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  • #262741

    Right….ty for all your help doa…. can you help me again please ??!!! I went and bought a wireless router today…..the ZyXEL adsl 4 port gateway… it wont let me connect without using the bloody ethernet cable, nor can i add any other of the 2 comps in the house. even though i added them all the exact same way i connected them to the homehub.they previously whats stopping them this time ??……………am getting very pi ssed off with computers at the moment :cry: :oops: :roll:


    @dead_on_arrvial wrote:

    All you need to is.

    Changen the user id and the password on your wirless settings with the new ones from pipex.

    Thats it

    OK so do i need to have the bt homehub set up or the pipex one ??. forgive me if i sound thick. but i actually havent got a clue whether or not i should be connected to BT, even though im now on pipex or i should be using pipex and configuring my homehub !!!! :? :?


    @dead_on_arrvial wrote:

    With your home hub, you got a cd, find it and set it up that or look at

    Foget about the damn “PipX”

    Im on pipex ffs.. just need it configured.. goin on to bt home hub dont help !!!…where are all you pc boffs when i need you ????? :? :?


    @(f)BB46 wrote:

    Am the same as sweet, is there another way that people without the required cards, and accounts can donate plzzz :cry:

    Me thinks we’re a bit sad honey don’t you :wink: :oops: :lol:


    I can’t do it…………… :( :( Im a bad person cos I don’t have a credit card :( :( Is there any way I can donate :?: :?:


    which cd ?? the homehub ?? cos the installation guide for the ppex is only for the ordinary router ???


    Mine’s been great so far :!: Had a lovely lunch date with my gorgeous fella…. But now am at home waiting for a pc know it all to get online and tell me how to configure the homehub………… :roll: Never mind though…… no work til monday and am hhhhhaaaappppppppypyyyyyy :lol: :P


    Best of luck…will check bank and see how much I can spare :wink: :?


    @rainbowbrite wrote:

    Come on spring! I hate F****in’ winter. My bulbs are poking thru the soil :)

    Is that code for ‘the colds playing havoc with your piles :?: ‘ :wink: :P :shock:


    @~*Lucky*~ wrote:

    Council Tax
    House Insurance
    Life Insurance
    Tv Licence
    NTL – phone, cable & broadband
    Gym membership

    and thats before you pay for petrol, food, socialising etc.

    Still worth it Matty to have your own place and a level of independance though. People live to their means so you soon adapt. Don’t forget the housewarming invite :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Same as …. :cry: Bloody direct debits coming out of me ass…but hey ho such is life when you live on the edge pmsl :shock: :P

    Plus obviously car tax, mot, insurance, school trips, clothes…(cos walking around naked would get me sedated and taken back to the nearest salt water reserve….Bless the whale savers :wink: :oops: )…all in all..well worth having a mortgage and kids ………… :( :? :twisted:

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