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  • #241502

    the white stuff you’re sniffing is really talcum powder…did you reaqlly pay 40 quid for a gram of that ??? :shock: :P :wink:

    lovs ya cath xxxx :P


    @sharongooner wrote:

    :oops: :oops: :oops: oh, i thought we were at yours!!! :oops: :oops: :oops: :wink:

    ooppsss…so we are…well can you go home then cos if my rabbit gets pulled out of me knicker drawer one more time, im going to have to make you buy some more batteries :oops: :shock: :wink:


    @rubyred wrote:

    nah only me sweets..:) they DO have weekends away though ! blackpool has weekends especially for the pigeon fancier weekend..!

    its obsessive and as bad as the weekend i oncehad away with my hubby and my pal and her were wee and we managed to swing a weekend in butlins in ayr,,and i swear it was laurel and hardy fan weekend..! they were all dresssed up as them and every pub had their films playing !

    it was bizarre..!!! they talked in hushed whispers about what “chapter” they were in was like wearing a celtic top in an orange lodge when they discovered we were NOT fellow members of “sons of the desert!”….

    FREAKY !!

    :P :P :P I went on one of those years ago …to bognor,!! and sad to say we got booted off the site for throwing fake custard pies during the singing of the opening song ( i mean ..whos sings about being a son or daughter of the desert and expects to be taken seriously ??!!) :!: lucky for us we managed to find a b & b and spent the whole weekend trawling the pubs and getting ratted :wink: :wink:
    *sweetasbaileez sighs*ooo000(those were the days)000ooo :lol:


    @rubyred wrote:

    yer invited to the pigeon fanciers weekend in scarborough,world war 2 pilots had rita Hayworth,we got her wee cousin :) ya daft bugger,,hiya sweets doll.hope life is dandy x

    lifes keeping me strong hun ! as for the scarborough jaunt…count me in…could do with a good sh ag …anyone there under 60 ??? :shock: :P :wink:


    @rubyred wrote:

    hell and my mates from the pigeon fanciers club masterb@te nightly over them !

    jesus rubes :!: :oops: shouldn’t i be paid for that :?: after all do i look like an ageing fat ginger woman whos cheap :!: :P :wink:


    @rubyred wrote:

    @sweetasbaileez wrote:

    17 out of 20 does that make me a hard person to deceive ???!!!! :wink: :P

    does it fook it means ya have not sussed out im really a bearded bloke from Barsnley !!

    can i have them pictures back i emailed you then :shock: :shock: :oops: :wink:


    17 out of 20 does that make me a hard person to deceive ???!!!! :wink: :P


    its very nice that you have your tongue in my cheek…but can you remove it now please as i need to get dressed and go home :oops: :wink: :shock: :P


    @liam-wabbit wrote:

    ADSL 1 modems can do 8mbs download and 1 mbs upload

    you might have modem set up wrong

    british setting is G.dmt vpi = 0 vci = 38

    PPP over ATM VCMUX

    sounds like modulation is set to G.lite which only downloads at speeds of 1 mbs

    you do get a degrade in speed on a 8mbs connection , but not as low as 1mbs

    so if modem set up right you have to give you ISP a ring and complain

    hope this helps

    OH MY BLOODY GOD :!: :!: :!: what does any of this mean :?: :!: :shock: :P :? :?


    i have ten toes but tumtimes ib t winter by big tose gets weally wet and told and bulbous…tow tud i tount tis one too :oops: :roll: :wink:

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