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  • #449729

    This is MARK.. for Pixel and any1 else who wishes to be a part of this whole sordid mess……. Yes i am usuing Stephs account as i do not have 1 of my own…..Pixel you are 1 sad person if you have nothing better to do that check IP addresses… how sad is that….. the picture you have i have no idea as to where you got it from all i can say is that you have arranged all this as you want to be the centre of attention…… as for Steph using another site well the only 1 i know of is treetop chat… was you in there as well… spreading crap!!!! I will not be reading any more of this drivel….. i am sorry to say im disgusted with 1 persons behaviour and i will not subject my family or stephs to this ordeal.. Pixel i know you will read this so please do every 1 a big favour go get a life…. I wish to also add a big sorry to those who have sent nice messages… shame on pixel thats all


    SO SO Sorry to hear about Chrissie….. she was a good friend to me … my deepest condolences to all her family…. :cry: Stephi


    Congratulations Bunny,,,, you both look fab,, hope that you will both be very happy and that you are recovering well…. best wishes to you both love Stephi & Mark & Jack xxx


    Ketts she is beautiful… so pleased for you and the family…. Kayla is a lovely name xxxx all best wishes from Stephi ,Mark & Jack xxxx


    Congrats Born she is so lovely… a nice pressie for xmas xxxx Stephi


    Merry Christmas BB and a great New Year…. Love Stephi , Mark & Jack xxx


    Happy Birthday Tinks lots of love Stephi, Mark, & Jack xxxx


    Sorry to hear that you are leaving Jadey… i wish you and your future hubby all the very best… take good care of yourselves xxxxxStephi


    For JenJen,,, a little prayer of hope given to me but i thought that you may like it as well hun xxxxx


    Hope is a bright shining light which keeps darkness at bay,
    hope is a gentle cold breeze on a hot summers day,
    hope is to remain positive when the going gets tough,
    hope is seeking more when others think you have had enough,
    hope is the sparkle of the tears in our eyes,
    hope is a beautiful thing, and beautiful never dies,
    hope is umbiquitous,and free of cost,
    hope the last thing ever lost.

    keep smiling Love Stephi xx


    A big thankyou to you all xxxx

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