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active 7 years, 1 month ago
Banned again because of some megalomaniac chat guide on a power trip… there will be no one left soon , just a few coffin dodgers talking about going to the bingo and what their favourite colour is. View
so now Paul thinks ruby is Alfie … the poor sods having a public mental breakdown. Time for the white coats to come for this freak asap
Lol. This is Alfie to a tee, Thinks he is cleverer than everyone else. I have known Ruby for years, you wouldn’t know that though would you, you just make it up as you go alone. You twist and turn so the focus doesn’t remain on you. Utterly predictable, including your silly quote cut and paste to give the impression it was posted to Ruby. It was and is directed at you Alfie, Rudeboy, Mafia and whatever other IDs you have on this site.
It was directed to me yet you quote Ruby as you are too pissed to see the screen properly … sober up lad , you’re an embarrassment and a complete laughing stock on every thread. You posted you were leaving , so why are you still here?
critising someones home Ge.. my book case is wobbly, full of books from Dickens – Burchill.. fag burnt, whisky stained and probably enough fried rice between the pages, to feed a small nation.. id not pass the environmental healths test on perfect housing either.. Does not a bad person make… ( germ free adolecents.. x ray spex) . it is what comes from the home..
It isn’t low by your standards at all Ruby, so lets not forget that one. My point was and is, my house is immaculate and I have nice objects because i save my money to buy them
only because you still live with parents and they keep it tidy. Your bedroom is foul according to the ” victims ” you have lured onto that grotty webcam of yours
I get on well with both moose and merlin … both will confirm you are talking utter shite again. The off license must have had too many special offers on for you to handle … poor blighter, you’re losing your marbles
Lol. How would they know Alfie, only I was in the room at the time. Or are you speaking for both of them now as well. You do have a bad habit of speaking for others don’t you. You specifically threatened myself, Moose and Merlin. As relayed by myself to a host at the time of the threats. Ching Ching Alfie. You can fool some of the people some of the time….
so now Paul thinks ruby is Alfie … the poor sods having a public mental breakdown. Time for the white coats to come for this freak asap
We are not robots GE. And its a little rich you saying that when you have been nasty and abusive to people in the rooms and on the boards too. At least some of us hold our hands up and admit what and who we are and when we are in the wrong. I am often myself full of wrongness. I should change my name from Mizzy to ‘often quite wrong and talks crap’ But you my ‘friend’ – are in denial.
You Mizzery can’t produce any evidence I have EVER been abusive on this site to your level and the level of the ‘wannabe’. You can’t produce evidence because it doesn’t exist. I can assure you in the room I am a far more pleasant chatter than you or the ‘wannabe’. You in my opinion should both be banned permanently, no ifs or buts, no doubt you won’t be and no doubt i’ll be banned before both of you but it is irrelevant, you and the ‘wannabe’ will still be abusers and still be abusing people on this site long after I have gone.
Paul, you are mocked on the boards and mocked in all the rooms… why can’t you do what you say you are going to do and finally fck off with your bottle of vodka to the subway where you belong. You stated you will leave , so why say it if you don’t intend to carry it through? Think of your heart and do the right thing before it gives out
Lol Alfie, I know how your little pea brain works, how you have to dominate anyone who crosses you and I can assure you I am 10 steps ahead of you. I am still waiting though for you to hack my “Facebook” and post my personal details, that didn’t go well did it ‘wannabe’, you also threatened the same for Moose and Merlin, which I think is rather amusing given recent events. *smile*
I get on well with both moose and merlin … both will confirm you are talking utter shite again. The off license must have had too many special offers on for you to handle … poor blighter, you’re losing your marbles
We are not robots GE. And its a little rich you saying that when you have been nasty and abusive to people in the rooms and on the boards too. At least some of us hold our hands up and admit what and who we are and when we are in the wrong. I am often myself full of wrongness. I should change my name from Mizzy to ‘often quite wrong and talks crap’ But you my ‘friend’ – are in denial.
You Mizzery can’t produce any evidence I have EVER been abusive on this site to your level and the level of the ‘wannabe’. You can’t produce evidence because it doesn’t exist. I can assure you in the room I am a far more pleasant chatter than you or the ‘wannabe’. You in my opinion should both be banned permanently, no ifs or buts, no doubt you won’t be and no doubt i’ll be banned before both of you but it is irrelevant, you and the ‘wannabe’ will still be abusers and still be abusing people on this site long after I have gone.
Paul, you are mocked on the boards and mocked in all the rooms… why can’t you do what you say you are going to do and finally fck off with your bottle of vodka to the subway where you belong. You stated you will leave , so why say it if you don’t intend to carry it through? Think of your heart and do the right thing before it gives out
I dont ask them for money which is effectively what this thread is about. People have enough issues in life without being badgered for cash and lets face it, you aren’t interested in donating a penny to any charity… you just come on to try to put yourself up as some kind of noble altruistic soul minutes after my post. It’s cringeworthy and most can see right through it old bean
You take a positive post, with no obvious ulterior motive and instantly turn it into a negative. We, us adults, don’t require a warning from you. That isn’t even it though, you make a pious speech about vulnerable people, yet you are the biggest culprit on these boards, for taking the piss out of them and yes I can quote your previous post history. *shrug*
I call it as I see it. “We ” don’t need pretentious sickly drunks like you pretending to be interested in charity when it’s clearly disingenuous . Besides you wouldn’t be donating , we would be donating to you – alcoholics anonymous or in your case Paul just outside Bolton with a pacemaker so well known and not anonymous.
If people wish to donate to charity, i’d suggest they contact official charities and donate through proper channels not via a thread from someone unknown on a chatforum but if you want to leave your credit card details to someone on here.. knock yourself out paul. Make a change from someone else doing it for you as you stagger home from the off license again I suppose
I think many that use JC are actually fairly vulnerable themselves and would be more likely to be receiving money from charities rather than giving what little money some may have. I have spoken to a many regs in the rooms, without giving names there are a few who are in supported accommodation etc and others with various issues… it’s not the place to be asking for money from these people. We have a wide range of chatters on here, some affluent but many are possibly socially isolated and come here perhaps due to ill health etc that don’t want to be bombarded with requests for money every time they log on. This is a chatsite.. lets keep it that way and not turn it into some marketing place with people asking for your credit card details. Haven’t we got enough of that already?
You constantly take the piss out of mental health and mental health users on these boards Alfie, I very nearly commented the other day when you did, I also observed that the Florence Nightingales on this site didn’t pick up on it at all. So you Sir are a total hypocrite and so are they.
I dont ask them for money which is effectively what this thread is about. People have enough issues in life without being badgered for cash and lets face it, you aren’t interested in donating a penny to any charity… you just come on to try to put yourself up as some kind of noble altruistic soul minutes after my post. It’s cringeworthy and most can see right through it old bean
I think any admin would take less kindly to someone trolling threads calling someone ” alfie ” day after day when they clearly aren’t , crying about leaving the site continuously yet posting hours later and generally offering nothing to the site at all. My posts are either thread related , or related to the content of a post… yours are just repetitive inane childish crap about ” alfie”.
Alfie, you can fool some of the people, some of the time… You are clearly obsessed with me, hence your constant provocation on these boards and in the room 2. I don’t particularly take it personally because you are like it with everyone, you contribute nothing of substance or anything positive, to these boards. In my humble opinion. You’re a troll, nothing more and nothing less. Plus I do realize you want the bite, hence your rude posts to everyone else, all the time, so you carry on wee man and enjoy, not like you got much else going on is it. Night night.
The alfie stuff is just tiresome, it’s all you have in your locker which is why you are ridiculed on every thread as the sad one dimensional drunk you are. Interesting as I have fairly lengthy debates and decent conversations with many yet your posts just contain daft smileys and alfie references… the depth of a worms grave as usual to your ramblings. I’ll look forward to your next proclamation of departure, followed by you posting minutes later and laugh at you like everyone else ” “