Forum Replies Created
13 July, 2006 at 6:45 pm #23052313 July, 2006 at 6:42 pm #230521
Put the lotion in the basket……lmaoooooooooooooooo
Are you trying to send me into premature labour?
PMSLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
13 July, 2006 at 5:35 pm #230339@fastcars wrote:
I’ve got a few mates who are ar*se ‘souls’…. :lol:
Is that better grumpy….
Not you my dear. :lol:
13 July, 2006 at 4:34 pm #230253Mwah!!!!!! You lil’ tease. :wink:
13 July, 2006 at 4:31 pm #230252omg!!!! WE ARE THE SAME!
thats what you do to me……well in a fashion i have a thing for grumpy old men. :P
Anyway would love to chat as you leave me with such a happy warm feeling…..but i have to love and leave you for a bit…….
I know I know, you can always get me on msn though. :wink:
13 July, 2006 at 4:24 pm #230251@token_male wrote:
@tadpole wrote:
In Internet terminology, a troll is someone who comes into an established community such as an online discussion forum, and posts inflammatory, rude, repetitive or offensive messages designed intentionally to annoy and antagonize the existing members or disrupt the flow of discussion.
the first post on this topic on this thread anyway! started by tadpole!
then people started replying as is tiehr right on messagoe boards, now the opening post, has also been posted on a few other threads aswell, does UKhost no about this? spamming other threads with it?
now this bit i dont get i really dont understand it
@tadpole wrote:
Firstly, to a degree i would say yes your right, but i wont for the simple fact being. This was my thread i started about someone else. Mr, Magoo hijacked it with a personal dig, AGAIN!.
you started a thread about someone else? an abusive thread about another person! but then you dont like it when someone gets abusive towards you?
you seem upset that your thread about someone else has turned into something between you and geoff
id give it up personaly i dont know geoff too well but i know he hardly backs down over things and can normally p1ss you off in a biggg way, i dont think you are upto his level when it comes to abuse
You think not?
Your opinion, and im not p i s s e d off.As for strarting an abussive thread, i am not arguing with you merely pointing out that a certain someone on here has been doing a little trolling. Which many of us found amusing and funny in the beginning, but started to annoy many after a couple of days.
It wasnt for abuse, it was to tell the person in question, we know they arent genuine and are only posting for a reaction. :D13 July, 2006 at 4:14 pm #230404Awwwww i feel like crying a river now. I love the film Beaches, its so sad.
I think the song by Ruby Winters aswell ‘I will’ is sad, they remind me of being about 4 or 5 my mom played them over and over again……….but its nobodys child thats going around my head now.
13 July, 2006 at 4:01 pm #230401OMG!!!!! Loved that too…………No body wants me ….im nobodies child……wasnt it because he was blind? He used to watch the other children go from the orphanage but never him…….
Oh do you remember the song ‘No charge’?
Now that makes me cry too.
Now our little boy came up to his mom
In the kitchen this evenin’ while she was fixin’ supper
And he handed her a piece of paper he’d been writin’ on
And after wipin’ her hands on her apron
She read it, and this is what it said.For mowin’ the lawn, five dollars
For makin’ my own bed this week, one dollar
And for goin’ to the store, fifty cents
An’ playin’ with little brother while you went shoppin’, twenty-five cents.Takin’ out the trash, one dollar
Gettin’ a good report card, five dollars
And for rakin’ the yard, two dollars
Total owed, fourteen seventy-five.Well, as mom looked at him standin’ there expectantly
And I could see the mem’ries flashing through her mind
And so she picked up the pen, and turnin’ the paper over
This is what she wrote.For the nine months I carried you growin’ inside me, no charge
For the nights I’ve sat up with you
Doctored you, and prayed for you, no charge
For the time and the tears
That you’ve cost through the years, there’s no charge
And when you add it all up
The full cost of my love is no charge.For the nights filled with dread
And all the worries ahead, no charge
For advice and the knowledge
And the cost of your college, no charge
For the toys, food and clothes and even for wipin’ your nose
There’s no charge, son
And when you add it all up
The full cost of my love is, no charge.Well, when he finished readin’
He had great big old tears in his eyes
And he looked up at her standing there and said
Mama, I sure do love you
Then he took the pen,
And in great big letters
He wrote PAID IN FULL.Lord knows when you add it all up
The cost of real love is, no charge…and ‘Deck of cards’
During the North African campaign, a bunch of soldier boys had
been on a long hike and they arrived in a little town called Casino. The
next morning being Sunday, several of the boys went to Church. A sergeant
commanded the boys in Church and after the Chaplain had read the prayer,
the text was taken up next. Those of the boys who had a prayer book took
them out, but this one boy had only a deck of cards, and so he spread
them out. The Sergeant saw the cards and said, “Soldier, put away those
cards.” After the services was over, the soldier was taken prisoner and
brought before the Provost Marshall.The Marshall said, “Sergeant, why have you brought this man
here?” “For playing cards in church, Sir.” “And what have you to say for
yourself, son?” “Much, Sir,” replied the soldier. The Marshall said, “I
hope so, for if not I shall punish you more than any man was ever
punished.” The soldier said, “Sir, I have been on the march for about six
days. I have neither a Bible nor a prayer book, but I hope to satisfy
you, Sir, with the purity of my intentions.” And with that, the boy
started his story:“You see Sir, when I look at the Ace, it reminds me that there
is but one God. And the Deuce reminds me that the Bible is divided into
two parts, the Old and the New Testaments. When I see the Trey, I think
of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. And when I see the Four, I
think of the four Evangelists who preached the Gospel; there was Matthew,
Mark, Luke and John. And when I see the Five, it reminds me of the five
wise virgins who trimmed their lamps; there were ten of them: five were
wise and were saved, five were foolish and were shut out. When I see the
Six, it reminds me that in six days, God made this great heaven and
earth. When I see the Seven, it reminds me that on the seventh day, God
rested from His great work. And when I see the Eight, I think of the
eight righteous persons God saved when He destroyed this earth; there was
Noah, his wife, their sons and their wives. And when I see the Nine, I
think of the lepers our Savior cleansed, and nine out of the ten didn’t
even thank Him. When I see the Ten, I think of the Ten Commandments God
handed down to Moses on a table of stone. When I see the King, it
reminds me that there is but one King of Heaven, God Almighty. And when I
see the Queen, I think of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is Queen of
Heaven. And the Jack or Knave is the Devil. When I count the number
of spots on a deck of cards, I find 365, the number of days in a year.
There are 52 cards, the number of weeks in a year. There are 4 suits, the
number of weeks in a month. There are 12 picture cards, the number of
months in a year. There are 13 tricks, the number of weeks in a quarter.
So you see, Sir, my pack of cards serves me as a Bible, an Almanac and a
Prayer Book.”“And friends, the story is true. I know, I was that soldier.”
13 July, 2006 at 3:41 pm #230397Cath i love that song….’Honey’ it makes me cry……..when it says One day while I was not at home
While she was there and all alone
The angels came
Now all I have is memories of Honey
And I wake up nights and call her name
Now my life’s an empty stage
Where Honey lived and Honey played
And love grew up
And a small cloud passes overhead
And cries down on the flower bed
That Honey lovedOMG im at it now…..