jolly roger replied to the topic people ive slept with from jc in the forum Getting serious 3 years, 2 months ago
lets move onto them admin and mods
martin yeh been on his yacht,dont really like him tho bit of a bully,always says to me salute me and call me skip fore ye go down on me you peasant
LD hmm ok not bad for her age,nice inner thighs but to dominatrix for me spose thats why shes a retired teacher but boy can she swish that cane
NESSIE, yeh no p…[Read more]
jolly roger replied to the topic I once said in the forum Getting serious 3 years, 2 months ago
doa and philip schofield like this thread
oh dont get me on about that tw@t not our resident tranny bollox,but schoey i despise the cnt hes everywhere countless quiz shows,radio adverts we buy any car etc this morning with that tart holly wannabee
i just want to,,,,,,,,,,,no best not say
and last night i had the misfortune xmas day mind yeh,hes…[Read more]
jolly roger replied to the topic KENTERS…….. in the forum Getting serious 3 years, 4 months ago
shurrup you tart trace they are only on about bit coins
oh and yeh to you somer you ever give me any cheek ,lip and try to put me down again on here you glory hunting rag utd tw@t and its all over for you ok.
try it. putting silly threads on wot a dik me and you have fallen out now
jolly roger started the topic bin wars in the forum Getting serious 3 years, 6 months ago
ok i live in a big house,,ah but its not all mine
4 other residents in it split into flats
so er i dont know where im quite going with this?
but i live nxt door to an elderly scottish lady
well when i say elderly shes 72
no age is it ge
heres how it went
oh obviously i cant say her name thats just so wrong
helena” see wat they do…[Read more]
jolly roger started the topic get out of the in the forum Getting serious 3 years, 7 months ago
way of the telly luv
her”who you talkin to you cheeky barstard”
me ” im trying to watch this and all you do is point and pout thinking your lady muck or summat im not interested in your amateur dramatics fck off”
her ” ha says you the biggest waste of slob on earth you fat tw@t”
me”oh just fckn do one”
her ” no you…[Read more]
Titanium started the topic Emulating Blossom… in the forum Chat forum three boards 6 years ago
1. Selective reading, be forceful. Repeat your unanswered questions over and over… be insulting if your attempts to control chat are resisted. 2. Just disregard what is typed, and go on and on with your own points. 3. Ask lots of questions… make up silly assumptions, jump to sillier conclusions, then throw ridiculous accusations presented on…[Read more]
mooosey88 replied to the topic Poetry And Dreamz in the forum Art, poetry, music and film 6 years, 5 months ago
I’m not a poet but I’ll give it a go…..
There once was a freak in a daft bobble hat,
He thought himself clever, but just looked like a prat,
He had lots of names,
And liked to ‘play games’,
But people just laughed at the silly old tw@t
apologies to lovers of Poetry
somer1 replied to the topic FOR SALE ……….. in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 1 month ago
somer1 replied to the topic Undercover in f2 a pitiful cycle in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 1 month ago
What a TW@T!!!
somer1 replied to the topic Docs and Laces in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 4 months ago
Ge,This tw@t must think a chav is anyone different to it !!! Can remember the days when a new pair of docs had to be “christened” Now wheres that Ruth?
ride the lightning replied to the topic cast your vote in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 5 months ago
jamief replied to the topic Abusive chatters in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 5 months ago
Bornfree you are one of the most vile chatters I have encounterd.I don’t blame you,your just so easely led that you do others bidding.You weemo and liver have all stuck up for a woman that frankly just is nasty.I also know why,you are all bitter spiteful people who have all tried to hurt other woman,because you just want a man you cant ha…[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic Abusive chatters in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 5 months ago
who is alfie
orson kart replied to the topic Hair & make up trial .. ( ladies discussion ) in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 7 months ago
tw@t not you laney him
ps 1
somer1 replied to the topic thought for the day in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 7 months ago
Shakes ed. your and that tw@t cosy are made for each other. Both got issues !!!
Arc en replied to the topic Coalition … in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 9 months ago
Pass the buck had begun her 2 aides are out – they quit.
As with any employer the buck stops with the boss & that’s Mrs M.
Her days are numbered I think & just like the tw@t running the US it’s only a matter of time.
This proposed coalition is a non starter me thinks & the 2nd time the Tories have had to back peddle after an election blew up in…[Read more]
somer1 started the topic PMSL in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 9 months ago
Just logged in and seen i had two messages.Looked and both from the same person so i opened them and wet myself laughing as a tw@t was was demanding my phone number or was “calling me out on the boards” C ant say who this person was but it was something like Norfolk Massive Fatboy !!!!
And boy if lives up to,bet he drinks Stella Actatwat !! And…[Read more]
somer1 started the topic PMSL in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 9 months ago
Just logged in and seen i had two messages.Looked and both from the same person so i opened them and wet myself laughing as a tw@t was was demanding my phone number or was “calling me out on the boards” C ant say who this person was but it was something like Norfolk Massive Fatboy !!!!
And boy if lives up to,bet he drinks Stella Actatwat !! And…[Read more]
Arc en replied to the topic HOW MUCH TRUST in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 9 months ago
Oh & now disastrous Dianne Abbot has gone on sick leave !!!!
Bit late to shut the stable door …… feel sorry for the poor sod that has to pick the pieces up.
Very similar happened when Blair legged it & left Gordon Brown to face the music he didn’t stand a chance at the last election maybe because the people had lost all faith thanks to that…[Read more]
mooosey88 replied to the topic WHY IS IT in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 11 months ago
Yeah. I come here for banter a giggle , hopefully a meaningful chat ..
before I joined the boards I never got any attention good or bad , suddenly I did. , not mentioning names, brief chat , decided to leave it at that and whadda ya know …. nothing but sh1t since. Attacks on me , my family , really odd , ppl saying things and taking pis…[Read more]
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