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    @sharongooner wrote:

    http://[email protected] if we have not added each other already!! 8)

    actually its :oops:

    seen ur site but cant add cos im a bit thick :-) rednotdead01. feel free :P :shock:


    @thunderchick wrote:

    Trust me we beat her black and blue :twisted: :twisted:

    Just been told to let her go,but it hard when your mate is ruining her life.
    She’s 49 and annoyed at me cuz im happy.but if she toned it down would be ok ](*,)

    Gosh sound like agony aunt :roll: :roll: :roll:

    Sounds to me like shes one unhappy lady Thunder :cry: Its hard to realise and accept that life is passing you by and that you feel too ugly and unappreciated to realise that ‘One day someone will realise you’re wonderful :!: :!: ‘. Not that I’m speaking from experience…yet..( although I’m sure it wont be long :!: :!: ) But bless her… Talk to her..tell her she’s special.. and maybe one day she will actually believe it :cry:. Besides that……What the feck do i know. im ginger after all :roll: :roll: :wink: :shock: :lol: Does this make sense..or am i being ginger :? :?


    @smileysfriend wrote:

    It’s been a long time since anything decent has appeared here. Well done, Read, I hope your apology is accepted by those you offended (I am assuming this isn’t some black chic you are trying to shag btw).

    Its not a big issue really is it :?: :?: If people are offended by Read its simply because they don’t know her :!: :!: Shes a lovely girl, and as for your aside as to ‘anything decent’… my guess is its because you havent been around to post interesting comments :roll: :roll:


    @sharongooner wrote:

    I’ll take that as a no then lol!!!!!! :wink:

    Not quite a No..I was trawling ebay :oops: :oops: but I’m wondering if when I take on your kids..will I be allowed to infllict severe punishments IF they do refuse their veg…… :?: :?: My favourite form of child abuse is reruns of I Love Lucy…. :wink: :!: :lol:


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    Bas, I do believe it to be a mistake to constantly hark back to the past, with the benefit of our so-called 20th / 21st Century morality, wringing our hands in an orgy of shame and recrimination.

    By today’s standards some people (only some mind) would consider ‘slavery’ wrong or immoral, but back in the 18th Century (when slavery was rife) it was not considered ‘wrong’. Along came William Wilberforce and his Clapham Sect of evangelising Christians and started his well known campaign to abolish slavery – as far as British ships were concerned. It didn’t find much resonance in America at the time did it?

    But he also fought against the appalling standards in the factories of the time – are we to aplogise for that? He was a founder member and ardent supporter of the Society for the Suppression of Vice, but prostitution still goes on today. Are we to apologise for this as well???

    This business of finding a cause and then campaigning for politicians to ”say sorry” for it is nothing more than a cheap political stunt solely designed to grab the Media headlines.

    Still it suppose it gives the chattering classes something to agonise over …. and keeps them off the streets looking for East European prostitutes.

    Let me shake your hand PB…the voice of reason still lives :!: :!:


    @greebo wrote:

    The latest picture of me – taken in 1895

    Feck off Greebo…we all know your a ginger furry cat :!: :!:


    Did you have a crap day at work too :wink: :lol: @sharongooner wrote:

    @metallica wrote:

    this is me at my last bbq

    omg, that is just sooooo wrong!!!!!!!!! so wrong so wrong so wrong!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: urrrghhhhh :twisted: :wink:

    I must say Sharon..we’re on a roll tonight :!: :!: Did you have a crap day at work too :?: :!: :twisted: :lol:


    @sharongooner wrote:

    @sweetasbaileez wrote:

    Back to the serious stuff……………… Apologise for what exactly :?: :?: Do we hear the south africans saying sorry for the murder of white farmers :?: :twisted: :?: That was the weay of the world back then.. the strong ruled with fists of iron and the weak capitulated.. Except now the roles are reversed and Britain begs for forgiveness on bended knee for doing everything..including giving the British the right to breath :!:

    Including saying sorry for not being a minority…….

    Well we are now aren’t we :!: :!: Except where I live.. we only have one coloured family and they live in the next village (although I have to say its the illegals and lazy barstuds I really really hate ) …… We have no kosovans, poles arabs ect ect…..I love it here :wink: :roll: :!:


    @sharongooner wrote:

    lol@sweets!!!! my fave shop is wilko’s whatever you need its in there :lol: 8)

    I work in a county court, have done since I turned 17 (nearly 17 years!) and we get treated like crap :cry: , but we get 10 and a half days public hols, 30 days leave and flexi time and term time so it kind of makes up for the cr*p salary. There is no reward for loyalty as there used to be for civil servants, infact its the opposite. There are now what they call “hotspots”…. courts that have trouble retaining staff due to low salary are now allowed to offer larger salaries to retain/get staff. Those that are loyal receive lower wages….. whats that all about!!!!!

    Thats enough now…. dont want to talk about work whilst Im socialising lol!!!!!!!

    And I get as cross now as when Im at work, and that is soooo not a good thing :twisted: :wink:

    Join wilkio’s Sharon :!: :!: They’re expanding big time soon..sellling food and even a catalogue selling white goods and furniture is due out soon :!: Plus you get 28 days off a year, cheap holidays…one 8 berth caravan at a haven park in august is costing me 400 quid (with full passes ) Plus I get 13% discount :!: :!: Now I KNOW you’re jealous :!: :twisted: :wink: :P


    @metallica wrote:

    no idea but i did get told off 4 eating most of the guests, maybe its because i drank diet coke too wash them down wiv :oops: :lol: :wink:

    Tut Metallica …doet coke is a well known laxative ffs :!: I’m surprised you didn’t make yourself ill….or atleast clog up your local sewerage system :!: :wink:

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