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  • #516054

    @sceptical guy wrote:

    always a sign of a poor argument, when someone makes a case and then proceeds to throw insults round like confetti.

    The effect is, and is intended to be, to take attention away from the poor argument by provoking people to react in a like manner.

    UKIP would be wise to keep Terry away from the Rotherham by-election on Thursday, as he may scare some potential voters off. He is the best advert against he UKIP there is – you couldn’t make him up.

    My fear is that this case will increase the UKIP vote. The Tories are quite worried about a possible split in their party over the EU.

    ](*,) Give me ****ing strength! :evil:

    Having been on the receiving end of several of your limp-wristed insults I wonder how you have the nerve to write this rubbish (without blushing).

    You really are a sad excuse for somebody who gives the impression of knowing it all, but who actually (in reality) knows very little. You may fool a few dimwits on these boards, but you don’t fool everyone.

    Praising George W Bush and Gordon Brown for saving the world was the moment of epiphany for me – the realisation there was a screw missing in that tiny warped mind of yours. How on earth could anyone (apart from you) find anything positive to say about Bush or Brown?

    I’m not going to accuse you of being a racist or a bigot – there seems to be a lot of that rubbish going on already on these boards. Only cowards stoop so low that they accuse others of racism. And, as far as I’m concerned, I can’t think of a better word than “coward” to best describe you. But there again “loser” is a pretty apt word too.


    @kent f OBE wrote:

    so what ? I made a mistake….I was feeling tired

    We all make mistakes – my biggest one is whenever I choose to read iyour crap posts.


    @sceptical guy wrote:

    The same goes for UKIP. I find their xenophobia indefensible, but that in itself doesn’t disqualify members from being foster-parents. It depends on the individuals.

    You can join the UKIP for any number of reasons. One is that you’re a racist, or alternatively an old-fashioned jingo – immigration is the key. Another is that you’r a loony. A third is that you simply hate the EU – this inludes a good number of people.

    Your logic and beliefs are laughable, but they always have been (regardless of the subject matter). And they’re quite scary too, because you’re promoting a lynch mob mentality of perceived good versus evil. It isn’t like that, but I do worry about your state of mind which seems to have the same amount of venom and hatred as the most extreme BNP supporter.

    You’re entitled to your opinions of course (however ridiculous and insidious they are..and they ARE), but essentially you are wrong and deluded. And, by the looks of it, you always will be.


    @kent f OBE wrote:

    Lord Terry asked the question a few pages ago:

    What if the parents were members of the Labour Party or the Conservative Party?

    What if the parents were members of the BNP Party?

    I didn’t mention the BNP, but there again you do tend to mix fact with fiction, don’t you?

    You even managed to call me a racist on these boards which just goes to show how disgracefully low you sink. People who point the finger and accuse someone of being a racist are as bad as racists themselves.

    Oh and the “BNP Party”? Seriously Kent, what does the “P” in BNP stand for? huh?

    You are totally clueless. And you disgust me…


    @a certain sadness wrote:

    She has three kids by three different fathers who were all taxi drivers but thats another story.

    Be honest…is wordworth one of the fathers?


    @rusty trawler wrote:

    it’s easy to see why they had a concern when we consider UKIPs views on immigration and the nationality of the children.

    Hmm..who exactly is “we”? Do you speak for yourself or do you see yourself as a spokesperson for a ground-breaking new group of “loonie lefties” who will change the world with their superior brand of intellect? I hate it when people are looking to grab a bit of attention for themselves, because they invariably get it wrong just as Joyce Thacker (an ultimate attention-seeker) has – and who on earth would defend her when her views have been described as “indefensible”?

    Just a point of interest: political commentators have said that Labour’s “views on immigration” (the more immigrants we have, the better) cost them the last election (a view supported by Labour MP Chris Bryant).

    So whose immigration policy is the best? and why should it matter in this particular case? Were the children at risk of being harmed because they are Polish? Clearly not.

    UKIP’s “views on immigration” are actually reflected by the majority of British citizens. Nobody “hates” the east Europeans – they just question the need for them to be allowed to continue to live, work and claim benefits over here. That isn’t a racist policy – it’s a sound, economic one that is opposed by people (like Tony Blair, today) who know that being in the EU costs us a fortune, but couldn’t care less.


    I wonder is the by-election in Rotherham this week has anything to do with the slur against UKIP?

    Politicians from all political parties have been critical of Joyce Thacker’s reasons for removing the children from their foster parents. And that is good to hear, because it was a decision based purely on discrimination. It had nothing to do with the welfare of the children and that is why – in my opinion – she isn’t the kind of person who should be in a position of responsibility.

    Nigel Farage has said he won’t broker any kind of deal with the Tories at elections as long as David Cameron remains the leader of the Conservatives.


    I wonder is the by-election in Rotherham this week has anything to do with the slur against UKIP?

    Politicians from all political parties have been critical of Joyce Thacker’s reasons for removing the children from their foster parents. And that is good to hear, because it was a decision based purely on discrimination. It had nothing to do with the welfare of the children and that is why – in my opinion – she isn’t the kind of person who should be in a position of responsibility.

    Nigel Farage has said he won’t broker any kind of deal with the Tories at elections as long as David Cameron remains the leader of the Conservatives.


    @jen_jen wrote:

    Is that photo-shopped?

    It was photographed using ND filters on the camera lens to get a really slow shutter speed (and a really smooth-looking ocean).

    It was then edited using ‘silver effex pro’ software which is a premium black & white program.


    @sceptical guy wrote:

    Terry and Nigel Farage may well be deeply concerned for the welfare of these kids, but then again maybe not. It’s the fate of the children, not the fate of UKIP, which concerns most of us.

    The fate of the children depends on the social services and their decision making.

    If they keep using people who – like you – don’t have much of a clue and rely on prejudice then we’re in big trouble.

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