Peds ?? my JC babe who I flirted with and had fun with…….. My heart hurts cos I miss him already…… be happy Peds.. You deserve it … to say I’m gutted would be a lie……to say my heart hurts would be true…………………….. RIP to the best Guide JC has ever known xxx Wasn’t He just the greatest laugh Mims .. and How lucky were you babe xxxx
Ped was another highly amusing Jc member who had a lot to say………… I will miss his witty rhetoric posts…………. sweet dreams Ped……….if theres a heaven up there.. make sure you have my name on the admittance card :wink:
He would become a huge white elephant. A danger to himself and a danger to his colleagues. And this country would become the laughing stock of the world if he were to be captured and paraded for all to see.
Exactly my sentiment fast……. I doubt that many people who join the armed forces really consider fighting war as a definitive part of their chosen career paths..(in the sense that they dream of killing hundreds of Iraqis, Iranians ect ect)……… It is a career choice, a chance to see the world and get paid for it…. Oss will be able to answer that question as he is a member of the forces..Yes I know war is a possibility for some soldiers, raf and sailors.. but is it really something you think about as a reason TO enlist :?:
I’m not denying Bad that the war has been going on long before Harry enlisted… my concerns are for the safety of the troop he will be leading.. as Fast so eloquently put it…this country will become a laughing stock if he is captured…. the moral of our boys out there would be damaged beyond reasonable repair….admittedly it was a career path that Harry himself chose, and the M.O.D were reckless to allow him to join…. Isn’t Willia also enlisted :?: What will happen if he also goes to Iraq :?: You are blinded by your own sense of superiority Bad, to imagine that Harry won’t be a major target and that Iraqis all over the country won’t be offering huge bountys to the soldier who takes him alive….. the rest of his troop will be slaughtered..after first setting up the web cam so they can show us how much they made them suffer beforehand…
We as a nation have to think of the ripple effect that Harry being killed or captured will cause… He (no matter what you think) is not just an ordinary soldier.. He is a member of the Royal Family and 3rd in line to the throne… the impact that his capture would have worldwide would cause (in my opinion) WW3, involving country after country on both sides to use more deadlier weaponry .After all could England seriously let the Iraqis to ‘get away’ with the ‘murder’ of Diana’s son :?:
So @ Bad for me to be talking nonsense only reinforces your lack of foresight… you may think you know best…. its good that you hold beliefs, be they as thoughtless as they obviously are, but it has little to do with him being a soldier and all to do with repurcussions, and i can’t help thinking that the soldiers going to war with him are not too happy about being made prime targets for more then being British soldiers now
Of course he should be allowed to lead his men. It’s what he’s trained to do, and I’m sure that’s what he wants to do.
The Army knew when he signed up that he could be placed in a situation like this.
:? :? :shock: :? I beg to differ.. I guarantee that if for one crazy moment the Royal family had any idea that Harry would be put in this position… under no circumstances would they agree to the 3rd in line to the throne…especially after all the sh ite about Diana ( cheers al fayed) being put in a position where his life was endangered .correct me if I’m wrong ) :wink: :wink: :shock: :roll:
Now UKIP are no longer around I don’t know who I’ll vote for…I agree with stopping imigration and stopping benefits for immigrants… but whos going to follow those ideals through :? :? :? I want them to take a tougher stand on heroin and crack dealers… but half the time they’re not prosecuted through lack of evidence or the CPS decide its against public interest (whatever that means) :twisted: :twisted: :roll:
No Im afraid….. He would be an absolutley fantastic prize for the Iraqis to win and imagine how they would parade their victory online and on tv..Harry would be tortured live….He would be made to say things about Queen and country ..the damage this would do to the moral of our troops (who shouldnt even be there in the first place) and the monarchy would be irrepairable…..( not to mention the fact that it would forever destroy our vision of him.) He would be the main focus of any attacks from Iraq and even though Andrew fought in the Falklands…. It was a totally different war not involving fanatics and nutters. Harry needs to think of the troop he will be leading.. although they will be in enough danger as it is…with Harry leading them their danger will be a thousand times more so…………….
Just my opinion…but one I think will be shared by many just because of the danger he will inflict on others surrounding him
I’m even worse Slayer…. I’ve traced my family tree back to the 11th century where it turns out I’m a descendant of Piers de Byrmingham…quite a posh bloke who was a friend of the English King… so much so in fact that He gave him lands in both Ireland and France….So I’m probably more English than you….. :!: :!: :shock: Am considering going to both Ireland and France to ask for my bloody lands back..where I can grow potatoes, drink poteen or crush grapes to my hearts content (Do you think it was cos he was in ireland and he drank the fecking money away :?: :?: :shock: )
You’re definitely more English than me Sweets as me dads side traces back to Wales only 4 generations ago! But I’m English to the core which is really my point
As for going back to France to ask for your lands back! good luck, but they’ll expect an apology for Agincourt, Crecy n Dunkirk
Welsh :?: :?: Never mind mate :!: :wink: ….Isn’t it amazing what you find on the WWW :!: I even have a posh coat of arms…though I dont wear it too often as i look lik an epileptic octopus in it :oops: :wink: :lol: Being English is as much a state of mind..if you’re born here and you work to better yourself in this country, pay your taxes and put back into the kitty..then you have as much right to call yourself English as anyone…(excpet the Queen cos she’s a bloody german ) :wink: :shock: :lol:
when tony blairs mafia adopt sharia law.[and it could well happen if were not careful] we wont have to worry if the average muslm is in favour of violence because the average law abiding hard working muslim wont have a say in the matter the mad mullahs and the bomb happy power freaks will be in charge.
if the average muslim is more law abiding etc why do we never see any posts or blogs or news articles with these people calling for a stop to the murder and hatred being spread on their behalf. if the bnp can have a say the muslim people should stand up and say loud and clear that they dont want violence. but they never will because WE will be dhimni soon and WE will be the ones fighting for freedom on our own streets because WE have bent over backwards to accomodate them, and crawled on our bellies to the far right muslim leaders FOR FAR TOO LONG im no racist but religion should have no say in politics or any decision made to placate to anyone living in this country no matter what the excuse.
Superbly Written Waspish =D> =D> =D>
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