Forum Replies Created
14 July, 2006 at 11:52 am #230437
@bat wrote:
@The Observer wrote:
@bat wrote:
I cant remember the words, but does anyone remember “convoy”? Now that was a good song. 8)
10-4 rubber duck.
Are you talking about ‘Convoy’ or ‘Convoy GB’ by DLT the hairy cornflake?
Both shyte in my opinion!
I was on about the song, and it wernt sh*t it was a cool song. 8) well I liked it. Nice one Pats. 8) 8)
Well if you liked that one, then you must love this one:
The bravest animals in the land are Captain Beaky and his band
That’s Timid Toad, Reckless Rat, Artful Owl and Batty Bat
They march through the woodlands singing songs
That tell how they have righted wrongsOnce Hissing Sid, an evil snake, kept the woodland folk awake
In fear and trembling every night
In case he gave someone a bite
Said Artful Owl, ‘We’ll lie in wait
And one of us will be the bait.”
Said Captain Beaky, “Have no fear! For I alone will volunteer!”“No, make it me!” Said Reckless Rat
I’ll stand there in my reckless hat
When Hissing Sid picks up my trail,
I’ll just lasso him with my tail!”“Oh, good idea” said Timid Toad, “We’ll hide a long way down the road.
And when you’ve overcome resistance,
We’ll rush along to your assistance.”Said Batty Bat, “I’ve got a wheeze!
I’ll fly and hide up in the trees!
If Hissing Sid should slither by
I’ll drop a boulder from the sky!”Said Artful Owl, “The idea sound…how will you lift it off the ground?”
Poor Batty Bat just scratched his head,
“I hadn’t thought of that,” he said.Said Owl, “The rest of us hold back. There’s only one that he’ll attack.”
Said Timid Toad, “I like your plan.”
“Good luck,” said Owl, “For you’re the man!”So Timid Toad, his eyes a-popping,
Into the woodland night went hopping
Captain Beaky waved his hand, followed by his trusty band
That’s Artful Owl and Reckless Rat, and above the trees flew Batty Bat.“Stop!” Said Beaky, “I hear squeaking!”
“It’s Batty Bat” said Owl, “He’s speaking!”
“It’s all in code,” said Reckless Rat
Said Owl, “I’ll just decipher that.”“A dash, a dot, two short, two long…
I rather think we’ve got it wrong.
It reads ‘can clearly see the road,
Hissing Sid has captured Toad!'”“Quick men!” said Beaky, “No delay!
“You mustn’t let him get away!”
And leaping off, said “Follow me!”
And ran head first into a tree.“Dot dot dot” squeaked Batty Bat.
Said Beaky, “Quick! Decipher that!”
Said Reckless Rat, “Perhaps we’re gaining?”
“No,” said Owl. “He says…it’s raining”Oh, how they ran to save poor Toad,
For they must find that snake’s abode
Guided by old Batty Bat
Dot dot go this way dash, go that!Then Hissing Sid’s lair they spied
Were they too late? Was he inside?
Said Reckless Rat, “I’ll get a pole
And stop him going down his hole!”Then into sight the snake came hopping,
Right past his hole, no sign of stopping
Said Reckless Rat, “That’s rather funny,
“There’s something jumping in his tummy.”Said Captain Beaky, “Well I’m blowed!
Hissing Sid has swallowed Toad!”
And as the snake hopped out of sight,
Off they chased into the night.At last they found him, tired and dizzy
And pulled out Toad, who said “Where is he?
For left alone, I felt quite sick,
And hopped into a hollow stickSaid Owl, “A clever step to take!
You jumped into that slippery snake.”
“That was brave of Toad”, said Rat
“That’s just my sort of plan!” said BatSaid Captain Beaky to his men,
“Well we’ll not see Hissing Sid again!”
And as they marched off down the road,
They sang in praise of Timid ToadAbove them flew ol’ Batty Bat,
With his wings stretched out, like that
Owl’s idea, the clever fella
To have a flying um-ber-ella14 July, 2006 at 11:39 am #230586@pats wrote:
my hubbs is scottish n hates whisky. his fave tipple is pernod. :-…
I know the perfect cocktail for your hubby:
2 parts pernod
1 part ginger
1 part watergive it a good stir and then throw it down the sink.
Its called a Scotch Missed
14 July, 2006 at 11:26 am #230566@pats wrote:
@The Observer wrote:
I believe Kevin had measles prior to his death. Someone said he was spotted over your house, being taken to a fish hospital in the mouth of a paramedic heron.
:D :D :D :D :D pml. so u reckon kevin may be alive n well and recuperating in a goldfish convalalcent home sumewere? :-k
PATS, you are not going to believe this, but Kevin is indeed alive and well. I have found him and he looks tiptop. Here check him out for yourself >Kevin :D
14 July, 2006 at 11:11 am #230564PATS,
I believe Kevin had measles prior to his death. Someone said he was spotted over your house, being taken to a fish hospital in the mouth of a paramedic heron.
14 July, 2006 at 11:03 am #230584@squeezy wrote:
@The Observer wrote:
Becky, that is sacrilege! You should only add a small drop of water or ice at the most, but never mixers.
Agreed – although my dad would have a fit at even the ice going in to ruin it :lol:
Your dad sounds cool enough without the ice. 8)
14 July, 2006 at 11:02 am #230432@bat wrote:
I cant remember the words, but does anyone remember “convoy”? Now that was a good song. 8)
10-4 rubber duck.
Are you talking about ‘Convoy’ or ‘Convoy GB’ by DLT the hairy cornflake?
Both shyte in my opinion!
14 July, 2006 at 10:49 am #230582Becky, that is sacrilege! You should only add a small drop of water or ice at the most, but never mixers. Are you sure he drinks single malt? I think it must be the fire water that My Ruby speaketh of (I will forgive her, but just this once!). Tell him to give the Macallan a go….. and no ginger!
14 July, 2006 at 10:02 am #230558Putting butter ‘all over’ seems a little excessive, but as a cure would take some licking.
Actually leeches, and maggots ARE making a comeback. I have read somewhere that leeches are being used to aid recovery when skin grafts are needed, and maggots can help where antibiotics are failing in treating infections. So I may have need of your leeches in the future. Apparently a leech lasts about 20 mins before dropping off, which is quite impressive in my book! :mrgreen:
14 July, 2006 at 9:33 am #230557Oh dear My Ruby, as I suspected. Breast feeding is the more natural remedy and I would have thought sugar was the last thing to give a wee baby, but it seems to have worked in this case. I remember being told as a wee small boy to put butter on burns and I still have the scars to show for it!
btw got any leeches for this?
14 July, 2006 at 9:06 am #84295@rubyred wrote:
@rainbowbrite wrote:
Lieutenant Uhura
raaaaaaaaah :) ya git
Comes over all funny! :oops:
Beam me up Scotty :arrow: