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  • #255871

    @smiley wrote:

    Token is Tommy? LOL :lol: And what personal stuff did Token bring into it anyway?

    Tommy gets on just fine with Sweetas now. I have good sources on this issue.. :lol:

    p.s: Tommy types correctly. Token doesn’t.

    Tommy takes pride in his superior typing style [-(

    hello tommy :-$ :- xxxx :lol:


    nah its not tommy… he’s intelligent and for token ?? well his name describes him perfectly :wink:
    My issue is that the said guide was happy to allow cadbury to abuse our country, us, ect ect… she made many derogatory remarks to several users.. I retaliated…was she booted ?? no… that s what pi ssed me off… fair play that I got booted but same old, same old one rule for one…….

    In fact it was a couple of nights later that cadbury had to get a gang of cronies to jointly attack me…i dont think she counted on the fact that so many people refused to allow her to bully me and joined in !! a classic night, and sadly for her crew.. a lesson in not to take on us brits…keyboard gangsters.. you have to love them :wink: :D :lol:


    @token_male wrote:

    iv not been booted before

    but i would guess that you where probably being abusive or had a stupid name?

    or of course you where just merely in a room and where chatting nicely with no foul language or sexual or offensive comments?

    Like you’d know what a sexual comment was, being as you are just a miniscual token male ( which means token by the fact that you hve very little to offer) As for stupid names ?? Pot, kettle and black spring to mind with such speed it nearly knocked me out..get a life token, or better still end it :roll:


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @sweetasbaileez wrote:

    just like to say cheers to the nob guide who booted me tonite with no warning lmfao.. pretty much standard with jc and it reiterates why i dont use it very often anymore… feel free to post ur grievances… you know you’ll only have hours to do so………… :wink: :wink:

    Dear nob user,

    I am so sorry to hear that the JustChat Staff have applied the site rules (as quoted above) to you as well as to all other users, and I sincerely hope that this went unnoticed by the other chatters. After all, we cannot have them thinking that the rules are actually being applied can we???

    As you know, our Staff are carefully trained to boot users for ”no reason” and it’s good to see that the lessons learnt in training are being rigorously applied.

    Thank you for being an occasional JustChat chatroom user and remember …… we care !!![/quoyes |

    Yes PB we know how much you care..its written all over the place by the delicate digits on your fat hands…. as for me being a nob ?? is it possible when im female…although you being a hermaphrodite, (although a eunoch) i expect you’re just using to looking at people double sexually ( so to speak ) :wink: :P :shock:


    sick of all the tw@ts in here mate tbh.. be they guide reg or retard… :wink: :roll: :shock: :D


    Well if its the pete on my msn…welcome back hun hope ur well, long time no chat…..if not welcome back anyhow :wink: :P


    @squeezy wrote:

    A woman hits her sexual peak at 30 – it is a fact that has been stated for years.

    The only people who say its at 40 are 40 year olds who are trying to make themselves sound more exciting.

    I very much doubt any 40 year old woman who has been in the same relationship for nigh on 20 years feels much like swinging from the chandeliers. :roll: :lol:

    Nobody mentioned anything about being with partners for 20 yrs !! it was just something i watched on tv !! Besides that im bloody 40 and maybe the lack of it makes me think about it more….. still am devasted to know that you think I’m bigging up my own ego squeezy..(although i will say im a shyte hot sh ag ) but hell sex is meant to be exciting and age does come in to it !! When i was younger the thought of oral sex, let alone anything more adventurous was abhorrent….now im older and more aware of what pleases me, im certainly going to encourage the next boyfriend ( lucky him i hear you say :wink: ) and let him know what i like/ dislike. with youth comes insecurity. eg; am i doing it right, will he think im dirty if i say do this ect ect. with age comes a certain degree of self awareness…besides that, i have heard tell of men who prefer their women older…(we know what we’re doing) :wink: :P :shock:

    p.s if you know of any younger men….we’re waiting legs akimbo nipples afloored :P :shock:


    @American Woman wrote:

    Dang! I thought that a woman’s sexual peak was supposed to hit in your 30’s! Are you telling me that I have to wait another 10 fricken years? :evil:


    10 yrs more of practise hun !! :wink:


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    I’d like to claim to be the sexiest man alive – but unfortunately as I am dead …. I can’t.

    If you hadn’t have butchered my post PB I wouldn’t have had to kill you now would I :?: :shock: :P :cry:


    @Lexia Dis wrote:

    @sweetasbaileez wrote:

    @Lexia Dis wrote:

    i wood play with my clitoorish becos that sownds like a lot of fun. Actuuly it wood be good jsut to find out wear it is cos ive never find one befoor

    i’ll show u hun :wink: :P

    Oh my – sweetazbaylees clitoorish was sex inches long – is their sumthing yuo wood lick to tell us??? :shock:

    How many times do I have to tell you Dix…thats my rabbit clit is over here….. :P :wink:

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