To be slightly serious for a moment Cath, I was fat once as well. I weighed 18 1/2 stone but luckily at 6’3” it didn’t show up too much and playing Rugby every week kept it sort of under control. When I stopped playing at 51 I put on a bit more weight and got quite porky.
It was when I looked closely at photos of myself in a swimming costume I realised that I needed a good few swipes with a bacon slicer. So I resolved to get myself back into a sensible shape. It is actually really easy. You simply eat less. That’s all there is to it.
forget about faddy diest. forget about calorie controlled foods, weight watchers, pille, potions, injections and all that rubbish. You simply only eat as much as your body can consume by the next meal time.
So I don’t eat breakfast, small snack for lunch (when I can be bothered) and one course for supper. Works for me. it’s all down to how strong minded you are. Mind over burger as it were.
Now I am down to a more sensible 13 stone and have been for several years.
Why does everyone assume that if ur fat u eat all the time .. thats totally wrong majority of ppl are fat thru illness etc .. good for u PB too relise that u were a large man and done sumthing about it =D> …
i just cant imagine shagging some fat bloke with his fat all swinging around , yuk!
sorry people but fat isnt nice, its well nasty. Eat healthy and stay slim!
Cool name, Dear Prudence…. one of my fave songs!
But back on topic a little man started this part against women, so hence the feriousecness (spl) of the replies!!!!!
Me too….. Justin Timbelbrick ever time :wink: :wink: :wink:
Against women???? I have never once said that this thread is against women. I honestly dont think that a slim woman would want to have a sexual relationship with a fat man just as much as a slim bloke would’nt want to have a relationship with a fat woman.
Suzy hit the nail right on the head?
just as much as a slim bloke would’nt want to have a relationship with a fat woman.???? ]…thats where ya wrong fasty u should take care in what ya saying and research into these things before saying that …. ive done mine and the amount of slim men do like the larger lady cause they like sumthing to hold rather then skin and bones … Granted everyone aint the same and thats entirely up to them but get ya facts right before saying anything u know nowt about …
im a big person and in loveeeeeee in the real world …. fasty wants to go and get a real life outside of Jc and see ppl for what they are …. wether ur skinny or fat we are all the same inside and statistics show majority of men like the bigger woman granted some dont but thats entirely up to them thats there opinion …. But for sumone to sit behind a screen and take the mick thats not right … i got one saying… fat ppl can go on a diet thats cheep but hell if ya a ugly begger like sunny says fasty u need plastic surgery and thats very expensive….Fasty what if the person u talk too all the time was really fat she knows who it is and this is just a example no offence meant at all to that person what wud u do then fasty???just brush her aside then thats very shallow .. my mate is a large lady and is married with 4 kids and her hubby cud be a male model he wasnt bothered about her weight so fasty u shudnt be and dont condemn the person that is … he’s just looking for a fight again like he always does 8)
hiya all … thanks for the birthday wishes was lovely of u all too do that really do love you all xxxxxx….. and yea pats u have mentioned that im older then u now lol quite a few times lmao …. and cowb that butt wow hehehe having palpations here no wonder ej comes back with a smile on her face lol .. so u all take care now cyas laters bye :lol: :lol: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i wasnt bothered wat ppl thought of me cos i told the truth b4 i met them that im a ugly fart :lol:… i went to the newcastle meet had a great time apart from 1 person id seen all of there pics and they were just like they were in the room daft as a brush hehe… haway fasty they are what u make them on the night if ya going to sit like a miserable git well ur not going to enjoy it …. looking for pubs and chinese dont that happen on a regular saturday night jaunt :D … roll on the brum meet and sunny i’ll drink ya under that table :lol: