Sword replied to the topic Mozilla Firefox in the board Technical Q&A 16 years, 7 months ago
@Smiley wrote:
@talon wrote:
Thanks for the feedback guys. At least it’s given me a little food for thought.
Best thing to do, Talon, is simply download it and give it a day’s trial. If you don’t like it… uninstall it. Simple as eh?
But trust me, Firefox is the way to go. I’d swear by it.
You got it from the ‘trusted’ expert.
Smiley replied to the topic Mozilla Firefox in the board Technical Q&A 16 years, 7 months ago
@talon wrote:
Thanks for the feedback guys. At least it’s given me a little food for thought.
Best thing to do, Talon, is simply download it and give it a day’s trial. If you don’t like it… uninstall it. Simple as eh?
But trust me, Firefox is the way to go. I’d swear by it.
waspish replied to the topic cheltenham average in the board Getting serious 16 years, 7 months ago
@Pete wrote:
@Sarah 30 wrote:
@talon wrote:
Just another example of why I so despise Nu Trash Labour! They are extremely good at flushing hard earned tax money down the crapper, but not so good at using it for the betterment of society.
Anyway you can no more ‘ban’ the word chav than other derogatory word, you simply don’t use it within earshot of…
Pete replied to the topic cheltenham average in the board Getting serious 16 years, 7 months ago
@Sarah 30 wrote:
@talon wrote:
Just another example of why I so despise Nu Trash Labour! They are extremely good at flushing hard earned tax money down the crapper, but not so good at using it for the betterment of society.
Anyway you can no more ‘ban’ the word chav than other derogatory word, you simply don’t use it within earshot of any member of…
Giselle replied to the topic setting keyboard for a foreign language in the board Technical Q&A 16 years, 7 months ago
@talon wrote:
Lordy………….who’d have thought that asking a tech question about keyboard settings would have gone down the road of Channel Islanders and Opera!!!!!
:-s :-s
Welcome to the wonderfully varied/oblique world of JC. :lol: :lol:
Catmanblue replied to the topic Car accident this morning in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 8 months ago
@talon wrote:
I was just out for a pleasant drive this morning and unfortunately, I accidently rear-ended another car down a busy road. No real damage was done though, just some paint off the bumpers.
I thought, gawd I just know that this is going to be a REALLY bad day!
The driver got out of the other car and to my surprise, he was a dwarf,…
emmalush replied to the topic Blue Labour in the board Getting serious 16 years, 9 months ago
emmalush replied to the topic Blue Labour in the board Getting serious 16 years, 9 months ago
@talon wrote:
Emms, I see you’ve still got the same big chip on your shoulder. Some things just don’t change at all! [-X
Eh? or as Manuel in Falwty Towers says, Ce? Meaning?
Anita Gofradump replied to the topic would you want to know? in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 1 month ago
@talon wrote:
the point of the post neets was really just to elicit a yes or no from JC’s esteemed chatters. don’t think I answered any questions for anyone, just made a couple of statements. bit of a difference you know dear girl!
Ok sorry Dear mwah! xxx :wink:
Tilly Mint replied to the topic would you want to know? in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 1 month ago
@talon wrote:
If a god-like being appeared in front of you one day and offered to tell you the exact date that you’re going to die……….
Of course, there is a certain advantage in knowing that nugget of information, in that you can plan appropriately for how you’re going to spend the rest of your days on…
Anita Gofradump replied to the topic would you want to know? in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 1 month ago
@talon wrote:
If a god-like being appeared in front of you one day and offered to tell you the exact date that you’re going to die……….
Of course, there is a certain advantage in knowing that nugget of information, in that you can plan appropriately for how you’re going to spend the rest of your days on…
American Woman replied to the topic It’s a July morning……. in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 7 months ago
@talon wrote:
jesus christ, who changed all the knobs on the climate control??
Was that a question for us or for Jesus Christ??? :roll: -
Slayer replied to the topic Race relations in the UK today. in the board Getting serious 17 years, 8 months ago
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
@talon wrote:
I recently overheard an Indian girl say the following:
“F**king Pakkis!!”
I kid you not this time.
So much for race relations today. A wonderful example of harmonious integration between the different cultures and how multiculturalism is the only way forward (according to our politicians, that is).
If i was…
HermanGRRRman replied to the topic Should the House of Commons celebrate Muhamad’s birthday? in the board Polls 17 years, 8 months ago
@talon wrote:
Fair’s fair, we should all celebrate the joys of Mohammed if Saudi Arabia and all them Arab-y type people starting getting cosy and friendly with that Jesus bloke.
Can’t say better than that, innit!! :P
People have short memories.
That Jesus bloke was an arab! Sad innit. -
Slayer replied to the topic Ofsted blame Islam for 9/11 / Religious fascism in the board Getting serious 17 years, 8 months ago
@talon wrote:
I can see the control aspect of religion but politicians, kings and queens, dictators and generals have been exercising control over people, all backed with the brute force of police and military, ever since coherent and structured societies began to evolve, so you wonder why it was necessary to create another form of control, unless…
waspish replied to the topic GOVERNMENT IN POWER in the board Getting serious 17 years, 8 months ago
@talon wrote:
Myth: the Government is there as servants of the people and for the good of the people and country.
Fact: politics is about sheer, naked power and f**k all else.
So, please don’t be too surpised when you hear policticians banging on about power. They managed to get into positions of power, so they’re going to wield it as much as…
Slayer replied to the topic Modern Slavery? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 8 months ago
@talon wrote:
Granted, we all have money and at some point we have to spend it, after all there’s no point in being the richest person in the graveyard. We all have choices to make, but some choices are better than others!!
Of course they are, some earn more money than others-doesnt mean they deserve it, but thats life. If my household has a…[Read more]
Slayer replied to the topic Modern Slavery? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 8 months ago
@talon wrote:
Well said Zaxx, I couldn’t have put it better myself.
The frightening thought is, if you take the human race as a whole, is that approx 90% of people on this planet of ours exist simply to make the other 10% extremely wealthy and powerful, and no other reason.
It sounds a bit sweeping but think about it: how do the rich keep on…