked pathetic and childish, just my opinion which i’m allowed before you start bitching about me being rude.
Ge started the argument and I finished it . Incidentally it isn’t “your thread”, you post it on a public forum which means it is open to all.. my post related to the thread title, his didn’t and was a personal attack so responded in like .
In any event I stand by my original comment, it was a ridiculous thread but dont agree on it being removed- it would have been better to leave it up to laugh how ridiculous it was if nothing else.
I didn’t agree with the OP , but don’t think any thread should be deleted as it discourages any point in starting one for any poster. There may be a small number affected by arguments but more people are offended by completely deleting topics and just panders to a nanny state culture where no one can say anything. If there were threads with people all agreeing blowing kisses surely the forum would be a duller place to be and utterly pointless.
I know I dont use chat any more,but it is a good idea. People want to chat in peace and have a laugh,not put up with morons scrolling and endless abuse. Another idea Martin…maybe slightly controversial…but…how about making registered users register with their email from their IP provider and not hotmail? ie…sky or bt? That will really weed out the abusers,because they can be reported to their IP provider. To go even further,you could ban proxy IP’s as well. It’s what I would do. It would make chat fun again,like it used to be. Just a thought.
Why not go even further and just ban everyone so you can talk to yourself , then no one will be offended unless you report yourself of course to the “internet provider”. The comments you make are for fort knox or internet banking- its a chatsite where people look for a form of escapism not pissing around finding their IP address so sensitive lambs are reassured. In life you will encounter people you like or dislike, suck it up and get a spine.. no one wants to see deliberate trolling but “reporting people to their IP provider ” lol. You’ve been watching too many episodes of enemy of the state .. get a grip ffs. I’m in favour of guests being banned in some ways but these type of posts are absolutely ridiculous, chatrooms reflect real life where you will encounter people you do/don’t get on with. I would personally ban people typing “hi how are you hun ” and wb I love you kissy kissy hug hug all day as they irritate me more than some of the so called abuse. The “hi hun wb xxx” crap is the worst spam going IMO
I care about all the people who care about me. Cant list them as I don’t know who they are. I like everyone who is funny quirky and interesting regardless of whether they like me or not. I love my mum, my kids my grandson, steak and chips and how slim my ankles are compared to the rest of my fat self. Good for you Mister for not caring what anyone else thinks – to be fair your haters are mostly w**kers just like mine are.
so you think loving names on a computer is normal and anyone who disagrees is a wanker lol?
You could say the same about people loving God, someone they have never met or saw, not even an interaction, just a name…
You could , but then I would label anyone that loves a fictional creature as deranged .. same thing applies. I don’t mind Mister Q, just find it strange
I care about all the people who care about me. Cant list them as I don’t know who they are. I like everyone who is funny quirky and interesting regardless of whether they like me or not. I love my mum, my kids my grandson, steak and chips and how slim my ankles are compared to the rest of my fat self. Good for you Mister for not caring what anyone else thinks – to be fair your haters are mostly w**kers just like mine are.
so you think loving names on a computer is normal and anyone who disagrees is a wanker lol?