dont put aside the Natural inborn response to be with people who are more like yourself. we are all born with that kind of instinct in us. That is why it is so much harder for foreigners coming here to settle… they want to live here but they want to be with each other. so, why come in the first place if that is how you feel?
Im not racist, Im not liberal and I also think whoever created the human rights act should be shot (LOLOL), but its just my observation of human nature.
Look at animals in the wild… lions dont wanna hang out with zebras do they? Monkey’s dont wanna take to the waters with alligators… same with people.
And we should not be criticised for it. Just questioned for your reasons to want to live in another country so far removed from your own. That is the problem.
I think our social secruity benefits have a lot to do with why sharon :!: :!: :wink:
I actually agree with you being booted Shinrai. It’s all well and good that you are anti abortion, thats your choice, but women who have them usually don’t do so lightly, and as most of us chatters here use the rooms for light hearted banter and general gossiping, abortion is an emotional subject therefore not quite the sort of thing ,I, as a chatter expect to see in the rooms :!: :roll: But nevertheless welcome to the boards, where most threads are kept for the sole purpose of allowing us to express our opinions :!:
I feel a bit sad for him I’m watching now and I’ve a feeling he had a few drops of the old hoffmeister hoff already :oops: :( Wish the bas tard had offered me one
Multiculturalism doesn’t always work in a chat room.
People just dont always get on, its not our fault, we are humans not robots.
The thing to realise, is that we need a different marketing plan than the multicultural experiment thats been imposed on us.
Any suggestions?
Maybe we need a more segregated society? Were quite happy to segregate football supporters, and in the main, it works brilliantly.
The multiculturalists dont wana live with patriots and nationalist. Most white liberalist multiculturalists dont wana live in multiculturaly diverse areas, preferring to live in rual or prodomanent white areas.
Who are they kidding….
This suggestion is bordering on Apartheid. In fact it is a suggestion for Apartheid, which is serperation.
It’s an abhorant thought.[/quo
The government tried to do this in the Tower Hamlets in London a few years ago, even the asians were up in arms about it. Recently it has been suggested that several hundred new houses and flas be built in the Bedfordshire area for asylum seekers and refugees. Can’t see them staying up for long if thats the case….even I’d be tempted to want to bomb them. We need to look after our own people first
MMMmmm strangely ?? The thought of eating a million dust mites and brain waste doesnt do it for me….now a kebab half cut on a saturday……… :wink: :P
half cut or half cooked?
*sweetasbaileez suddenly feels quite unwell* u following me matty :?: :?: :wink: Im just heading off down this dark, out of the way alley :shock: :P :wink:
As usual you bite down on one point and refuse to see the whole picture Tiler. This isnt just about people who refuse to learn our language, I know some very nice people from all creeds. Our problem is that the majority of them now use their colour as an excuse to escape simple things such as, paying proper taxes, getting jobs or even to evade legal issues. Your problem is making up imaginary facts, for majority read minority, how many Brits have been doing that for years.
Yet whilst they are doing this a damn good percentage of them are illegal immigrants AND supporters of terrorist organisations.
Thats only your opinion, and how do you expect to tax them they can’t even find them.
!! Why should we conform to their religious beliefs ??
Nobody is asking you to, why not stick to the truth, remember the basics, the right to worship your own religion.
Why should we have to have signs written in 20 different bloody languages, at the detriment to our own, look whats happened in Wales Scotland and Ireland alone where their language is a dying one??
Is that the fault of the immigrants, as to the detriment of our own, don’t talk like a burk, there have been foreign languages in this country for years,
!! Nor are we saying that they give up all claims to their heritage. Languages are wonderful to learn ! Isn’t it part of the schools curriculum to learn one ??? But surely fitting in to another country can only benefit you IF you do atleast learn a smattering of that countrys language ??
Again, this is personal choice, would you learn a foreign language if you didn’t want to. and there are plenty of Asian run businesses were English is spoken
There is no multiculturalism here, take a good look around you,
I have and I see many peaceful areas were the ethnic and the British live in peace side by side, using one area to condemn the whole country is a foolish idea and shows you are the one without real knowledge, or sane ideas.
where you have pockets of towns and cities that are totally of black and asdian description ?? Having lived in one such area I can assure you not only was the White Man a minority, but he was also a witness to many gangfights involving koreans, black or asian gangs trying to machette each others heads off in broad daylight in a local cul de sac !! How do i know ?? MY 8 year old child witnessed the whole thing outside her friends house and they were too terrified to move, this was 12.30pm on a Saturday afternoon, a regular event in Kingston upon Thames and the surrounding boroughs. So if you can explain to me just HOW this incorporates ‘fitting in’ then maybe we can talk further
There are as many white vicious Brits so don’t be so naive,
Final words from Sweets to Tiler….Why don’t you fck off back to where you came from you idle left wing pr1ck :twisted: