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  • #223663

    @abitofmary_j wrote:

    only heard of 2… the rest i pass on…

    @cymorill wrote:

    my guest list

    Jesus heard of Him
    Dalai Laman heard of Him
    L. Ron Hubbard
    Lao Tzu

    theme would be the philosophy of religion, i have always felt that the two are linked, as for jung and freud, well the two could pyscho-analyse each other for a bit of after dinner entertainment. :P :lol:

    I thought it was Cymorill’s World Cup Eleven!

    Jesus in goal…..I am sure he could save a few.

    Mohammed on the wing……as he has a wicked right cross. :lol:


    @pikey wrote:

    :D Here, Manners, old chap, if England win the World Cup and Tony gives us a bank holiday as promised, are you going to go into work just out of spite?



    Can I have No.14 as my 2nd pick, ta!


    A canny egg??? Is this bigger or smaller than a duck egg?

    If I had known Big Brother was a cookery programme, I would have watch it from the start! I usually watch AWT on Saturday mornings. There are often some tempting delights on there to salivate over, and that’s just his guests.

    I am sure MaryJ will enlighten us, as she seems to know everything about everything. She is our very own Domestos Goddess


    @dee wrote:

    @giggles wrote:

    I randomly post drivel on these boards :D :roll:

    You nicked my response :lol: :wink: nice to see you giggles

    as there is a poster called ‘drivel’ you could have replied:-

    and drivel posts randomly on these boards too!

    but that’s just how my mind works! :lol:


    Morning MaryJ :)

    Don’t tell me it’s easy to boil an egg! I have spent many years trying to perfect a soft boiled egg. Do you put it straight into cold water, then bring to the boil and time it? Do you drop it into boiling water then start your timer? The problem with eggs is that you can’t see what’s happening on the inside. (a bit like my stomach when talking to lovely ladies, Thank God!)


    No.13 for me please!


    Can you feel the heat too Mr Amp? *phew* By it’s fooking hot in here…..shall we take it outside? The after dinner brandy I mean.

    James can do the washing up!


    @*Sian* wrote:

    8) Doing the race for life… what a turn out!!!! 7500 people at the race today and well also broke the world record for the biggest world stretch :lol: :lol:

    Had a great day and I have raised over 100 quid for cancer research!!

    The worlds biggest stretch mark??? Surely not! :lol:

    Seriously though, well done, it is a great cause and you deserve all the plaudits. =D>


    @Lambrini Girl wrote:

    @The Observer wrote:

    @Lambrini Girl wrote:

    I am as much a “lady of the night” if you don’t mind, as I am a stay at home mum :wink:

    Is that the same as ‘staying mum’?

    Great reply to my classifications btw. You should be awarded an A just on that alone! =D>

    It most definitely is :wink: … and thank you for my honorary elevated class status :lol:

    You changed that! Nowt gets past me :wink: :lol:

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