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active 7 years, 1 month ago
Banned again because of some megalomaniac chat guide on a power trip… there will be no one left soon , just a few coffin dodgers talking about going to the bingo and what their favourite colour is. View
. And a 90 year old has every right to say to a 40 year old ‘ive got more experience in life than you have’ they have been on this planet a lot longer so in my opinion – they have. .
Absolutely , I prefer the company of elderly people as on balance they have acquired more knowledge throughout their life. I don’t mind 19 year olds like the OP having views contrasting with mine – each to their own and all that but ones preaching from a pulpit copying and pasting regurgitated rubbish to educate us all just irritates
So we go from someone masquerading as an intellectual with a lengthy indepth analysis of life to a child posting smileys… as suspected the copy and paste was from your fb feed wasnt it lol
I can post what I like, I don’t have to go through you, and they are the views I agree with, otherwise I wouldn’t be posting them. Good god do you think you’re god of the Forums? Again you come across aggressively, Is this how you act in reality? No, i’m sorry you’ve stated that you’re only here for “escapism” but this must be the true you, because if not then you’d be classed as being a fake for not being true to yourself? Ah well we can’t have it all ways can we? …
Haven’t a clue what you are wittering on about, post your own views rather than others and at least it would have some credibility. Copying articles pretending you have written them is just sad even for a forum.
Oh you’re going to the far extreme’s, Don’t be silly. Again finding fault, pick pick pick, is that all you can do, sit online and pick on everyone’s threads, does it make you feel better? more manly? does it make your life worth living? Wow.
Why play victim when your psycho babble is challenged … it’s rubbish and doesn’t stand up to scrutiny
There’s plenty i’ve missed, so please feel free to add I will no doubt get someone’s nasty comments chucked on my thread again, but says more about them
It’s not “nasty” , it’s calling a spade a spade and not bleating like a sheep with the rest to this nonsense living in some deluded bubble of utopia where everything in life is given to those who deserve it. Switch the news on , look at people diagnosed with cancer, terminal illness, natural disasters and stop posting this wishy washy crap pretending to be a psychology major which you have copied and pasted from a motivational student handbook
1. We get treated in life the way we teach others to treat us.
2. There are no mistakes, only lessons we need to master.
3. Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself.
4. What you resist, persists.
5. Life is all about the journey and less about the destination.
6. People deserve a second chance.
7. If you don’t believe in yourself, nobody will.
8. Our attitude toward life will determine life’s attitude towards us.
9. If you love yourself, chances are that others will love you also.
10. The world has plenty of information but not enough inspiration.
11. The world won’t change if you don’t change.
12. Loneliness is different from solitude.
13. The more we express our gratitude, the more things we will have to be grateful for.
14. Patience is a virtue.
15. Courage is not the absence of fear.
“People deserve a second chance” .. so someone who rips the head off a new born fits that category ?
Our attitude towards life will determine lifes attitude towards us ” .. someone with a positive outlook doing acts of kindness killed in a hurricane or earthquake as we have seen in Mexico fits that criteria then?
You have been logging into facebook too many times with these silly pseudo psycho babble posts that have no bearing in the real world or those that live in it.
I never stated I wrote it. It’s a subject and yet again you jump on my topics at every opportunity to blatantly have a dig at me, whats the matter don’t you like a young woman having views?
but they aren’t your views , you have copied and pasted someone elses. If you had stated , ” here is an article I agree with ” there would be no attempt to be disingenuous but you have just googled some stuff and pasted it as your own like you did on the thread with another copied and pasted article that was quite rightly removed. Forums are open to any view, but the view of the poster, not people copying and pasting crap all day pretending to be more intelligent than they actually are assuming the identity of the author unless questioned.
Why not simply make your views expressing what you think instead of loading google up and hitting copy and paste.. its borderline spam.
It seems like there are people who live in a fantasy world. In this fantasy world everyone is equal and there is no such thing as competition or “losers”. Everyone’s a winner and nobody has to deal with the shame of coming in last or has to put up with any hardship. It sounds too good to be true doesn’t it? After all we don’t want someone to feel like they are better at something then another person right? Making sure that there aren’t any of those “evil” rich or “evil successful” people out there has put over a billion people under the communist flag. It’s caused parents to set up soccer matches where both teams win as long as they show up, yes the idea of pure equality and no competition has a lot of followers. But it doesn’t work. Sure there are reasons to not cmpare yourself with others. But if you do away with competition entirely you are really robbing yourself and all of mankind from growth and prosperity. A little competition isn’t just a good thing, it’s a GREAT thing and here are 10 reasons for that statement:- 1. It Promotes Growth Where would we be without rivals? I know I would have never taken as many chances and learned as much as I have if I didn’t want to win and compete against other great people in this world. It’s only natural; if you want to compete with someone else you have to grow. There is no way around it. That is why whenever I want to get good at something I make friends with people who are already good at it. 2. It Advances The Human Civilization If there was no competition we would have never landed on the moon. The main reason we even went to the moon was because of national pride. We simply had to beat the Russians and show our biggest competitors that we are number 1. As a race we owe so much of our current advancements to competition between people, between companies, and between countries. As people compete, they create and the whole world grows as a result. 3. It Forces Us To Be More Creative The great thing about having competitors is that you have to be more innovative. You have to think outside the box and go after new options in order to get ahead. If everybody gave up their competitive spirit this world would be a very different place. There wouldn’t be things like the iphone, computers, automobiles, or Creative writing. There just wouldn’t be the need to develop new things and go out in new directions if competition wasn’t a factor. 4. It Teaches Us For someone to win someone else has to lose, and that sucks. But if you look at it with the right attitude this is actually a positive. We all lose at things here and then, the ones who learn from their losses actually turn their losses into a positive. They learn from their mistakes and take it as a positive experience which they can use to grow and win next time (and there’s always a next time). By taking competition out of the picture you are not only taking away the chance for people to win, but you also take away the chance for others to learn and grow. 5. It Promotes Taking Chances And Trying Something New I am a big fan of taking chances in life. It is something you need to do in order to grow and live a life full of great experiences. I would say that one of the biggest things which promotes chance taking is competition. 6. It Makes Us More Goal Oriented Communism is a great example of what happens when you take the competition out of society. In communism everyone makes the same amount of money regardless whether they are performing brain surgery or sweeping the floors at McDonalds. The result? Less people want to achieve great things. Who wants to go through all that schooling and become a doctor when you can get the same amount of money by becoming a Janitor or work at a fast food restaurant? Having competition makes us more goal oriented. We want to achieve more things and do more simply because we can grow ourselves compared to other people. Take away competition and we become lazy, and it becomes harder to motivate us. Competition is one of the forces that drives us to achieve. 7. Competition Prepares Us For The Real World In this world there is a lot of competition and not everyone can be on top. You’re not the only one who is applying for a job or is trying to make something of themself. Many of your competitors have high grades just like you. So that is not the biggest factor that will influence success, it is a competitive spirit and the willingness to achieve. The kids who had to work for their grades and actually earn them will be better prepared to succeed with their goals then the kids who got an A just because of their nice teacher. 8. It is Natural Monkey’s do it, other animals do it, even little kids are in constant competition with each other. Competition is natural; it is how the world works. Regardless of how much we try to tell ourselves that we don’t really want to compete with someone else the fact is we do. We want to be the best at one thing or another. We want something to call our own and it is a drive that we inherit from millions of years of evolution brought about by competition. 9. It Makes Life More Entertaining The great thing about having rivals and challenges in life is that it makes life more entertaining. It forces us to grow and to try to achieve great things. Without competition life becomes a lot less exciting and there are a lot less challenges. For a while it is nice, but as time moves forward we need something to occupy ourselves and get some meaning in life. Competition does just that. 10. Kids Need It At Least Somewhat As humans we want to baby our kids and make sure they are safe, which is fine. But we all need competition at least a little bit in life. If you don’t have a competitive spirit what is to separate your kids from the millions of other kids out there who will enter the workforce with a college degree? Everyone needs to have some passion to live and some passion to win. It is that competitive spirit that keeps them ready to give it all they’ve got to accomplish their dreams and become number one. So, let your kids have their fun and play sports were the score matters. It will help them down the road with a drive to better themselves and put their heart and soul into whatever they are doing. It teaches them one of the basics of what it means to be human and puts them on a path for greater things in life.
I don’t mind you stating your bizarre views but copying and pasting someone elses pretending you have written it is laughable
lol @ all nasty things avoided. Maybe we could have a place for threads just limited to bunny rabbits and rainbows with a pink teddy next to it to show people no nasty things are allowed. The problem is the ” bf is too tired for me ” may encourage sexism which could be deemed nasty so we will have to think carefully about the topics we include in this new forum.
With Lindas approval, I’d like to suggest the first topic- What is your favourite hymn at church? I enjoy “All things bright and beautiful” which is a fitting hymn for this place due to the ongoing search.