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  • #232740

    @Magoo wrote:

    @pikey wrote:

    I miss the little bugger.

    You brought him back pdq after this thread though… :wink:

    Very true! :lol:

    hmmm :-k

    Pikey, you scoundrel! :twisted:



    OK no more mention of sweaty socks, I am beginning to wretch myself :lol: :oops:

    Now I am frantically trying to think of another Scottish word that will fit.

    Scot = Hot, Shot, Snot, ermmm going downhill now soz :lol:


    @pikey wrote:

    :lol: Well, the Captain causes me much mirth, Spocos.

    From what I saw, he posteth nothing more than derogatory remarks about people. If that is funny in your book, then I hope it is biodegradable!


    See, now you have got me disliking ‘sweaty socks’ but I still love the ‘jocks’ I am now in a quandary!


    You are ferking sad Pikey! :lol:


    Sharon……..a Scot living in England. It has a certain mongrel appeal to it at the best of times. I started out by defending the cockney rhyming slang, and now I fear am falling in love with you! Shall we run off together and say fuck em? Or shall we invite one and all to our love shack?…including Emma :P


    @becky wrote:

    @The Observer wrote:

    @tommy ToXen wrote:

    @becky wrote:

    Have half of the JC population gone mad,potty,cuckoo and mental???????
    Or am i paranoid???? LOL :lol: you and any bum chum of mr “i’m going to slit your dogs throat and rape your sister lololol make you watch mug”

    :shock: I quite fancy Becky myself, but I wouldn’t take such a forthright approach!

    Call me old fashioned 8)

    *wibble* :-s

    HAHAHAHA :oops: Im all shy now mwahh back at ya sexy x

    Sexy……………me? :shock: You must be mad! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :twisted:


    @sharongooner wrote:

    (sorry, edit as meant to quote observer)

    if you read my post before that one and the one after it i think i have explained myself, and i was just being as shallow as her in mentioning the rhyming slang bit… she is all for england rather than britain, and cockney rhyming slang is London, not england….

    what works for the goose………………

    Hey, I don’t know you from Adam (or should that be Eve?) but I am trying to understand where you are coming from.

    We should be trying to come closer together as a nation/world, not quibbling over where our roots are. Who cares!!! I am English with Irish roots, but I also have Scottish relatives. I consider myself British, but I am not sure what that means! I think most importantly I am human and can embrace anyone with care and compassion if necessary……Emma included.


    @sharongooner wrote:

    @The Observer wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    i object to being called a sweaty sock~!!

    What is wrong with being called “A sweaty sock”? It is only c’ockney rhyming slang for ‘jock’ It is not offensive in anyway is it? All rhyming slang is meant to be funny, or so I thought “me old c’ock sparrow” The modern ones are even more so, and if I can be @rsed I will go look a few up and feed them back to you….right now I am off for a Jack Dee!

    she aint cockney and it didnt rhyme!!!!!!

    she is far more north than cockney :wink:

    She as in ‘Emma’? and what didn’t rhyme? You don’t have to be a cockney to use the slang do you? I/we often use French or Latin phrases in common speak do we not? …..C’est la vie :twisted:


    @sharongooner wrote:

    i object to being called a sweaty sock~!!

    What is wrong with being called “A sweaty sock”? It is only c’ockney rhyming slang for ‘jock’ It is not offensive in anyway is it? All rhyming slang is meant to be funny, or so I thought “me old c’ock sparrow” The modern ones are even more so, and if I can be @rsed I will go look a few up and feed them back to you….right now I am off for a Jack Dee!

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