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  • #126327

    How do you know your system has been infected with a virus, if your AV client does not recognise this virus?. I’m confused.


    Boot from the installation disc, delete both partitions and then format your HDD using the NTFS. Once the format has completed reinstall windows and all system drivers.

    It is very easy to do.


    Titanias is 100% correct here, the messages your recieving are called messenger spam.


    @dragonfly1 wrote:

    The above is correct, pre Windows XP, a start-up or system disk was used for this purpose. Another way, you can format the drive is if you add the drive as a slave. You can then format the drive by going to my computer and right clicking on the drive, looking down the list you will see the word format , click on that. To format the drive.

    You can boot from the XP installation disc and format the HDD.


    @dead_on_arrvial wrote:

    Your line is only about 44 kps, your virus cheaker is slowing the system down, its looking at everything. swich it to e-mail only when on line. Then run ant virus at end of internet use. Its an old problem, best they to stop it is to get broadband


    If your AV scanner is running in the background on a three month old computer there should be no problems concerning RAM.

    If your AV scanner is scanning the system and incoming data from a dial up connection at 44kbs dont you think that scanning the system and a broadband connection of incoming data at say 512 kbs would take more RAM resources?

    Your not making sense.

    Dont turn your AV scanner off ffs.


    It obviously sounds like you have config problems on drive F.

    I dont care what anyone says i dont like running two OS on the same HDD dual or basic. Im not knocking you it’s just my personal choice to keep all OS on a seperate HDD.

    I have two OS on my system and i config my system like this. I never have any issues like you’ve experienced.

    C:=Program files for XP.
    E:= Windows XP OS.
    F:=External HDD with Linux Redhat OS.

    I use Acronis for my HDD management.


    No you cant format from the BIOS however you can boot from the XP installation CD.

    Enter your BIOS/CMOS and configure your computer to boot from your CD drive and not your HDD. Now place your XP installation disc into the drive and save the changes and exit.

    When your computer restarts it will recognise the XP disc as non emulating disc and you will be given the option to boot from the disc by pressing any button. You will now be able to format your HDD from there. I have always been able to format the complete HDD using this method.

    You should have no problems formating your HDD by booting from the disc.

    If the above does’nt work you can always force your comp to format a drive through Disk management.


    No soulie but whoever ‘please beat me’ is, is very frustratingly good. If you beat him/her i’ll take me hat off to you. There are some seriously good players here but they normally tend to hang in the 3-5 minute games.

    I look forward to playing you sometime Soulie.


    Hopefully i’ll get to challenge you one day soulie. If you been on instantchess have you met an opponent called ‘please beat me’?


    If you want to test your firewall is working as it should go here and scan your systems ports.

    Hackerwatch are an anti hacking community.

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