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  • #222642

    @Lambrini Girl wrote:

    I am as much a “lady of the night” if you don’t mind, as I am a stay at home mum :wink:

    Is that the same as ‘staying mum’?

    Great reply to my classifications btw. You should be awarded an A just on that alone! =D>


    Only a C2 Squeezy? How disappointing! I had you down as a member of the Bourgeoisie, possibly a future Queen of Scotland.


    This is no thread to be seen on for the discerning poster :oops: :lol:


    These days we normally refer to the demographic classifications as shown below:

    A = upper middle class e.g. doctor, solicitor, barrister, accountant, company director

    B = middle class e.g. teacher, nurse, police officer, probation officer, middle manager

    C1 = lower middle class e.g. junior manager, student, clerical/office workers, supervisors

    C2 = skilled working class e.g. foreman, agricultural worker, plumber, bricklayer

    D = working class e.g. manual workers, shop worker, fisherman, apprentices

    E = underclass e.g. casual labourers, state pensioners

    The grades are often grouped into ABC1 and C2DE and these are taken to equate to middle class and working class respectively.

    In my day I looked up to him, but down on him :lol:


    @squeezy wrote:

    @The Observer wrote:

    at times I may get the urge to shout out ‘Sian, Sian, Sian’, so I am undecided which to chose! :)

    Three Sians…how would we cope!! :shock: :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I would say “Hip, Hip, (ooh, hang on I heard a click)………Hooray! :D


    @*Sian* wrote:

    @The Observer wrote:

    How is Sian a muppet? (whatever that means!)

    Thanks for only questioning the muppet choice 8) :lol:

    Well, by your own admission you are a ‘tart’ and obviously a member of the ‘sisterhood’, which only left ‘Sian’ or ‘Sian Sian Sian’. On most occasions I only want to call you Sian, however at times I may get the urge to shout out ‘Sian, Sian, Sian’, so I am undecided which to chose! :)


    @*Sian* wrote:

    I think it is more because we don’t care and see us all as United.

    Not if you are a City fan :twisted:


    Sorry Tadpole, it just sounded so perfect. I was obviously wrong! :( Would you consider swapping it for two hamsters complete with full pouches and a squeak free wheel?


    @tadpole wrote:

    Well im a dog owner and my dog does nothing in the street or anywhere public. She doesnt even sniff lamposts or trees.

    I bet it sleeps in your bed, has perfect table manners, never farts, and her breath doesn’t smell either.


    @drivel wrote:

    @dee wrote:

    Useless fact……………in japan they have live lobster vending machines (it’s on my fact for the day calendar at work)

    You have to have lobsters live . They must be cooked live – the squeals are terrible .
    Dunno why they do this

    We have had this discussion before! :lol:

    Ask Dawny, she warms them up slowly to send them to sleep…..much more humane, bless :)

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