Suckers do a 40 to 50 hour week
For Example… thin ice probably almost certainly has worked for well in excess of 40 years, yes you’ve guessed it, after 4 long decades of scrapping by still has nothing to show for it. Working his fingers to the bone sweating like his offspring in a straight club.
For fabulous people like myself that have a decent car, villa abroad and a healthy bank balance, for sitting on my behind raking it in ( raking it in as in not hard manual labour like this chap above has done for 40 years ) Concluding his true iq of – 0.
He is so angry about us people that double his monthly income by doing notta, it angers him that much he just couldn’t wait to share his iq on this subject.
So if he keeps killing himself with hard manual labour earning half as much as we do on a monthly basis, shouldn’t he not show his true thoughts on this with thee old and i quote ” to LOOSE their benefits ” < NOT LOSE MIND YOU LOOSE > To then also state and i quote ” i’m not against benefits per say ” lol whose he trying to kid
Sara love put this lunatic back in his box.