I totally agree with what you’re saying Oss… but the fact remains.. what do we do ?? do we bow down simply because they have ‘sleeper cells’ in Britain :?: Do we give up on the English way of life because we are too frightened to fight back :?: It boils down to our Immigration System and the fact that we’ve allowed thousands upon thousands of Iraqis into Britain.. this poses the question then, as to whether or not that was their intention all along :?: :!: :? We have to deal with the here and now.. and the now is.. they believe that they are justified in taking our sailors and parading them on Iraqi television, humiliating them and making them admit to ‘whatever’ enforcing the female to cover her head… as they do their own women…. As a country we have no choice but to make a stand.. if we don’t all we’re saying is.. help yourself, dictate what you will.. take what you want.. this can’t happen. We have the backing of the a few very powerful countrys.. surely this stands for something :?: :?:
off to bed now.. will debate more tomorrow night work in the morning xx :wink:
Iraqi Television? Iraqi’s? :?
Glad it wasnt just me then- guess they all look the same!
Iran is a classic example of a people being led by a government into actions the majority of people dont want and are fed continuous propanganda…..oh, isnt that similar to the UK?
Our view of Iran is almost entirely formed by the media and our view of its fundamentalist leaders… we actually know little about its people and their views and we actually care even less about its people or their views.
And for Sweets sake, I dont think we have many Iranian immigrants here.[/quot
A thouand apologies master… may you take the hand i eat with and cover it with excrement… Iranians, Iraqis.. yes there all the same to me.. if one isnt threatening us then the other is back stabbing us.. and as for not having many iranian immigrants ?? where the fook do you live then ?? Iraq ??? :? :? :twisted:
I totally agree with what you’re saying Oss… but the fact remains.. what do we do ?? do we bow down simply because they have ‘sleeper cells’ in Britain :?: Do we give up on the English way of life because we are too frightened to fight back :?: It boils down to our Immigration System and the fact that we’ve allowed thousands upon thousands of Iraqis into Britain.. this poses the question then, as to whether or not that was their intention all along :?: :!: :? We have to deal with the here and now.. and the now is.. they believe that they are justified in taking our sailors and parading them on Iraqi television, humiliating them and making them admit to ‘whatever’ enforcing the female to cover her head… as they do their own women…. As a country we have no choice but to make a stand.. if we don’t all we’re saying is.. help yourself, dictate what you will.. take what you want.. this can’t happen. We have the backing of the a few very powerful countrys.. surely this stands for something :?: :?:
off to bed now.. will debate more tomorrow night work in the morning xx :wink:
How about instead we just kidnap a load of Iraqis…make them admit to being bombers and ‘air’ it on channel 4 on a friday night :twisted: :twisted: :shock: :D :twisted:
That still doesn’t solve the problem of the Iranians having our Navy lads and lass :roll:
Nope… but I didnt say it would did I :?: :!: :roll:
Unfortunaley we are all aware that its just another reason for the Iraqis to spout hatred for anyone not of their ‘ilk’. …another propoganda vote and more reason for them to kill non believers…. Do we need another excuse to bomb them :?: Wasn’t Saddam happy to create a human shield all those years ago :?: :?: They are fanatics…we are atleast slightly more civilized… Iraq will not stop until we conform to them and their beliefs.. I’d happily bomb the fooking lot of them if it meant they realised that we are a country who doesn’t bow down to dictators ……a country who will no longer allow terrorists .( no matter who they are ) to use our people as weapons against us… bring in the SAS…. It’s worked before.. we are a race of rufty tufty hard barstuds who take no prisoners…. or atleast we were… That was the only good thing about Thatcher..atleast she sent the troops in… Its inevitable that there will be a 3rd world war… The middle east has been forcing thast for years and years . I’m happy to blow a few of the tw@ts up if needed…. you may laugh and scorn my opinions.. but I want my kids to grow up free to make their own choices… the way things are going now.. we’re far too scared of upsetting the applecart….. :twisted:
How about instead we just kidnap a load of Iraqis…make them admit to being bombers and ‘air’ it on channel 4 on a friday night :twisted: :twisted: :shock: :D :twisted:
That still doesn’t solve the problem of the Iranians having our Navy lads and lass :roll:
Nope… but I didnt say it would did I :?: :!: :roll:
How about instead we just kidnap a load of Iraqis…make them admit to being bombers and ‘air’ it on channel 4 on a friday night :twisted: :twisted: :shock: :D :twisted:
Not quite a No..I was trawling ebay :oops: :oops: but I’m wondering if when I take on your kids..will I be allowed to infllict severe punishments IF they do refuse their veg…… :?: :?: My favourite form of child abuse is reruns of I Love Lucy…. :wink: :!: :lol:
You may of course punish them with any means you think fit the crime lol…. if they dont eat the carrot they will have to face the consequences lol!!!!
They drive me mad, cos they totally understand the concept of healthy eating, but just wont partake in the actions!!
Pretty much standard for kids tbh !!! But hey ho !! We still love them :!: :!: I’ve been pretty lucky with my kids and their greens…. might be something to do with the fact that their mums a bit of a cabbage though…………. :? :? :wink:
What I really really hate ..is people who break wind whilst you’re eating :-… :-… Absolutely fu cking filthy and I would like to kill everyone who has the bad manners to do that :twisted: :twisted: :evil:
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