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  • #284627

    I’m glad you liked that one guys.


    definitely one for the girls lol.


    :lol: :lol: :lol: you have to get more like these susieann.


    Simply brilliant, and how true. You can’t fault any of that. :P :P :P


    there’s no quick fix solution to what you guys have written about. our society has slowing been turning sicker and sicker by the day, no-one knows quite why, or what can be done about it.

    we all want a decent society where people respect each other, and take an interest in their fellow citizens, but not much evidence of that in modern Britain today. maybe we have too much, have too many expectations about what we should have, maybe deep down we’re all seriously unhappy and unsatisfied with our lot in life but just don’t realise it, and it manifests itself in all these crazy ways. but respect should start at home, and with so many broken down families these days, if the papers are to be believed, is it a wonder the next generation are going off the rails!

    when I was a youngster, the worst we did to each other was throw a punch, now it’s escalated all the way to cold-blooded murder. a sea change in society, indeed!


    love it. couldn’t stop laughing, I can relate to a lot of that. well done :!:


    Brilliant. Has made my day lol. :D :D :D


    thanks shaz and mel, it’s nice to know that my efforts to find you guys good jokes are worthwhile.


    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Mel, just where do you get the inspiration for these witty monologues?

    Brilliant! :) :)

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