• He was the only bloke i know who like a wheel spoke up his ass  :yes:

  • Some tw@t accused me of being mr q one day.
    Like as if.
    Ive never been so insulted
    Hence ive never spoke to them again.

  • jolly roger replied to the topic Hi I'm available in the forum Getting serious 2 years ago

    Oh ffs do you not realise im aiming it at you you thick tw@t youre the one whos driving ppl away from here you boring bastard youve no mates in here apart from belle ive spoken to her more than you.
    So fck you fck your weather fck your brother fck your lawn mowers fck your jones channel and fck you

    Oh and fck your lols ppl are only nice to you in…[Read more]

  • jolly roger replied to the topic Hi I'm available in the forum Getting serious 2 years ago

    Oh ffs do you not realise im aiming it at you you thick tw@t youre the one whos driving ppl away from here you boring bastard youve no mates in here apart from belle ive spoken to her more than you.
    So fck you fck your weather fck your brother fck your lawn mowers fck your jones channel and fck you

    Oh and fck your lols ppl are only nice to you in…[Read more]

  • jolly roger replied to the topic Fat women in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 2 months ago

    Kiwi it’s time you were gone I can’t even go in chat now when you are there which is a bit hard cos you are there 18 hours a day repeating yourself like a demented parrot so what can I do? Well I can’t come to yours and smash your fingers with a hammer so you can’t type if you lived in England I would like I have done with 2 ex chatters from here…[Read more]

  • jolly roger replied to the topic Fat women in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 3 months ago

    And your pathetic emos and lols grow up listen when lols were invented 2o years ago it was because cos the written word is emotionless and ppl didn’t know if you were joking or not but gradually ppl got to know each other knew what they meant so there s no need for lols anymore but you say lol to everything I swear if somebody said there grandma…[Read more]

  • hello  you little dowagers you  how are you?you dont mind if i mention your names do you? no i best not…………………………………..ah fck it

    so my question to you getting on a bit ladies aka inpo kennbbie donutsy,ld gd mumbles le and nessie  nah maybe not

    is  do any o a jayf youse remember a thread from yonks ago it was called cou…[Read more]

  • jolly roger replied to the topic TRESPASSING in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 8 months ago

    im at aloss here its the same when that nobhead obviously i cant mention names its against the rules oh go on then kiwi said stop butting into peoples convos cosy er hello im not cosy anymore and secondly its a chat site you thick tw@t he really needs to stop shagging sheep that clown its messing with his head LET ME TELL YOU I DO NOT TRESPASS IM…[Read more]

  • somer1 replied to the topic LOOKALIKES in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 8 months ago

    That’s Mr Bold Tw@T to you 😂🤣

  • jolly roger replied to the topic LOOKALIKES in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 8 months ago

    hi soms, nice hol,right thats the niceties over wtf you mean youd go as axl rose you bald tw@t i mean if you went in next sunday


    oh bonus question women only axl rose is an anagram of what?

    winner gets to share a cheap sleazy hotel  in blackpool with me.

  • somer1 replied to the topic I JUST DUNNO ER in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 8 months ago

    But if anyone wants to buy the video there £15 each  ;-)   :whistle:

  • anti social yes…..thats what I loved about lockdown..not having to go out….knowing no one is allowed to even knock on your door….meant I could walk around indoors all day long without a bra on knowing no unexpected visitors  :good:

  • nah i just made it up for a laugh linda trying to pretend im big and that im fck all really,just trying to cheer myself up,feel pretty down today, may i ask youse a question might be 2 or 3 tho

    1,do you ever feel agrophobic?


    3,anti social?


    5,CBA with anybody as in fck off get out my face

    6,which is a bit like 5…[Read more]

  • no my gist is when you and kiwi are on hes blocked me,so if i say something to you and you go lol, mr flying “very interesting” kiwi thinks you are giving him a lol,its pathetic how old is he? the silly iggying tw@t so therefore what is the point of me striking up a new topic when there is only 3 ppl in,and one of them cant even see me its totally…[Read more]

  • yeh but ive already done a thread about tats,you know the one about tramp stamps walking behind women with buggies and they bend over to  tuck their kids in and i pretend my dogs having a  piss so i have a blimp,1 thats not perving and 2 shes got a  kid,im not doing a thread about it again you are just regurgitating old posts cos youve got no…[Read more]

  • i really feel like i have to voice my opinion here and i never discuss politics

    but andys getting on my t!its about his incessant juvenile tirade about trump

    we dont give a fck andy mate any chance you can do a thread without mentioning trump you boring one dysfuntional mind numbing infantile stupid tw@t we want a topic we can get our teeth into…[Read more]

  • erm edit that i called her an effalump and a fat hippo hipped tw@t and a cross between a walrus and a rhino,she needs to learn to keep her mouth shut

    the fckn idiot

  • oh is that what is? aah blsss  im glad  the auld fogey is ok i wouldnt like to see him suffering,please come back  soon his home help

    i dunno if nhs carers read jc? but if youre reading gerries lap top,while hes lying in his bed comatosed

    can you just have a word with him and say stop attacking cosie,doa and to a very lessr extent the  mor…[Read more]

  • I now have a whip!

  • shudders anybody remember moon?

    i met her one day let me tell you why i was in aberdeen yeh,i was only there cos wotsaface weemo had broke her ankle and couldnt  do her job properly,you know cleaning schools and that,i tried to do her over a desk but she was having none of it,so i fckd off,i didnt even know where i was but i had moons number,cos…[Read more]

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