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  • #273139

    Unless you’re a saint, then inevitably, megalomania would set in. I wouldn’t trust myself to run this country, and believe me, you wouldn’t want me running this country. :evil:

    Power is a corrupting influence, but we still hate politicians just the same because they can’t resist the temptation and they all succumb. Hey, they’re only human after all (with the exception of that Becket woman, I don’t know what planet she came from). :lol:


    Granted, we all have money and at some point we have to spend it, after all there’s no point in being the richest person in the graveyard. We all have choices to make, but some choices are better than others!!

    I wouldn’t mind a Sky subscription, but not at £30 to £50 a month. The rubbish they serve up just isn’t worth that money, but millions rush in like lemmings thinking that they’re getting a good value product. Likewise I wouldn’t be averse to attending a top Premiership game, but if Chelsea or Man Utd think they’re getting £50 of my cash for just 90 mins of supposed ‘entertainment’, well sorry, but they ain’t.

    Because we have so many products available that are poor value for money, is it a wonder that debt levels rise when people have to keep on paying more and more when in fact they should be paying less and less. They estimate average debt levels of £27k per person in the UK; if you think that’s ok, then fine, but personally I find it all very sad, when it shouldn’t really be necessary.

    If your personal debt level keeps on rising, then of course, you are going to remain a slave to the modern economic system, but if your debt levels go down whilst still remaining economically active, then you are going to empower yourself. But the real questions are, are most people aware that they’re slaves or not? Do they empower themselves, or somebody else? Are they aware and conscious of their day to day life, or do they just sleepwalk from one day to the next? Big philosophical questions indeed. I simply come to my conclusions using the evidence of my own eyes. Anyone else of course is free to come to their own conclusions.

    Finally, this 90/10 split is just my humble guestimate. If you think this is outlandish, then feel free to make your own estimate. Any smart person can make a reasonable guess. But good and valid points have been raised by all.


    Well said Zaxx, I couldn’t have put it better myself.

    The frightening thought is, if you take the human race as a whole, is that approx 90% of people on this planet of ours exist simply to make the other 10% extremely wealthy and powerful, and no other reason.

    It sounds a bit sweeping but think about it: how do the rich keep on getting richer?

    Because all the poor old Joe’s on this planet don’t have a clue on how to hang on to their money but are ready to give it away at the slightest excuse! Examples: paying £30-£50 a month to Sky tv just to watch a load of tosh. Well, if you’re a subscriber you ain’t getting richer but Murdoch is and so are the shareholders in his company. Are you happy to pay £50 to go and watch a top Premiership football match? Guess what it’s the players and everyone else involved in the business of football that are laughing all the way to the bank whilst probably taking the p*ss at all the mugs that buy tickets, and it’s football fans that are lighter in the pocket week in week out. Sad but true! If you’re after that new car just to keep up with the Joneses, remember, cars just eat money like there’s no tomorrow, but try telling that to ‘ordinary’ people. I could go on with the examples but I won’t, I think you get the picture.

    Having said all that there are a few enlightened people around, who, whilst they might never achieve serious wealth or power, are not in that 90% group, they have their eyes open to what is happening around them, and are savvy enough to be quietly making money for themselves without making too many waves, and don’t get conned into a lifetime of debt or servitude.

    Modern slavery. INDEED!!


    :D some excellent jokes there Mary J. :P


    hey ugo, I’m only passing these on from elsewhere so if you don’t like them, don’t blame me!

    By the way I notice from your stats that you’re averaging 6 posts a day. That’s pretty sad really. I suggest you get yourself a girl so you don’t have so much time to spend p*ssing about on the Internet.

    You sad f**k!! :evil: :evil: :evil:


    :D this is just what we need to do to keep us going in our modern, screwed up world!


    the original joke went “Why did Elizabeth Arden? Because Max Factor”. (Arden = harden).


    Excellent! With such an obvious punchline you wonder why nobody thought of it before!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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