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21 June, 2007 at 10:10 am #270196
Gordy is as much a waste of space as Tony. All I’ll ever associate with Gordy is stealth taxes; he’s quite a master at creating these wonderful little taxes, just such a pity that all that extra money raised has been p*ssed down the toilet. And yes, he is likely to be ousted at the next general election. The voters are ready for a ‘change’, but their idea of a change will be to put in Tory Blair as leader.
Some change hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
21 June, 2007 at 9:49 am #273741The BNP has a serious image problem. Think BNP, and all you see in your mind is a bunch of racist thugs. That’s the perception of them today amongst most of the population. If they do have some seriously good policies, then it seems to be lost under that racist haze that accompanies them.
If any political party makes policy based purely on a person’s skin colour, then we should all start to be worried!
21 June, 2007 at 9:37 am #273879I can see the control aspect of religion but politicians, kings and queens, dictators and generals have been exercising control over people, all backed with the brute force of police and military, ever since coherent and structured societies began to evolve, so you wonder why it was necessary to create another form of control, unless as a form of mind control. Whether religion came about because of control or comfort, we can never really be sure of the original motives behind it, because there is nothing documented. If you simply go by the Bible, it preaches eternal life for believers, so this must be a source of great comfort to many, but you’d be hard put to find any explicit references to how people must be controlled. Maybe the references to control are all implied.
Just suppose there is a benevolent and loving God, as the Bible keeps harping on about? Where is He today? Has He given up on the human race that He supposedly created? Is He just sitting back and having a good, long laugh at all our expense? If He is, he is one twisted mother!!
20 June, 2007 at 10:53 am #273875Religion was invented because people have a fundamental fear of death and what happens after. Most people cannot accept the finality of death and need to believe that there is something afterwards, a paradise or whatever you want to call it. This belief in an afterlife brings them great comfort. And hey presto, religions evolve which fit this need perfectly.
Now for the bad news: all this comfort comes at a big, big price. War, murder, persecution, intolerance and bigotry, as each adherent to a particular religion believes their’s is the correct and only one. Too big a price for my liking!
20 June, 2007 at 10:29 am #273736@emmalush wrote:
You know, there comes a time when decent members of society must stand up for who and what they are from the tyranny of those who allow such evil to prosper on our streets.
I would agree emma, but that time is not now. The British people are still, by and large, far too spineless and gutless to stand up for what they believe in, so we will all have to endure this state of affairs for a very long time still.
If democracy worked really well in this country, we wouldn’t be living in a two party state, where we effectively elect a dictatorship. For a few years one party has a go, then for another few years the other party has a go, but nothing changes for the better. It’s a crying shame that people don’t understand the power of that ‘X’ when they go to the ballot box, because if they did, things would change pretty quick. When the next general election comes around in a few years, it’s quite possible that Tory Blair (aka David Cameron) is going to be the new prime minister and the Tories may well have a majority in Parliament, voters are going to be feeling pretty happy and smug because they’ll think they’ve given NTL a good kicking, when if fact all the voters will have done is to exactly maintain the status quo. So how can things change for the better, when this keeps happening????
20 June, 2007 at 10:11 am #273620Myth: the Government is there as servants of the people and for the good of the people and country.
Fact: politics is about sheer, naked power and f**k all else.
So, please don’t be too surpised when you hear policticians banging on about power. They managed to get into positions of power, so they’re going to wield it as much as they can for the time that they’re in a position to do so, and boy, are they going to let you know about it :!:
Sure, there is a lot of fancy window dressing around this power, to make them look good and benevolent and to make it look like they’re there in the best interests of all, but we know that’s not really true. The best thing is not to let them wind you up, you can by and large ignore most of their verbal diarrhoea, and you don’t have to be taken in by them, unless you let them of course.
In the ten years that NTL (New Trash Labour) have been in power, they haven’t ever succeeded in telling me what to think or do, I’ve made those decisions for myself. All their great ideas and schemes……straight into the dustbin!
20 June, 2007 at 9:49 am #271689Sky actually does have a couple of good channels and for that I’d be happy to pay £10 a month but they won’t do that for me. For the few good channels I have to accept another 200 or so of drivel, for which Sky would like to privelege of charging me another £30-£40 a month. So I’ve politely declined their kind offer.
But we’re kind of digressing here from the main theme of modern slavery. Having poor value for money products is probably just one contributory factor, but mainly people enslave themselves because they want, want, want!! They want instant gratification in everything, they want the latest gadgets and gizmos because it brings them instant gratification, they mostly can’t afford or don’t want to save for these gizmos, so they borrow, borrow, borrow, which inevitably leads to debt, debt, debt. And being up to your neck in debt is the modern equivalent of the old-fashioned ball and chain around your ankles. Not much difference between the two really, just a matter of perception.
Why people want to enslave themselves like this, who knows? I don’t see things changing much, however many generations pass.
13 June, 2007 at 12:02 pm #271308There’s no point in beating about the bush and emma said it just right. Everyone who voted for New Trash Labour at the last general election has got the blood of dead British soliders and innocent Iraqi civilians on their hands, so I wonder if they sleep easy at night or not? Probably they do, because in this wonderful democracy of ours, voters don’t have a clue what they’re doing when they go to vote, they really don’t comprehend the responsibility they have and what the ramifications are when they place that ‘X’ against a candidates name.
I sleep easy at night because I’ve never voted for New Trash Labour, never will, so I’ve got a clear conscience on the whole Iraq issue. I might do a post soon on voting and democracy; you could find it interesting. :)
13 June, 2007 at 8:36 am #271460:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
13 June, 2007 at 8:33 am #271979Here’s Talon’s solution:
let’s do an exchange, we get these guys back and the kidnappers get Bush and Blair in their place. After all, these two cowboys started the whole show when they went in to Iraq with both guns blazing, like they were starring in some Hollywood western or something like that.
As if having one Afghanistan in the world was bad enough, now we have two to contend with. Another country that will now be permanently ungovernable and lawless. So for any Westerner that does go there, whether for the good of the country or just to line their own pockets, good luck because you’ll need it :!: :!: