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  • #283311

    :D very good!


    Haha, nos 11 and 13 are particularly good ones. :D


    Junk mail does have its uses. It helps me fill up my recycling box, thereby earning me extra brownie points with the local council. :lol:


    @smiley wrote:

    I read an article the other day about how the Tories are planning to, finally, reward married couples by giving them tax breaks.

    The move is designed to “prevent further break-up of our morals and values in society”

    Hmmm, talon thinks that the move is designed to “grab some badly needed votes at the next election before Cameron and Co terminally disappear over the horizon of history”.


    As far as the Yanks are concerned, 9/11 was far worse, not because of the actual event that happened, which was minimal compared to what’s actually happened in Iraq, but because all those highly-paid agents in the security services never saw this coming and were made to look like a complete bunch of muppets.

    They probably never got over the embarrassment and loss of face at getting suckered like that, so someone had to pay. If all those ‘special agents’ had spent more time in doing their jobs properly instead of sitting around stuffing their faces with Big Macs and drinking coffee, who knows, they might have prevented the whole episode. Just a thought!


    Nice one lol, and welcome to JC. :)


    Truly, this is the work of a total genius…or a complete madman lol.

    That line about the twin brother had me in stitches. Keep ’em coming!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


    I hear electric shock therapy is pretty effective at curing paedos of their desires for child sex……at 50,000 volts, that is!!

    It’s called finding a permanent solution to the problem.


    When you see the attitudes of many of these East European Neanderthals, it’s great to be able to sit back with a smile on our face thinking how far advanced our society is compared to theirs. Yes sir! :)


    I luvs these stories; really, I do! :lol:

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