Griff what a blo ody good game today b4 i go on about me day at the game i have to say gerrard why when he is so good at what he does be so dirty thers no need for it and the whole of liverpool was looking for him to get the game up but all he done was look at the grass no liverpool didnt play cra p the truth is we was all over them its been no i lie in fact iv never seen birmingham play any team off the pitch like they did liverpool im not gloting you no i aint like that but im full of pride me lads played so well heskie never stoped our new lad pandirni ffs i hope we can keep him he is 1 hell of a player not 1 player let our side down ivnot long got back went pub after :roll: bad luck in 1 way you did look like you was on a up but i carnt take away the way blues played they was fantastic