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  • #272253

    the era when governments actually governed in the best interests of all the country is long gone. now it’s about appeasement of pressure groups, minority interests, and trying to make happy all those vociferous but very small self-interest groups, whilst the silent majority keep on doing just that, staying silent and taking and putting up with all the crap that’s thrown at them. The British are truly a heroic and stoical people, even if sadly misguided!

    don’t get me wrong, I don’t advocate Stalin’s way of governing a country, where one man’s word can hand thousands a death sentence, that isn’t right either and is too far in the other direction, but verily, we do live in an era of government run by a bunch of pussies!

    if Tory Blair and his band of Tory merrymen get into power next time, you really will get to see the meaning of ‘gay government’.

    two slightly different shades of the same colour at election time? what a wonderful choice to look forward to.
    :cry: :cry: :cry:


    Dear people, the reason that this state of affairs exists is because, collectively, as a nation, we have all voted for it to exist. We live in a democracy, right? The British people have, of their own free will, put New Trash Labour in power since 1997, and even as recently as 2005, they were re-elected because of the oustanding job they have made of running the country, is that not correct?

    Tell me if I’m wrong, but logic would dictate that if you do a good job in running the country, you get re-elected, and if you do a very bad job, as has been suggested, then you get thrown out of power. After all, that’s the power of that little ‘X’ at the ballot box!

    The British people have made their beds, now they must lie in it. Too late for moaning about how bad things are, another general election isn’t due for a few years yet, and N T L can introduce many more wonderful policies in those few years.

    In a democracy, we are all collective responsible for putting a government into power, even if as individuals, we didn’t actually vote for that political party. We all have to stand by the majority decision, even if less than 50% of the population can elect a majority government, but hey, that’s just a minor technical detail.

    Have faith in your fellow citizens, please!! (oh ok, don’t then!)


    Sod this politics cr*p anyway, do you fancy a shag emms?? :P


    Are you sure phones can’t reproduce?? I started out with one, now I’ve got three. Not quite sure how that happened :?

    Bit like those bloomin’ hangers in the wardrobe. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Stupidly simple, but effective :lol:


    I suppose this man is Nick Griffin, and the girl is white?!


    Who is this ‘Nick Griffin’ :? :?


    great story fastcars. justice was done, and seen to be done.

    now this thing about taxes: since we live in a system where we have no say in how govenment spends our tax money, and we all accept that we have no say in how taxes are spent, and furthermore none of us are prepared to do anything to try and change this admittedly absurd system, then there’s no point in harping on about how tax money is spent. if you don’t like it, deal with it and move on!

    what’s with this about black coppers, black teachers etc? what would you rather have, a black copper who’s good at his job or a white copper who’s not good at his job? ditto the other professions.


    [/quote]They make policy based on preserving those who are white.[/quote]

    Emma, that’s seriously bad news. By your own admission, that’s racist policy, unless someone has recently changed what the definition of racism is.


    Thanks for the replies. I’ll check these out. Cheers :)

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