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  • #358779

    I could quite easily be tempted to start following Wenger’s mob if it means getting sharon under my wingspan.



    That sharon, she’s so effin’ gorgeous!!!!…….even if she does support the A*r*s*e*nal lol

    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Thanks for the feedback guys. At least it’s given me a little food for thought.



    Just another example of why I so despise Nu Trash Labour! They are extremely good at flushing hard earned tax money down the crapper, but not so good at using it for the betterment of society.

    Anyway you can no more ‘ban’ the word chav than other derogatory word, you simply don’t use it within earshot of any member of the oh-so right on pc police force. They long ago lost the right to make individual, sensible judgements about things, and now, it’s all about targets. So don’t make it easy for them. :x


    Lordy………….who’d have thought that asking a tech question about keyboard settings would have gone down the road of Channel Islanders and Opera!!!!!

    :-s :-s


    Five laughs for this one………….!

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Merci a tous pour votre assistance. J’etude un peu le francais, et je voudrais ecrire a des amies francaises, alors le keyboard francais me peut aider avec les accents.

    Je vais essayer a etablir le keyboard francais, et bonne chance a moi, j’en aurai besoin!!



    I have One Care from Windows Live, yes Microsoft’s very own product.

    I doubt if they’ll ever release a security update that would conflict with their own internet security suite.

    It’s paid for and works like a dream, but the only question is, does Microsoft really need the revenue from my subscription? Should I spend my cash with a company that needs the money more?

    Questions! Questions!


    :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


    Love it!!!

    :D/ :D/ :D/

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