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  • #242597

    @emmalush wrote:

    @slayer wrote:

    Ever been to the Costa del crime- where HALF A MILLION Brits LIVE (not tourists, but actually LIVE there

    The prodomanent criminal in southern spain if those seeking a better life from places like Africa and eastern asia, as reported about 6 months ago by the bbc multiculturalists.

    I think i heard a million brits live in spain though slayer.

    emma add me to ur hotmail list please.?? atleast you have some semblence of normality !!! :P :P


    @sharongooner wrote:

    fancy a VK blue sweets? :wink:

    about 99p from tescos, but they are £3.60 in the clubs… no wonder we have riots after closing…. we all sober up and realise we have been robbed lol!! :wink: :D

    99p !! jesus as a single parent sharon im up for it hun !!! And by the way…who we fighting on the way home ???? :P :wink: :shock:


    @slayer wrote:

    @sweetasbaileez wrote:

    @slayer wrote:

    @artist wrote:

    Just Imagine one of us going to live in a foreign country and expecting them to change everything for us. It simply wouldnt happen. So why is this country different? Surely in a foreign country you abide by their laws and respect their culture.

    You don’t get out much do you

    Ever been to the Spanish Costa’s? Or Cyprus? Or the Greek islands? Or Wales? We superior English expect everyone to speak our language abroad and have every road sign, menu, guidebook, etc in English AND in the native tongue!

    As Mr B says, Brick Lane has a high percentage of Bangladeshi, I don’t have a problem having a road sign with two languages- it makes sense and is practical.

    Get out much ?? You really are showing your lack of education and total non understanding of what this thread is about aren’t you ?? The majority of the countries you have mentioned rely on our tourism !! If it wasnt for us they would still be digging water holes and washing in rivers !!! Get a grip and understand what the heck you’re spouting off about !! As for brick lane ?? Well im quite happy if they all fvck off back home cos in my opinion their not welcome here !! LONG LIVE THE WHITE SUPREMISTS !!!!
    (If that dont pi ss him off nothing will!!)

    Errr? You a multi user or just chose to answer a response to someone elses post? Ever been to the Costa del crime- where HALF A MILLION Brits LIVE (not tourists, but actually LIVE there), don’t think we have the monopoly on immigration- poor old Spain has to accept all us Brits who want to live somewhere hot (but without the Spanish food or language)

    As I said before, I’d sooner see the Irish pi/ss off back to Ireland n take their oppressive, hypocritical religion with them

    But if we’re tourists, it’s ok to expect the country to change beyond recognition to accomodate us- me, I’d rather travel a week around Andalucia on a train n see actually see a foreign country, not Blackpool with sun[/

    *sweetasbaileez happily gives slayer the plane fare *


    @sharongooner wrote:

    @slayer wrote:

    The last riot in my area resulted in one stabbed to death, two seriously injured and over 100 people involved- these happen time and time again, and I live in a quiet, leafy, rural part of England

    The point being if the riot had involved 100 Asians or Blacks, it would make national headlines- the actual media impact of the event was front page of the local rag!

    Funny how Emma seeks to make the exact ooposite point

    One of us is wrong……n I’m male, so I’m sure as fe/ck it ain’t me

    organised riots or just drunken idiots with nothing to do when they get kicked out of the pub/club?

    I only ask as most weekend inner town centre “riots” are drink/drug fuelled.

    racial riots are fuelled with hatred, not a VK blue in sight!!

    =D> =D> :-k :wink: :P


    @slayer wrote:

    The last riot in my area resulted in one stabbed to death, two seriously injured and over 100 people involved- these happen time and time again, and I live in a quiet, leafy, rural part of England

    The point being if the riot had involved 100 Asians or Blacks, it would make national headlines- the actual media impact of the event was front page of the local rag!

    Funny how Emma seeks to make the exact ooposite point

    One of us is wrong……n I’m male, so I’m sure as fe/ck it ain’t me

    begs to differ……………. :roll: :wink:


    @slayer wrote:

    @artist wrote:

    Just Imagine one of us going to live in a foreign country and expecting them to change everything for us. It simply wouldnt happen. So why is this country different? Surely in a foreign country you abide by their laws and respect their culture.

    You don’t get out much do you

    Ever been to the Spanish Costa’s? Or Cyprus? Or the Greek islands? Or Wales? We superior English expect everyone to speak our language abroad and have every road sign, menu, guidebook, etc in English AND in the native tongue!

    As Mr B says, Brick Lane has a high percentage of Bangladeshi, I don’t have a problem having a road sign with two languages- it makes sense and is practical.

    Get out much ?? You really are showing your lack of education and total non understanding of what this thread is about aren’t you ?? The majority of the countries you have mentioned rely on our tourism !! If it wasnt for us they would still be digging water holes and washing in rivers !!! Get a grip and understand what the heck you’re spouting off about !! As for brick lane ?? Well im quite happy if they all fvck off back home cos in my opinion their not welcome here !! LONG LIVE THE WHITE SUPREMISTS !!!!
    (If that dont pi ss him off nothing will!!)


    @slayer wrote:

    I can’t speak for the race riots in Brixton in 1981 though they did involve predominantly British West Indians….but I can speak for the riots we have in our town centres up and down the country every Friday and Saturday night…and guess what, they are predominantly white p/issheads that are involved….

    and gues what again, if they were black or asian, the likes of Emma, Tommy etc would be ranting and raving!

    I guess thats called perspective

    I dont think what you’re reffering to can be classed as riots Slayer…just usual weekend idiots with a few too many beers in their bellies :roll:


    @tommy wrote:

    @tiler wrote:

    I simply love my country!

    If you did, you wouldn’t be spouting your racist garbage, to create social unrest,

    Have you ever thought how many different races, religions are part of this country’s population, the Muslims are just one of those, grow up, stop acting like moron,

    Why not attack the Jews, Israelis are a set of murdering terrorists, there are plenty of supporters of their terrorism, are you sure they don’t want to take over the country,

    How can multiculturism work if idiots like you spout they’re garbage. its your kind that needs kicking out of the country.

    I like the Jews.

    And what I said wasn’t racist at all.

    As I’ve stated soooo many times TT its not worth wasting your time trying to talk sense to left wing numptys like this. They always have such a rose coloured view on political matters ( and dont they know best) As far as im concerned Britain is no longer a multicultural society, Its one where as an english person you have no rights to say, breathe or DO anything.. its the oppression that the likes of Tiler preach that we have fought against for years !! Are we not a predominantly white protestant country here ?? Wheres the rights of that man ?? If bringing in the likes of UKIP will give our country back to us, then im all for it …If YOU dont like it Tiler then fvck off to a nice commi country and spout you’re RED views there !!!! LONG LIVE THE REVOLUTION LENIN !!!!!


    @jay wrote:

    @waring wrote:

    I was in a marriage for 23 years and very unhappy, now I have found a new love but she is 24 younger than me, we both feel comfatable with the age gap but I personally would like to hear some views or if anybody is in the same situation, how things are working out. :? :? :P


    its about how u and she feel…..
    doesnt matter what any1 else thinks
    ur both adults….consenting adults
    u go for it….have fun
    enjoy it
    if it feels gd then…..what ya worried bout
    and yes i have experience of an age gap
    but the other way round

    Well come on then !!!!!!!!! Dish the dirt you dirty trollop :wink: :P


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    A black youth had been stabbed by others (in some sort of street fight ???) and was lying on the pavement seriously wounded and bleeding. Two constables on foot patrol found him and called for assistance. The first vehicle on the scene was a marked Police van. They needed to get him to hospital rapidly and as the ambulance had not arrived, they tried to load him into the back of the van to take him to the hospital. A crowd had gathered around this scene and some youths started shouting that Police had beaten up this kid and were going to arrest him.

    This sparked off anger and before anything could stop it the crowd had snatched the injured youth from Police and dragged him off.

    Shortly afterwards dozens of black youths were on the streets screaming about Police brutality and smashing shop windows and looting them. Things escalated really fast and within around an hour a full scale riot was in progress with literally hundreds of black youths running amok, looting and firebombing everything they possibly could.

    I think you’re totally wasting your time trying to explain to MrB exactly what was involved in the race riots….who can forget Hansworth or Bradford either ?? The mentality of the likes of MrB and his race equality fighters for the down trodden masses will never cease to amaze those of us who ATLEAST have some knowledge of what we choose to speak about, and not rely on one tracked bigotry of left wing, one armed lesbians with no brains.
    It’s down to citizens, such as himself, that this country has lost its backbone and simply chooses to lie down and let every other race, religion walk all over us. Yes there will one day be race riots again, and it will be down to the common englishman whos fighting to regain a good standard of health care and better pensions and education for our future generations and not because its deemed to look good for the European Union, Human Rights ect ect ect …Wheres MY human rights ?? i have none anymore as im neither coloured, muslim nor a refugee, plus the fact that i get off my ar5e 5 or 6 days a week and go to work so my child can have a better quality of life, instead of standing outside mosques or in London parks spouting MY hatred for this country and anything else i consider to be an enemy of Allah :roll: :twisted: :twisted:

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