My daughter is a red heed and she is a beautiful young woman , ppl that have this *phobia* of hair colouring really need to get a life
it wasn’t so much a phobia as a response to a comment i made in F1 about red heads actually being of viking/ saxon descent, as some people are under the impression its an irish/scottish thing …..the shyte i got was hilarious !! hence the thread hun !! but on a more serious note…you are aware that in a recent poll, red heads were proven to be the most sexual/sexiest out of all the female hair colourings ( and id have to agree to that one ) :shock: :shock: :P :wink:
yup sci fi and fantasy. oh well, only other thing i suggest is you phone up and ask your isp about your low speeds, i bet they will say its to do with the exchange not being upgraded yet or something.
guaranteed they will !!!! im a bit of a sci fi fan myself…didnt he write the books about the human going thru the mirrors ?? sorry for the ignorance ! have you read david gemmell….hes my favourite im afraid !! although they are, and have been getting all the same for the past few years which is a downer….can you recommend any good sci fi writers !! cheeky bint that i am !
what you are paying for is an up to 8 meg service, this means the speed you get can be anything up to 8 meg, but it isnt guarenteed that will be your actual speed.
i understand that, but still its unfair to pay extra for a service that you’re not getting isn’t it ? and if my pc can take a higher upload/ download speed surely that means its my service providers problem ?
ps; how do u pronounce ur name, and where did you get it from please ??!! its sounds gaelic is all and i wondered if it meant anything !
unfortunately your isp states that it is an up to 8meg service, so you are paying for exactly what they say you are paying for, download speeds of up to 8meg. nowt you can do about it. it could also be that your modem isnt capable of recieving those speeds. not all modems can cope with higher bandwidth. its all very well upgrading your service, but if you dont upgrade your modem as well you may as well not have bothered.
as for my name, its taken from a michael book.
well i have a brand new wireless, altho im gettin the new hub thingy soon, as for michael moor co ck….isn’t he sci fi ??
i’m not a perfect person. there are many things i wish i didnt do
but i continue learning. i never meant to do those things to you.
and so i have to say before i go, that i just want you to know
i’ve found a reason for me, to change who i used to be
a reason to start over new, and the reason is you
i’m sorry that i hurt, its something i must live with everyday
and all the pain i put you through, i wish that i could take it all away
and be the one who catches all your tears, thats why i need you to hear
i’m not a perfect person, i never meant to do those things to you
and so i have to say before i go that i just want you to know
i’ve found a reason for me, to change who i used to be
a reason to start over new, and the reason is you
i’ve found a reason to show a side of me you didnt know
a reason for all that i do, and the reason is you
i dont think its such a big deal for girls anymore always will be for lads though
bet you won’t get called a racist for saying that,………….. like i did :wink: :P
lucky for me that my hair is ( if i may say so myself) a rather nice dark red and not the awful carrot colour that looks especially awful on blokes :wink: :D
jesus fecking H christ !!! Will somebody please explain to cath55 that red heads are NOT irish !!! Our colouring came from the VIKINGS !!!!!!! The true Irish colouring is dark hair and pale freckly skin !!!!! ](*,) ](*,) :P :P
“… Buduica [Boudicca], a Briton woman of the royal family and possessed of greater intelligence than often belongs to women… assembled her army, to the number of some 120,000, and then ascended a tribunal which had been constructed of earth in the Roman fashion. In stature she was very tall, in appearance most terrifying, in the glance of her eye most fierce, and her voice was harsh; a great mass of the tawniest hair fell to her hips; around her neck was a large golden necklace; and she wore a tunic of divers colours over which a thick mantle was fastened with a brooch. This was her invariable attire. She now grasped a spear to aid her in terrifying all beholders … [There then follows a lengthy rallying speech, purportedly given by Boudicca] … Having finished an appeal to her people … Buduica led her army against the Romans; for these chanced to be without a leader, inasmuch as Paulinus [Gaius Suetonius Paulinus, governor of Britain], their commander, had gone on an expedition to Mona [Anglesey], an island near Britain.”
tawny owls aren’t ginger are they ??? !!!! this one will be a hard one to prove either way as there are references of boudicca having every colour hair imaginable…..apart from green as it would have clashed with her teeth….no toothbrushes then you understand…… :wink: :P
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