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  • #242805

    @chathostuk wrote:

    Perhaps because it is hardly ‘Just Chat News’ – post in the relevant topics and we dont need to move threads ;)

    (This thread moved to General Gossip)

    While your there Martin, can we plz have a rollling around on floor laughing and a yawn emoticon please :?: :P :wink:


    @cn wrote:

    It’s here:

    Whats it doing there :?: :roll: :wink: :P


    @tiler wrote:

    Not one of you sees the real problem, its not the immigrants, they just want to live here, all customs you say we are losing, are the result of government edicts, thats why we get headcases like Tommy, etc,

    The real immigrants obey the laws, are tolerant of our customs, (as we should be tolerant of theirs) why should they be forced to learn English, are all the ex-pats living in other countries forced to learn the language, no they are not, this is not a dictatorship, what would you say if the government forced you to learn their languge.

    Attack the ones at fault, Blair and his idiots.

    As to the immigrants, who allowed them in. who signed up to the Bill of rights that allow them to stay, put the blame where it belongs.

    Is it condescending to believe in democracy, you don’t appear to want democracy but dictatorship with your totalitarian ideas, did any of your family die in the war against Hitler, they died for that democracy, you bring shame on those that died, and their memory.

    As usual you bite down on one point and refuse to see the whole picture Tiler. This isnt just about people who refuse to learn our language, I know some very nice people from all creeds. Our problem is that the majority of them now use their colour as an excuse to escape simple things such as, paying proper taxes, getting jobs or even to evade legal issues. Yet whilst they are doing this a damn good percentage of them are illegal immigrants AND supporters of terrorist organisations. !! Why should we conform to their religious beliefs ?? Why should we have to have signs written in 20 different bloody languages, at the detriment to our own, look whats happened in Wales Scotland and Ireland alone where their language is a dying one??!! Nor are we saying that they give up all claims to their heritage. Languages are wonderful to learn ! Isn’t it part of the schools curriculum to learn one ??? But surely fitting in to another country can only benefit you IF you do atleast learn a smattering of that countrys language ?? There is no multiculturalism here, take a good look around you, where you have pockets of towns and cities that are totally of black and asdian description ?? Having lived in one such area I can assure you not only was the White Man a minority, but he was also a witness to many gangfights involving koreans, black or asian gangs trying to machette each others heads off in broad daylight in a local cul de sac !! How do i know ?? MY 8 year old child witnessed the whole thing outside her friends house and they were too terrified to move, this was 12.30pm on a Saturday afternoon, a regular event in Kingston upon Thames and the surrounding boroughs. So if you can explain to me just HOW this incorporates ‘fitting in’ then maybe we can talk further :roll: :wink:

    just for reference my kids friend lived at the top of my road and they had walked there with friends 14 yr old brother :roll:


    @chess wrote:

    ok you lot im trying to upload these pics a different way so heres hoping :roll:

    grr thought it was the gift :cry: :roll:


    bloody ‘ell PB your a founatin of knowledge and im coming in for a swim :P :shock: :wink: By the way can you send me the recipe :?: :!: :wink:


    @drivel wrote:

    @tiler wrote:

    Vote for the death penalty for racists, a bullet for Tommy. All white supremacists to hang.

    You really don’t have a clue do you Tiler

    You sit there in the luxury of your armchair thinking all is rosy in this “multicultural” Britain as you see it
    This isn’t about white supremacy – it’s about customs , heritage , Land of Hope and Glory etc etc
    If you come to live in this country , accept it’s customs , learn it’s language obey the law – that’s all anyone can ask
    We are a soft touch for any national that wants free handouts
    How many illegals do you think there are in this country now – How many new mafia type gangs of Eastern Europeans , Yardies , Triads
    How many eastern European professional shoplifters , thieves and scumbags are enjoying a free ride in this country – whilst the likes of you call the workers and true Brits – racists

    People like you with your condescending attitudes boil my water , Tiler

    I’d like to boil your water too Drivel :wink:
    And as for the intelligent and truly patriotic statement……… id even scrub your back :wink:


    Just for the record though….I would like to say I think Rubes is great, TT and I have come to an understanding ( one which i will be reiterating to him in pm) :wink: And finally ….can we get back to what this post was actually about ?? :roll: :wink: :?


    @bassingbourne55 wrote:

    The big irony of the ‘racist’ Lotus revver is this: –

    Lotus is owned by the Proton car company of Malaysia. Malaysia is a predominantly muslim country.

    having had a proton myself i was under the impression it was made by mitsubishi ?? or atleast thats what the log book said

    Mitsubishi used to own a stake in Proton but not now – from what I could find on the net it is state owned by the Malaysian government.

    Well thanks for that BB55 !! I thought for a minute i was going dolally…mind you reading half these posts i bloody well am !! :wink: :P


    @geoff wrote:

    @rubyred wrote:

    ironically erm..GEOFF,,my “rants” are usually the fact im manic..

    i can see me here all night and NO one knows i have even had a drink., yeah im Bi-polar.yet i HAVE been here ,,and folks like the old man PB assume im drunk.Im level and happy and my man IS the TOP lawyer..and it makes me laugh a wee bit.

    its when im calm i “rant” ..and you KNOW im manic as i HAVE told you before .

    Blimey, you have a bloke now… thats a new one!

    Ruby you have spoken so much bullshit in the past few months you’ve been here, is it any wonder people think you’re a weirdo? You post like a drunk, constantly, and if you aren’t drunk then you just have no grip of communication. But knowing as I do you stole someone’s JD for breakfast I can only imagine you spend your life on the juice. The way you swing to and fro with people and use their wild claims as the front for your accusations, suggests total insecurity. And then you go down these romantic roads of your man being a top lawyer, etc. Who are you trying to impress or kid? Bi-polar is yet another front for your alcohol addiction. Wake up lesley or one day very soon you may never wake up at all.

    Purely opinion you understand.

    Dont be nasty Geoff if you have anything to say thats that personal, do the gentlemanly thing and send her a pm :roll: :(


    @geoff wrote:

    As much as I find you offensive young Thomas, you are of the same mind as me regarding Ruby, I have spent months trying to decipher her code… i think it’s something along the lines of omega.

    I think even the good old boys and gals of Bletchley Park would find that a struggle :!: :!: :P :wink:

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