@rexdeus wrote:
Maybe…. but one poem out of the blue is not exactly stalking…
would you think so?
secondly we were always on good terms…It was I that faded away out of her life…
I try not to have any regrets in life… Let’s hope that she did take a step back and reassess her life.. doubtful though.. after all women are the superior breed and it is only the faults and flaws in men that are visible to the naked eye…. :wink:
Truthfully however an ex of mine once wrote me a beautiful poem and i still cherish his words to this day…sadly he was a bit of a walkover ..and I knew I could never be the person he wanted me to be…(why is it that people fall in love with you..then set about to turn you into someone else :?: :roll: ) Maybe you should have told her how you felt or atleast let her know it was you who had written the poem…Or was it fear of rejection that stoppped you admitting anything :?: ..I’m not belittling you.. just curious to understand why you hid yourself