Forum Replies Created
25 September, 2006 at 12:11 pm #242690
@geoff wrote:
@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
The guy said himself that a V8 twin turbo engine is noisy and frightening so that’s why he got convicted for breach of the peace. It’s understandable that the couple felt intimidated and don’t forget that witnesses told police that the driver was trying to intimidate them. So I don’t see any problem with the case.
Well, in a land that is probably 90% V8 engines… I feel sorry for Americans revving up their engines now!! Racist bastards!
George Bush isnt racist :P :P :wink:
25 September, 2006 at 12:08 pm #242549have a good one rosy xxx
25 September, 2006 at 12:06 pm #242689@geoff wrote:
If I told you that, I’d have to strap a backpack full of explosives to my car and tell it to come seek you out! :lol:
:shock: :shock: :P :wink:
25 September, 2006 at 12:05 pm #242688@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
The guy said himself that a V8 twin turbo engine is noisy and frightening so that’s why he got convicted for breach of the peace. It’s understandable that the couple felt intimidated and don’t forget that witnesses told police that the driver was trying to intimidate them. So I don’t see any problem with the case.
And no doubt the witnesses were the muslim family walking with them ?? :? :P
25 September, 2006 at 12:03 pm #242585@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
Yes why can’t muslims be as peaceful as Irish Catholics? What better example is there of respecting others beliefs and abiding by the culture of the majority than the way some Irish Catholics have behaved in Northern Ireland. There is also the message of peace and tolerance that was conveyed to this country by those nice Irish Catholics in the IRA.
Getting back to the point, I think bi-lingual signs are just a way of the council trying to be helpful towards an area that has a large Bangladeshi community which might have members within it who haven’t mastered English yet (just like Emma). You could argue that if a community wants bilingual signs then they should have to pay for it themselves or at least contribute towards the cost. Apart from that, I see no problem with bilingual signs. I’m sure that if you go abroad you will see English signs in areas that have a lot of English visitors.
Constantly having to bring up the atrocities of the catholic AND the protestants in Ireland is pretty typical isnt it ? Yet if you knew as much as you like to think, you would know that Ireland was a catholic countyr that was taken from the Irish by King William of Orange mant years ago…..slightly a different matter to learning to speak the language of the country you choose to make your home because you get a better benefit package isnt it ?? :roll:
25 September, 2006 at 11:33 am #242686@geoff wrote:
I regularly rev up my car in a racist manner. I’ve taught my engine to say “I’m gonna get you, you miserable foriegn scumbag”. I don’t see what the problem is.
Can you tell me how you did it please ?? My car is a british motor and i’d quite like to teach her to do the same :wink: :P
25 September, 2006 at 11:29 am #242685Mr Bigstuff wrote:He was convicted of breach of the peace, the allegation of racism was dropped because it may have been a misunderstanding, so what’s the problem?[/quotThe problem is that if it was a white person walking by, would he then be accused of racism ??? its a car engine not a poster glaringly stating the fact that he hates muslims isn’t it ??!! Bloody unbelievable and its no wonder this once great country has become such a lapdog to the likes of George Bush :evil: :roll:
25 September, 2006 at 11:24 am #242583@tiler wrote:
If they don’t like it, they can f*ck off back to which ever sh*t country they came here from.
By that reasoning, you should crawl back under the stone, you slithered from.
So much for a sensible and well thought out response ? I on the other hand agree with Emmalush, Tommy and Drivel on this matter. Why should my country bow down to the demands of a minority faction ?? Several of these said immigrants only work here on the basis of returning to their own country and buy a house on the wages we pay them ( The Poles in case you didnt know ) Why should my child have to attend a school where religious education no longer involves the protestant faith as it may offend ?? By birth I am an Irish Catholic, yet i follow the laws this country has set out for me to live by. I respect that this is a protestant country and i do not villify that religion because it chooses to follow a different belief than my own. Nor do i threaten the life of the leader of a religion because HE made a statement that offended my beliefs. And to top it all, nor do i stamp my feet and threaten the lives of innocent people in this country just because they are not of my religion…….no like any sane and humane person, I’ll leave that up to the bloody muslim extremists who I help to pay for with MY hard earned taxes
25 September, 2006 at 11:13 am #151032Listening to some tracks i downloaded by Paolo Nuitini……check him out, not only is he hot totty hes a damn fine singer……. :wink: :P
25 September, 2006 at 11:07 am #42150Echo and and the Bunnymen…….nothing lasts forever :? :P